Portugal banned employers from harassing employees outside of working hours

Euronews: Portuguese employers to be fined for calls to employees outside office hours … This is reported by Euronews. As stated in the ruling Socialist Party, the new rules were adopted in response to an increase in the number of citizens working from home amid the coronavirus pandemic. It is noted that Portuguese employers will be fined for calls and messages to subordinates during non-working hours. The Portuguese authorities also ordered companies to pay residents' electricity bills, as the amount of payments increases due to remote work. At the same time, the new measures will not apply to firms with less than ten employees. Portugal's Labor and Social Security Minister Ana Mendes Godinho stressed that the rise in popularity of teleworking could “change the rules of the game” by taking advantage of this trend. In August, Finnish labor law professor Seppo Koskinen called an employer's demand for inform the employee

The Kremlin spoke about the need for a meeting between Putin and Biden

Peskov: Russia and the United States understand the need for a meeting between the presidents, but there are no exact dates yet Russia and the United States understand that there is a need for a meeting presidents of the two countries Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. However, there are no clear terms yet, said the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov. The quote is given by RIA Novosti. “There is an understanding that a meeting is needed, that communication is needed between two presidents, and that communication should be continued, but there are no clear deadlines yet,” the Kremlin answered the question of whether whether the meeting of politicians will be held in early 2022. White House spokesman Karin Jean-Pierre also replied that she has nothing to announce about any meeting. Past talks between Putin and Biden were held June 16 in Geneva at the Villa La Grange.

The Kremlin commented on the interruptions in the supply of food in Primorye

Peskov: the issue of supply disruptions to the Far East is under Putin's control interruptions in the supply of food and other goods to a number of regions of the Far East is under the personal control of Vladimir Putin and the government is taking measures, RIA Novosti reports. the last weeks by the international logistic crisis ”. According to Peskov, first of all, we are talking about post-like manifestations in the world economy. Commenting on the information that appeared in the media, the Kremlin spokesman admitted that the ports in Primorye are overloaded, the infrastructure is struggling to cope, since the cargo traffic has increased by several times, primarily due to imports. On Tuesday, November 9, Kommersant reported problems with the supply of food and other goods in a number of Primorye regions – Sakhalin, Magadan Region, Kamchatka Territory and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug … The latter, for example, dealt

In Kazakhstan, questions have arisen regarding the sale of a block of shares of “Samruk-Energo” to the UAE

BFM.ru: Kazakhstan is going to sell to the UAE 49% of shares of the country's largest energy company joint projects, which was signed as part of the working trip of Prime Minister of the Republic Askar Mamin to the UAE on October 9-10, 2021. At the first stage, Arab investors will be sold 49 percent of the shares of the largest energy company in Kazakhstan – Samruk-Energo. BFM.ru informs about it. The sale of Samruk-Energo's block of shares owned by the National Welfare Fund of Kazakhstan is just one of the points of an intergovernmental agreement worth over $ 6 billion. The main partner of Kazakhstan in the implementation of the agreement is the Abu Dhabi Sovereign Fund. The portal writes that it is not clear how much Arab investors will pay for 49 percent of Samruk-Energo, which includes the main coal mining enterprises, heat and hydroelectric power plants in

It will be easier for some Russians to receive pensions

Ministry of Labor: starting in 2023, survivors' pensions will be awarded without an application From 2023, survivor benefits will be awarded without an application. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Labor. The ministry clarified that under the new rules, insurance pensions in case of loss of breadwinner and social pensions in case of loss of breadwinner to minors will be assigned from the date of death of the breadwinner on the basis of information from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) and the Unified State Register. “You will not need to submit an application for the appointment of such pensions,” the Ministry of Labor emphasized. So far, in the event of the death of a parent or if he is recognized as missing, the child's representatives write a statement to the territorial body of the PFR. Earlier, the PFR named

Activists reacted to the idea of ​​Roskomnadzor to ban the screening of LGBT films

Russian activists reacted to the idea of ​​Roskomnadzor to limit the display of LGBT films films in online cinemas under the pretext of content in the pictures of scenes of “sexual deviations”. His words are quoted by the radio station “Moscow speaking.” “This has already been extended to LGBT content. A number of Western films that have been shown on the Russian market are already censored. Scenes of same-sex relationships were cut out of them. It seems to me that this will be a step towards the actual legal framework of what is already happening in Russia, “the activist noted. He also added that this decision of Roskomnadzor may become another attempt to regulate social and cultural life. “We will just turn into some kind of absurdity. Now they are looking for new topics in order to distract the attention of the people from other problems, “Alekseev summed up. deviation

Moscow region cafes and restaurants subsidize the costs of marketplaces

Cafes and restaurants in the Moscow Region subsidize up to half of the cost of marketplaces The Ministry of Investment of the Moscow Region has expanded the list of enterprises for which a subsidy for marketplace services is available. This was reported by the press service of the ministry. “Catering companies are allowed to participate in the competitive selection to compensate for the costs of marketplaces. For entrepreneurs engaged in this area, support will be extremely relevant, since during the period of restrictions in force in the region, many were forced to switch to Internet sites. We are ready to reimburse up to 50 percent of the costs associated with this process, “said the Minister of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Yekaterina Zinovieva. payment for marketplace services this year. The program is attended by Yandex.Eda, OZON, Wildberries, AliExpress Russia, Avito, LesnoyResurs.rf, Fair of Masters, Yandex.Market, Detsky Mir.

Japan will discuss the possibility of military strikes on enemy bases

Nikkei: the Japanese government intends to discuss military strikes on enemy bases emergency. The discussion will take place as part of the revision of the National Security Strategy. This is reported by the local edition Nikkei with reference to its sources. Related materials 15:35 – September 16 The United States, Britain and Australia have united in a military bloc. What tasks will the new alliance solve? 00:02 – October 15 A perfect storm. China and the US are pulling military forces into the South China Sea. How will the battle for dominance in the region end? The discussion is scheduled to begin after the elections to the House of Councilors (the upper house of the Japanese parliament), which will take place in the summer of 2022. According to the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida, voter approval for such changes was obtained in the