In the Russian region, teenagers were tied to a chair and beaten to death of a pensioner

In the Tomsk region, teenagers made their way into the pensioner's apartment and beat him to death In the Tomsk region, two teenagers entered the pensioner's apartment, tied him to a chair and beat him to death. After that, the minors stole the property of an elderly man and fled with him, according to the website of the regional investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. It all happened on November 4 in the village of Voronovo, Kozhevnikovsky district, in an apartment of one of the high-rise buildings. The suspects in the murder were quickly identified. They turned out to be fellow villagers of the deceased, who are only 15 and 16 years old. “During the arrest, the suspects confessed, explaining that they entered the victim's apartment with the aim of stealing his property,” the report says. A criminal case has been initiated under part 1 of Article 105

The State Duma supported the draft of a new basic law on regional power

The State Duma adopted in the first reading the draft law on regional power in Russia The State Duma adopted in the first reading the draft new basic law on regional power, which defines the powers of the subjects, and also lifts the ban for governors to be elected for more than two consecutive terms. This was reported on the Duma website. The bill submitted to the State Duma by Senator Andrei Klishas and Deputy Pavel Krasheninnikov was prepared to develop the norms of the Constitution in a unified system of public power. It is aimed at improving the organization of public authority in the constituent entities.

The Russians were offered to take away the cars because of the garbage

The Federation Council supported a bill that toughens the punishment for landfills in the forest garbage dumps in forest zones, Parlamentskaya Gazeta reports. The document was developed by lawmakers from the Moscow region. Its authors pointed out that the number of unauthorized dumps in Russian forests continues to increase, and the punishment for this method of waste disposal is disproportionate to the damage caused. The new bill provides for an increase in the corresponding fine for individuals to 3-5 thousand rubles. It is also proposed to introduce a norm that will deprive violators of vehicles – this measure will be applied in case of repeated violations. The right to take away cars will be given to the police. It is believed that tightening measures will significantly improve the environmental situation in the country. Earlier it became known that, on average, every Russian in 2020 threw 453.4 kilograms of garbage, which

In St. Petersburg, a deliveryman knocked down a child in the yard, promised to help with treatment and disappeared

In St. Petersburg, a food delivery man hit a child, promised financial assistance in treatment, and fled Petersburg, promised his relatives to financially help with treatment and disappeared after fleeing Russia. On Tuesday, November 9, Fontanka writes about this in its Telegram channel. The incident took place on August 18. Ulukbek Ysmayilov knocked down an eight-year-old girl in the courtyard of an apartment building. The young man offered to take the child to the nearest hospital. The victim's grandmother agreed, fearing that the ambulance and the police would take a long time to get to the accident site. Then the second-grader was still able to move independently. In the medical institution it turned out that the child received a compression fracture of seven vertebrae. The 25-year-old delivery man promised that he would provide financial assistance, was in touch for some time, and after learning the amount of treatment – 150

The actress who lost 35 kilograms named exercises that help to lose weight

Actress Rebel Wilson, who has lost 35 kilograms, named walking as her favorite workout kilograms of excess weight over the past year, revealed the secret of her weight loss. TODAY Health publishes an interview with her. The 41-year-old celebrity named exercises that helped her lose weight. The TV star drew attention to the fact that people often resort to overly exhausting and ineffective workouts. “Many people think that you need to exercise constantly so that the body hurts, but in fact, it is not very good for health,” she said. According to Wilson, many hours of walking helped her achieve an ideal figure. The actress noted that while walking, she listens to podcasts or music. “Our body is designed for such movements. I am glad that there is such an activity that can be performed anywhere in the world “, – explained the heroine of the material and added that

Polish general warned of the possibility of opening fire on illegal immigrants at the border

General Roman Polko: the military can open fire on violators on the border with Poland … General and former head of the GROM airborne unit Roman Polko on the air of Radio Maryja warned about such a possibility. He stressed that the shooting could be an adequate response to an attempt to illegally break through the border. Related materials 16:12 – November 8 Hundreds of migrants break through to Poland from Belarus. Polish troops are pulled together to the border and prepare for defense00: 02 – July 14 “He called himself the savior of Europe” Lithuania was flooded with refugees. What awaits the EU and how is Lukashenka involved in this? The general believes that the current migration crisis on the Belarusian border is an open aggression against NATO by the regime of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “Belarus is openly pushing illegal migrants to destroy the infrastructure of our border

The police caught the suspects in the murder of the Moscow region businessman Ike

Police detained two suspects in the murder of businessman Gaik Harutyunyan in the Moscow region finding out who owns the car on which the criminals fled. This was reported on Tuesday, November 9, by Telegram-channel 112. According to the Telegram-channel, police found a car in the suburbs in which the killers of businessman Hayk Harutyunyan, nicknamed Hayk, were moving. The car belongs to the Reutov logistics company. Its director said that the car was rented out to transport building materials. Thus, law enforcement officers found out the tenants of the vehicle. Earlier it was reported that on November 8, a man with a gunshot wound to the chest was found in the summer kitchen in a private house in the village of Golyevo. According to preliminary data, the killer I made my way into the house and shot 61-year-old Hayk Harutyunyan from the sawn-off shotgun of an IZH-27. The criminals

The man attacked a passerby, tried to get into a police car and died

Verdens Gang: an unknown man with a knife attacked a police patrol in Oslo An unknown man tried to attack passers-by with a knife and attacked the patrol in Oslo. The newspaper Verdens Gang writes about this. According to the newspaper, a man stood in the middle of a street in the Bislett district of the Norwegian capital, and then pushed a passerby in the back. In the hands of the criminal was an object that looked like a knife. According to eyewitnesses, the unknown person could have attacked other people. The police patrol who arrived at the scene tried to stop him, but failed: the man almost got into the car. As a result, one of the officers was wounded. The police had to shoot an unknown person in order to finally arrest him. The man was taken to hospital, where he later died. Now the police are looking

Fitness Lover Lives To 100 And Reveals The Secret To Longevity

100-year-old long-liver from Great Britain reveals the secret of exercising regularly This is reported by Grimsby Live. Related materials00: 07 – June 6, 2018 “I blame the devil” smoke and gluttony, but nothing takes them 00:06 – 23 January 2019 “She has a hunter's gait” secret. They are still trying to uncover her Edna Lindley turned 100 in October 2021. The centenarian celebrated a momentous date surrounded by family and friends. She believes that she managed to live to such a venerable age thanks to regular sports. “I love going to workouts. I feel much better after going to the gym, “said the birthday girl. The woman has always loved an active lifestyle, but at the age of 88 she began to have serious health problems. She had to undergo heart valve replacement surgery. After recovering, she decided to exercise regularly and still goes to fitness classes every Wednesday in

The main victims of coronavirus in Russia named

Kommersant: exporters suffered more from covid than domestic companies in the domestic market. The main victims were named by the Center for Economic and Financial Research and Development of the Russian School of Economics (CEFIR NES), writes Kommersant. The survey was conducted in June-November 2020. It was attended by 928 exporting companies and 344 organizations supplying similar products to the Russian domestic market. The negative impact of the pandemic was noted by 72 percent of those surveyed. The drop in exporters' sales was 17 percent, in the domestic market – five percent. In addition, revenue growth was more common in the domestic market. Among all survey participants, 36 percent complained about delays in the supply of components. Moreover, problems arose when importing products from abroad and on the domestic market. Sellers of exported goods were more likely to encounter refusals from buyers. Exporters found themselves more exposed to risks due