Russians will receive paper certificates of vaccination against COVID-19

Mishustin: paper certificates of vaccination against COVID-19 can be obtained from November 16 19 from 16 November at the MFC. This was announced by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. His words are quoted on the website of the government. Mishustin stressed that for many citizens the paper version of the certificate is more convenient than the electronic one, therefore a corresponding decree was signed. The Prime Minister gave instructions to the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Health, which must approve the procedure for obtaining a certificate. From November 8, Russians can receive new certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, medical contraindications to it or a past illness. The document is available in English and Russian, and can be obtained in paper and electronic form.

Poland accused Belarus of obstructing humanitarian aid to migrants

President of Poland Duda: Belarus blocked the delivery of humanitarian aid for migrants at the border on the Belarusian-Polish border. He stated this after a meeting in Warsaw, RIA Novosti writes. According to him, the Polish authorities had already sent convoys with humanitarian aid, but Minsk blocked the border and did not allow the delivery of goods for migrants. “These cargoes are all the time close to the Polish-Belarusian border, they are ready to deliver them to Belarus every minute, but the Belarusian regime does not want them from us,” Duda stressed. On November 8, a group of illegal migrants from the Middle East gathered at the Belarusian-Polish border and tried to overcome the border obstacles. According to the Polish government, the number of the refugee crowd reached three to four thousand people. Warsaw also noted that the camp of illegal immigrants is guarded by Belarusian security forces. The migration

The head of the Ministry of Health spoke about the results of non-working days

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: non-working days helped to turn the situation with COVID-19 introduced in Russia in connection with the spread of COVID-19. This was reported in the government's Telegram channel. According to the Minister of Health, the introduction of non-working days made it possible to turn the tide with the coronavirus. According to him, over the past two weeks, the increase in the number of cases has decreased. Murashko also noted that 3.7 million Russians were vaccinated during non-working days. In total, 62 million people were vaccinated with the first component of the vaccine. Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that measures to combat coronavirus were strengthened throughout the country, testing was increasing. He said that in five constituent entities of Russia, regional authorities have extended the non-working day regime, taking into account the recommendations of sanitary doctors and the epidemiological situation on their territory.

The State Duma supported the bill on the abolition of mandatory technical inspection

State Duma deputies adopted in the first reading a bill on the abolition of mandatory vehicle inspection State Duma deputies adopted in the first reading a bill on the abolition of personal vehicle inspection. This was reported on the Duma website. In accordance with the document, cars and motor vehicles belonging to citizens, as well as those used for personal purposes, are exempted from mandatory technical inspection. In addition, the bill does not apply to taxis and other vehicles that are used to transport passengers. A technical inspection will be required when registering, changing the owner, changing the design or replacing the main units.

In Russia, it was proposed to call opponents of vaccination terrorists

Virologist Pyotr Chumakov proposed to write opponents of vaccination as “terrorists” Opponents of vaccination against coronavirus in Russia should be called terrorists. Virologist Pyotr Chumakov made such a proposal, reports in his Telegram channel. Citizens refusing to be vaccinated against coronavirus pose a threat to Russian society and the entire country. There are many deaths on the conscience of opponents of vaccination, the virologist is sure. In addition, Chumakov does not support those doctors and professors who justify Russians who refuse to be vaccinated. Previously, a member of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Alexei Kurinny said that the introduction of compulsory vaccination will not in any way affect the statistics on COVID-19 in Russia. It is necessary to act by other methods, he believes.

Зеленый автомобильный тоннель с окнами показали с воздуха (видео)

Зеленый тоннель с большими окнами наверху называют самым красивым в провинции Гуанчжоу. Его строительство завершилось в 2000 году. На него было потрачено 180 миллионов юаней (около 28 миллионов долларов). Екатерина Гура

BadComedian responded to the proposal to ban perverted films

BadComedian film critic was outraged by the proposal to ban movies with sexual deviations RKN) to prohibit the showing in online cinemas of films and TV series with “nontraditional sexual relations and sexual deviations.” In an interview with, he called the proposal outrageous. “Let's start by banning the screening of murders, completely remove all films with murders, with theft, where there is some kind of violence,” the blogger said. He was also outraged that, from his point of view, the regulator considers adult Russians incapable of deciding what to watch and what they are interested in. The blogger considered the proposal outrageous and stressed that if information about the sexual perversion is reliable, then “it's time to cry, no longer.” Earlier, Roskomnadzor proposed to ban online screening of films with sexual perversion. Punishment for such violations is proposed to be established by analogy with the current article 6.21 of