British Army to introduce sexual consent training

The Times: UK to provide sexual consent training for recruits British Army recruits will be given sexual consent training as part of the plan to combat harassment and violence. The innovation became known to The Times following a meeting of British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace with members of the Army Council. Related materials 00:01 – July 20 Loss of values. What made Poland and Hungary go against the whole of Europe and start fighting LGBT and liberals? 00:01 – September 6 “Hands away from our rights! ”How quarantine in Europe led to riots and protests against vaccination The Defense Minister called the meeting after a report on the treatment of women in the armed forces, prepared by a parliamentary commission led by Conservative MP Sarah Atherton. It reported that nearly two-thirds of women experienced bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination while serving in the military. However, almost 40 percent of 993

The expenses of foreign tourists in Russia are calculated

A foreign tourist spent an average of 15.8 thousand rubles on one trip to Russia in 2020 Expenses of foreign tourists in Russia for 2020 decreased by 74 percent and amounted to $ 2.9 billion (205.8 trillion rubles). Interfax writes about this with reference to the data of the Central Bank. It is noted that the data refer to the item of the balance of payments “Travel”, which includes the total expenses of foreign citizens temporarily staying in Russia. In 2020, the average spending by non-residents per trip amounted to $ 223 (15.8 thousand rubles), which is 28.1 percent less than in 2019. The number of visits to the country also decreased – 12.8 million, which is 63 percent less than the indicator of the same pre-pandemic year. In the total export of services under the item “Travel”, CIS countries (not members of the EAEU) are in the lead –

Mishustin gave instructions on additional restrictions due to COVID-19 in the regions

Mishustin instructed the heads of regions to introduce additional restrictions, if necessary. The corresponding instruction was given by the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin, reports TASS. He also called for strict control over the observance of the restrictions already imposed. “Colleagues, I ask you to closely monitor the situation and make decisions promptly, actively work with the chief sanitary doctors in the regions. It is very important to strictly monitor compliance with restrictive measures. If necessary, jointly develop additional necessary measures, “the head of the Cabinet of Ministers said. Mishustin asked the governors to pay special attention to increasing the rate of vaccination against coronavirus. Earlier, the Prime Minister said that the measures on the fight against coronavirus has been strengthened throughout the country, testing is ramping up. “The regional authorities made a decision taking into account the recommendations of sanitary doctors and the epidemiological situation on their territory.

Europe hit the plywood of Russian oligarchs

The European Union has introduced permanent anti-dumping duties on Russian birch plywood from June this year. This is stated in a message in the Official Journal of the European Union. The decision was made following the consideration of complaints from European manufacturers. Including a blow fell on the enterprises of Russian oligarchs Alexei Mordashov (owns the world's largest plywood producer Sveza) and Vladimir Yevtushenkov (through Segezha Group owns the Vyatka plywood mill) . At the same time, the permanent duties were slightly lower than the temporary ones. For Sveza, their size decreased from 15.9 percent to 14.4 percent, and for the Vyatka Plywood Mill – from 15.7 percent to 14.85. With regard to the Syktyvkar plywood mill and the Zheshart timber complex, duties amounted to 15.72 percent and 15.8 percent, respectively. A preliminary investigation by the European regulator showed that Russian companies constantly understated the price of exported goods. From

Safronov, arrested for treason, returned from punishment cell to his cell

Ivan Safronov, sent to the punishment cell for the antenna glued to the wall, was returned to the cell in high treason, he was returned to the cell of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. Interfax reports this on Tuesday, November 9, with reference to the arrested’s lawyer Dmitry Katchev. According to the defense lawyer, Safonov feels good after isolation and has no complaints. He was released on Friday, after serving a three-day term in a punishment cell for violating the rules of being in a pre-trial detention center – Safronov tried to glue the antenna to the wall to watch TV. A member of Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of Moscow, human rights activist Alexandra Khuruji. He said that Safronov was placed in a punishment cell for three days. At the same time, the prisoner noted that this is a new experience for him. The adviser to the head of Roscosmos

В Израиле нашли шесть тысяч уникальных древних монет

Сотрудники Подразделения по предотвращению расхищения древностей в Израиле в начале ноября арестовали владельца ювелирного магазина в Ашкелоне, который незаконно торговал на черном рынке старинными монетами. В ходе обысков у него было найдено шесть тысяч уникальных древних монет разных периодов, металлоискатель и оборудование для раскопок. Сообщается, что изъятые монеты были переданы экспертам Управления древностей Израиля для идентификации и датировки, но уже понятно, что многие из них являются уникальными и бесценными экспонатами для науки и истории. Специалист по торговле антиквариатом Илан Хадад отметил, что незаконная торговля древними монетами и предметами старины является большой проблемой и наносит непоправимый ущерб древним объектам по всей стране, так как большая прибыль стимулирует преступников на незаконные раскопки и грабежи исторических мест. Мародеры уничтожают археологические памятники, отрывая артефакты от их исторического контекста, что стирает целые главы из истории Израиля.11.11 – на AliExpress начинается главная распродажа года!Скорее за скидками Екатерина Гура

В древней далекой галактике обнаружили воду

Вода, которая является одним из ключевых элементов зарождения жизни, появилась уже вскоре после возникновения Вселенной. К такому выводу пришла команда американских астрономов, проанализировав состав очень далекой галактики SPT0311−58 на основе данных комплекса радиотелескопов ALMA в Чили. SPT0311−58 находится так далеко, что свет от нее достигал Земли 12,88 миллиарда лет. При этом возраст самой Вселенной, согласно современной космологической модели, ненамного больше — около 13,799 миллиарда лет. На самом деле SPT0311−58 — это две галактики, увиденные телескопом незадолго до слияния в одну. Они одни из самых старых во Вселенной. Полученные учеными спектральные сигнатуры показали наличие в большей из двух галактик молекул воды и угарного газа. Они присутствовали во Вселенной всего через 780 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва, когда возраст космоса составлял всего 5 процентов от нынешнего. «Кислород и углерод являются элементами первого поколения, а в молекулярных формах оксида углерода и воды они имеют решающее значение для жизни в той форме, в какой мы ее знаем», — говорит астроном Среевани Яругула из Иллинойского университета. Обнаружение наличия воды на столь раннем этапе развития Вселенной может помочь ученым понять происхождение и эволюцию «строительных блоков» жизни в космосе. Ранее ученые впервые

Russia accused the United States of preparing for an exacerbation in Donbass

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the US military “master” Ukraine in order to prepare for the escalation in Donbass … The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) stated that the actions of the American military in the Black Sea are an attempt to “master” Ukraine in preparation for a possible aggravation on its part in the Donbass. RIA Novosti writes about this. “Given the fact that in addition to the US Navy, it is planned to use tactical, patrol and strategic aviation, as well as contingents of the armed forces of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine, there is a study the alleged theater of military operations in the event that Kiev prepares a military solution in the southeast, “the agency quotes a statement from the department. The military also stressed that US actions are a destabilizing factor in the Black Sea region, and the Russian Black Sea fleet