ISIS terrorist refuses to condemn executions and sex slavery in prison interview

Daily Mail: terrorist IS Riedijk condemned the attacks in Europe, but refused to condemn the executions “ (IS, a terrorist organization banned in Russia) violate the Islamic ban on the murder of innocent women and children. This was stated by the representative of the terrorist movement Iago Riedijk in an interview with the Daily Mail. The militant condemned a series of attacks in Germany, France and Great Britain. However, he refused to condemn executions by beheadings, the sale of women into sexual slavery and other punishments used by IS terrorists. Riedijk stressed that the forces of the terrorist organization are still active. He hoped for the creation of a caliphate whose citizens would adhere to all Islamic traditions. At the moment, Riedijk is in prison in Syria. According to the newspaper, he is the husband of British Shamima Begum, who fled with him from the United Kingdom and gave birth

Вирусолог РАН призвал признать антипрививочников «террористами»

Эксперт выразил мнение, что антипрививочники несут большой вред обществу и всей России, и на совести таких людей гибель многих граждан, отказавшихся вакцинироваться и впоследствии заболевших коронавирусной инфекцией. «Эта чушь поддерживается неграмотными или полуграмотными людьми, и еще хуже, когда это поддерживается врачами и какими-то профессорами. Давайте их [антипрививочников] запишем в террористы, и пускай они попробуют дергаться», — заявил Чумаков. Ранее сообщалось, что вирусолог Петр Чумаков выступил за принудительную вакцинацию от COVID-19. Он отметил, что пандемия — это глобальная проблема и невозможно победить коронавирус в отдельно взятой стране.

Gaydzhi considered defeat by Nurmagomedov a shame

Justin Gagee recalled the fight with Khabib Nurmagomedov for the UFC title American mixed style fighter (MMA) Justin defeat by Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov. He wrote about this on Instagram. The publication appeared after Gage's success in the Absolute Fighting Championship (UFC) octagon: he won by decision of the judges of compatriot Michael Chandler. “Every day I wake up with the thought that I am going to fight myself. I do not just feel disgraced after my failure, I believe that I have let my team down, my family. This will not happen again, “he wrote. Gage got into a fight for the first time since October 2020. Then he lost to Nurmagomedov in the fight for the UFC champion title. Then the Russian forced him to surrender by using the triangle suffocation. After the fight, Nurmagomedov announced his retirement from MMA. He left the sport undefeated. Gagee won 23 victories

The hiding owner of the markets of the Rostov region Babayev was detained

TASS: businessman Babaev, who owns the markets of the Rostov region, was detained in the case of an organized criminal group in a criminal case on the organization of a criminal community. A source in power structures told TASS about it. The businessman is called the owner of the largest markets in the region. He appears in the case in which the head of the Aksay region of the region, Vitaly Borzenko, is being held. Babayev was hiding on the territory of the Rostov region. In April, the police conducted a large-scale special operation in four large markets in the Aksai district of the Rostov region, they were cordoned off by 3.5 thousand law enforcement officers. Trading sites occupy 15 hectares at the exit from Rostov-on-Don on both sides of the M-4 Don highway. The special operation was carried out as part of the investigation into the Borzenko case. He

DPR calls a fake message about the use of Bayraktar by Ukraine

The DPR stated that the report on the combat use of Bayraktar was not confirmed Natal information that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) used the Turkish Bayraktar drone during the hostilities. This was reported on Tuesday, November 9, by the Donetsk News Agency. “The case of Bayraktar's combat use was not confirmed. According to our information, we can say that all this is fake, “Nikonorova said. She added that earlier the Ukrainian troops used Bayraktar, but only for observation and reconnaissance. At the same time, the drones did not cross the contact line. On October 26, it became known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine first used Bayraktar in hostilities in the Donbas. Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov said that the positions of the 93rd mechanized brigade in the Donetsk region were fired upon. “The Ukrainian Armed Forces sent Bayraktar TB2, and a bomb-guided Russian howitzer was destroyed,” Butusov said.

Infectionist of the Ministry of Health assessed the impact of non-working days on the situation with COVID-19

Infectionist Chulanov said that it will be possible to evaluate the effect of non-working days in Russia later October to November 7, and in some regions have been extended, the situation with coronavirus will be possible in the future. This opinion was expressed by the chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases of the Ministry of Health, Professor Vladimir Chulanov. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. The infectious disease specialist noted that the situation with COVID-19 in the country remains tense. As for non-working days, their effect on the coronavirus pandemic will be delayed. “Of course, we cannot see the effect at the moment, immediately, immediately after the end (of non-working days – approx.” “) , it will be somewhat delayed, “Chulanov said. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that four weeks ago the weekly growth rate was almost 18 percent, and last week the growth rate

Americans no longer have enough toilet paper

BBC News: New York business owners report a shortage of household goods about the shortage of household goods. According to BBC News, the simplest things, even toilet paper, are no longer enough. Companies in New York announced a shortage of goods after the city was opened to visit vaccinated tourists. “[No] cutlery, glassware, takeout containers, paper products. Even toilet paper, ”said Philip Massoud, chef and owner of the Lebanese restaurant ilili. Rebecca Hubbard, general manager of the 5-star Lotte New York Palace, said: “We are preparing for the worst by continuing to maintain our level [of stock]. Shampoo, toilet paper, bed linen, paper products, glassware – everything that guests in the room usually use. ” Tourists have already been warned that supply problems will lead to higher prices and a limited menu of food. In turn, American suppliers continue to grapple with the effects of the pandemic. Supply chain disruptions

Checkmate prototype delivered to UAE

The prototype of the Russian Checkmate fighter was delivered to the UAE to participate in the Dubai Airshow … The aircraft will be demonstrated at the Dubai Airshow. This is reported by TASS with reference to Rostec. The state corporation noted that the prototype of the fighter was delivered to the UAE on an An-124 Ruslan transport aircraft. Checkmate will be shown abroad for the first time. As part of the Dubai Airshow, they plan to hold a number of presentations for the press and airshow participants. Earlier, Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov said that the cost of a Checkmate flight hour would be seven times lower than that of the American fifth generation F-35 fighter Lightning II. He noted that the F-35 is Checkmate's main competitor. In October, Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev noted that foreign air forces are showing interest in the Russian fighter. According to him, the need for

The bride complained of a sore throat and died before the wedding

51-year-old British woman from Warrington did not wait for the wedding and died of esophageal cancer In the English city of Warrington, Cheshire, the bride died incurable disease, never waiting for the wedding. This is reported by Liverpool Echo. In 2021, 51-year-old Leslie Perone planned to marry Giuseppe Salamone, but her plans were interrupted by an unexpected diagnosis. At the end of last year, she had to see a doctor due to a sore throat, difficulty swallowing and blood in her saliva. During the examination, she was found to have a malignant tumor of the esophagus. Related materials00: 03 – March 27, 2020 “Sex is a good way forget about the disease »The story of a terminally ill woman who slept with a hundred men and found herself00: 02 – 21 November 2018 days to the fullest. The incredible happens to them Although this type of cancer has low survival

Lukashenko phoned Putin

Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko phoned his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. This was reported by the Pool of the First Telegram channel. As part of the telephone conversation, the heads of state discussed the bilateral agenda, in particular, the most pressing integration issues.