Rashkin passed a polygraph in connection with the detention of a moose carcass

Communist Party deputy Rashkin passed a polygraph to confirm the version of the moose incident State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Valery Rashkin a moose carcass was found, passed a polygraph test to confirm its version of the incident with the killed animal. This is reported by “Interfax”. According to the deputy, he did it on purpose in order to drop charges against himself. “Yesterday we received an official conclusion from the Association of Polygraph Examiners that I’m not lying when I talk about these things,” Rashkin emphasized. He added that the conclusion of the polygraph examiner confirms the fact that the deputy himself is confident in the legality of hunting elk. Earlier, Rashkin said that he was ready to cooperate with the investigation. In addition, he confirmed that he had sent a letter to the chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin. As the deputy

The best projects with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund named

The 100 best projects of 2020 supported by the Presidential Grants Fund were named The Presidential Grants Fund conducted a public assessment of the results of projects completed by the end of 2020. The projects were evaluated by experts, representatives of the Public Chamber of Russia and regional, as well as government bodies. In total, the experts evaluated more than 4 thousand projects. They received not only 28 thousand assessments, but also 8 thousand comments. On November 9, a meeting of the coordination committee was held in the Russian presidential administration, which was chaired by the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko. At the meeting, the results of the implementation of projects that received presidential grants and completed by the end of 2020 were summed up. The results were published in the public domain on the appraisal.grants.rf portal. Successfully implemented initiatives account for more than 79 percent,

Guzman joked about Urgant on Channel One

Julius Gusman joked that Alexander Maslyakov looks younger than Ivan Urgant on the air of the program “Evening Urgant” on Channel One, he joked about TV presenter Ivan Urgant. An excerpt from the episode is available on YouTube. During the broadcast dedicated to the 60th anniversary of KVN, Urgant stood behind a podium, similar to the one behind which is usually the project manager Alexander Maslyakov. “I must say that behind such a tribune you would not have stood for 60 years like Sasha. It's incredible. And most importantly, he looks much younger than you, Wan, “Guzman turned to the presenter. Earlier, the poet Boris Salibov, who wrote the KVN anthem, named the possible successors of the head of the project. He suggested that Maslyakov's place could be taken by his son or granddaughter. The poet also speculated about why Maslyakov became the host of KVN. In his opinion, he

An immunologist assesses the ability of the delta strain of COVID-19 to elude antibodies

Nikolai Kryuchkov: the COVID-19 delta strain can elude antibodies, but this is not critical has the ability to elude antibodies that neutralize it, but this is not as critical as it might seem. This was announced on Tuesday, November 9, by the candidate of medical sciences, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov. His words are quoted by Izvestia. This is how the expert assessed the feature of the delta strain, voiced earlier by the chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Vladimir Chulanov. According to Kryuchkov, at the population level, this strain is slightly more adapted to post-vaccine immunity, therefore, to neutralize it, a higher level of antibodies in the human body is needed. He stressed that there is no tragedy in this, and vaccines continue to work, and the effectiveness of vaccinations against severe cases, deaths and hospitalizations as a result is still higher than 90 percent.

It became known about the EU monitoring of Russia against the background of the migration crisis in Poland

The EU Foreign Service announced that it was monitoring Russia due to the crisis in Poland countries against the background of the migration crisis on the border of Poland and Belarus. This became known from the words of the representative of the EU foreign policy Peter Stano, reports TASS. The diplomat noted that the European authorities are studying, in particular, flights connected with the Belarusian side. “We look at the frequency of flights, how many there are, what flights, who flies, and so on,” he said. According to the agency, the list of countries that the EU is also monitoring due to the situation on the Belarusian-Polish border includes Syria, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, Iraq. Earlier it was reported that President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko for the first time gave a comment on the situation on the border with Poland and the aggravation of the migration crisis. According to the Belarusian

SBU confirms the detention of the former head of the prison in the DPR

The SBU confirmed that the former head of Donetsk Izolyatsia was detained in Kiev The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) confirmed the detention of the former “Isolation”, which, according to the department, is located on the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). The message was published on the SBU website. A DPR representative was detained in Kiev. According to the intelligence service, he was the organizer and was directly involved in the killings and torture of Ukrainian citizens who were illegally detained in Izolyatsia. Creation of paramilitary or armed formations not provided for by law ”,“ Violation of the laws and customs of war ”. The court must choose a measure of restraint for the detainee. Ukrainian media have repeatedly written that a secret facility of the Ministry of State Security of the DPR “Izolyatsia” is operating in Donetsk, on the territory of which detainees are tortured. On

Lukashenka outlined his version of the scheme for the transfer of migrants to the EU

Lukashenko on the scheme of transferring migrants to the EU: transit is provided by people, and everything for money President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko told indeed, a mafia scheme has been organized to transfer migrants to the territory of the European Union. He revealed the details in an interview with the editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine Igor Korotchenko on Tuesday, November 9, BelTA informs.

In Russia announced a reduction in prices for holidays in Egypt and the UAE

ATOR: the cost of rest in the resorts of Egypt and the UAE will decrease by 10-20 percent in connection with the launch of charter flights. This was stated in an interview with URA.RU by the vice-president of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Dmitry Gorin. According to him, the lifting of restrictions on regular and charter flights to these countries will lead to an increase in the number of flights from Russian cities and reducing the cost of air tickets by 10-20 percent. “It is air transportation that is the main component in the tour package,” the expert said. In addition, Gorin announced the full opening of Vietnam in the near future for domestic tourists. He also noted the importance of restoring regular air links with Thailand. Earlier on Tuesday, November 9, Russia lifted restrictions on regular and charter flights to the Egyptian resorts of Hurghada and

Китай объявил «народную войну» коронавирусу на границе с Россией

Официальные лица призвали жителей приграничного города немедленно сообщать о любых случаях незаконной охоты, контрабанды животных или пересечения границы людьми для рыбной ловли. А чтобы подстегнуть людей к сотрудничеству, власти пообещали каждому, кто поможет выследить нарушителя закона, зараженного COVID-19, по 100 тыс. юаней (примерно $15,6 тыс.). При этом власти предупредили, что намеренное сокрытие такой информации обернется суровым наказанием. Саму же инициативу власти города назвали «народной войной» против коронавируса. Общее количество случаев заболевания COVID-19 в северо-восточной провинции Хэйлунцзян, где расположен город Хэйхэ, достигло уже 240 за последний месяц. Это худший показатель по стране. Всего в Китае с октября было зафиксировано порядка 950 случаев в 20 провинциях. В России за последние сутки зафиксирован максимум смертей от коронавируса — умерли 1211 человек, заболели за день 39,16 тыс. человек. В граничащей с Китаем Амурской области за время пандемии выявлено более 41 тыс. случаев заболевания, умерло почти 500 человек. Кирилл Сарханянц

Waste makes Asian children literate

In Indonesia, schoolchildren were offered to exchange waste for books from a mobile library Children on the island of Java in Indonesia decided to make children more literate with the help of garbage. Employees of one of the libraries suggested that students exchange waste for books in order to instill a love of reading and make the planet cleaner. Reuters writes about this. The action was organized by a local resident Raden Roro Hendarti. She has equipped a mobile library on a three-wheeled van and delivers children's literature to the streets every day. There are six thousand books in the collection, which can be obtained in exchange for plastic cups, plastic bags and other garbage. Every week, a woman manages to collect about 100 kilograms of waste – she sorts them and recycles them. Raden sees her mission in developing the literacy of Asian children and in involving them in