Six deputies of the United Russia opposed the renaming of the president of the republic into the head of the region against the law on public power, which prohibits the head of the republic from being called president. This is reported by in its Telegram channel. State Duma deputies voted against, including Tatyana Larionova, Ilya Wolfson, Ayrat Farrakhov, Aydar Metshin, Marat Nuriev and Rustam Kalimullin. Now, according to the publication, they may face sanctions along the party line – up to and including expulsion from United Russia. Earlier it became known that the deputies of the State Council of Tatarstan, the president of which is the only Russian governor retained a post with this name , did not support the draft federal law implying the renaming of the highest office in the region. At the end of September, a bill was submitted to the State Duma, according to which