MPs support impeachment of Chilean president

In Chile, MPs supported the impeachment of President Piñera over allegations of corruption suspicions of billions of dollars in corruption, published in the Pandora papers by the international consortium of journalists (ICIJ). This is reported by TASS. According to the agency, 78 parliamentarians voted for the constitutional charge of corruption against Piñera, which was the minimum required to support the initiative. At the same time, 67 deputies spoke out against such a measure. It is noted that the Senate will have to make the final decision on this issue. On October 5, it became known that a group of opposition deputies in Chile decided to submit to parliament the issue of impeachment of the president after the publication of the “Pandora dossier”. The politicians stressed that the state leader deserved a constitutional charge because he broke the law. At the same time, Piñera himself denied his involvement in offshore schemes.

Russia is thinking about introducing QR codes on planes and trains

RBC: Russian authorities are discussing the possibility of introducing QR codes on airplanes and trains The Russian authorities are thinking about the possibility of introducing QR codes for passengers on airplanes and trains. This was announced on Tuesday, November 9, by RBC, citing two federal officials and sources in the transport industry familiar with the discussion. So, according to one of the sources in the relevant department, the authorities are currently studying technical possibility of launching the system of QR codes in transport. As the interlocutor of the publication noted, such a decision can be made if the situation with the spread of coronavirus in the country worsens. According to one of RBC's sources in the transport industry, while the authorities are collecting proposals from federal agencies, the State Duma and the Federation Council. It is planned to complete it by November 15, after which it is possible to take

New PCR Testing Method for COVID-19 Developed

PCR test of British scientists will determine the infected variant of the coronavirus variants of SARS-CoV-2 even in samples with destroyed RNA of the virus. A preprint describing the new technique is published on The allele-specific probe PCR (ASP-PCR) method developed by scientists from Oxford University and Imperial College London allows real-time detection of viral variants even in samples with low content viral RNA, which is typical for patients with advanced COVID-19. The researchers tested their method on 1,082 samples from clinical trials in the UK and Brazil and compared them with the sequencing results of 1,771 patients. The sensitivity of ASP-PCR for the alpha variant was 98 percent, and the specificity was 100 percent. In addition, for the gamma variant, these indicators were 90-95 and 91-100 percent, respectively. Comparison of the results of the new method with the sequencing data of the new generation showed that the accuracy

Ukrainian railway will be given under the control of NATO countries

Ukrainian Railways will transfer to the German operator Deutsche Bahn German operator Deutsche Bahn since 2022. This was announced by the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Alexander Kubrakov, RIA Novosti reports. “According to the plan, we will transfer passenger traffic to the management of Deutsche Bahn Consulting from next year,” Kubrakov said. At the moment, the companies are implementing the first phase of joint cooperation, in particular, the provision of consulting services. The minister recalled that the German company has a similar “fairly successful” experience in Kazakhstan. In January 2020, Ukrzaliznytsia and Deutsche Bahn signed a memorandum of understanding and strategic partnership in the development of the Ukrainian company. According to the document, the German company will have the right to operate the Ukrainian railways for 10 years. During this time, specialists from the NATO country will be engaged in reforming the management mechanisms of the enterprise. At the same

The most popular cities in Spain among Russians named

Spain-Real.Estate: In Alicante, the share of requests from Russians for the purchase of real estate has increased Alicante has become a popular city among Russians for buying real estate in Spain. Analysts of the portal Spain-Real.Estate came to such conclusions provided to According to experts, the share of requests for the purchase of housing in the capital of the province of the same name reached 26.3 percent – from June-July the demand for objects in the region among residents of Russia increased by 54.7 percent. Analysts called the city of Torrevieja almost the same in demand – 22.1 percent of Russians wanted to buy real estate there. However, in the summer, realtors received 12.4 percent more requests to buy housing in this locality. Marbella closes the top three – in the first two months of autumn, 11.5 percent of Russians wanted to buy a house in this city, and

Континенты Земли возникли намного раньше, чем считалось

Первые континенты на Земле поднялись над водой около 3 миллиардов лет назад, что на 500 миллионов лет раньше, чем считалось до сих пор. Переоценку возраста материков провели австралийские ученые. Они изучили возраст горных пород из кратонов — древних платформ в основании материков. Образцы были получены в Индии, Австралии и Южной Африке. Например, кратон Сингхбхум, древний кусок континентальной коры в основе восточной части Индийского субконтинента, содержит фрагменты древнего песчаника. Они образовались из древнего песка, который затем был спрессован в скалу и погребен под землей в ходе тектонических процессов. Ученые изучили микроскопические зерна циркона из этого песчаника с помощью уран-свинцового датирования и установили точный возраст минерала. Оказалось, что песчаники Сингхбхума были отложены около 3 миллиардов лет назад, что делает их одними из старейших отложений в мире. Это также означает, что массив суши, на котором расположена Индия, возник как минимум 3 миллиарда лет назад. Похожие результаты были получены после изучения образцов из Африки и Австралии. 11.11 – на AliExpress начинается главная распродажа года!Скорее за скидками Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о природе

Russians predicted massive demand in newly opened countries

The most popular destinations among Russians will be resorts in Thailand, Tunisia and Slovenia demand for trips to Thailand, Tunisia and Slovenia. RIA Novosti writes about this. According to representatives of Russian tour operators, Thailand will become one of the most popular destinations among Russians, despite the presence of certain requirements for entering the country. For example, it is important to have a COVID-19 vaccination certificate and a negative PCR test. It is noted that tours to Slovenia and Tunisia will also be in demand in winter, as their resorts attract travelers with opportunities for spa recreation in particular thalassotherapy. Among other things, Egypt remains the leader of mass tourism. However, demand in newly opened European countries such as Norway or Sweden is not predicted, since the entry of Russians for tourist purposes in these destinations is currently banned. Earlier on Tuesday, November 9, Russia resumed full-scale regular flights with

In Belarus, the Polish military attaché was summoned to the Ministry of Defense

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus summoned the military attaché of Poland because of the events at the border accusations of the involvement of the Belarusian military in the migration crisis ”. The incident is reported by RIA Novosti. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus believes that the statements of the Polish side show that Warsaw is incapable of constructive dialogue and resolving the situation. Related materials20: 15 – 4 November Putin and Lukashenko signed a program for the integration of Russia and Belarus. What will the renewed Union State look like? 16:12 – 8 November Hundreds of migrants break through to Poland from Belarus. Polish troops are pulled up to the border and are preparing for defense Earlier, the President of Poland Andrzej Duda directly accused the Belarusian security forces of organizing the assault on the Polish borders of migrants. Duda called what is happening a hybrid action and

In Kiev, they talked about the “affectionate Ukrainization” of the population

Taras Kremen: the law of Ukraine on the state language is based on “affectionate Ukrainianization” “. The Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language of the Republic, Taras Kremen, spoke about this in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper. He noted that one of the tasks of the Ukrainian state is to create better conditions for free communication of the country's residents. Materials on the topic00: 01 – June 5 Triumph of patriotism. In Ukraine, they refused to consider Russians an indigenous people. How will Russia respond? 00:01 – January 15 No words In Kiev, they decided to finally break off ties with Russia. Ukrainians will be banned from speaking Russian According to Kremen, those who can communicate in this way will have access to educational, informational, medical and government servants. At the same time, the Ombudsman complained that “Russian propaganda” made him a “linguistic inquisitor” and a “punisher”

В Петербурге ввели обязательную вакцинацию от COVID-19 для пожилых

«Дополнить пункт (постановления главного государственного санитарного врача от 12 октября 2021 года о категориях граждан, подлежащих обязательной вакцинации — ред.) подпунктом (о проведении прививок — ред.)… лицам в возрасте 60 лет и старше, (а также) лицам с хроническими заболеваниями, в том числе заболеваниями бронхо-легочной системы, сердечно-сосудистой системы, эндокринной системы (диабетом. ожирением)», — говорится в обновленном постановлении, опубликованном на сайте ведомства.