Dr. Myasnikov dispelled the myth about the benefits of garlic

Doctor Myasnikov: the fact that garlic lowers cholesterol has not been scientifically proven … He spoke about this on the air of the program “On the most important” on the channel “Russia 1”. Available on YouTube. According to the doctor, there is a common misconception that eating garlic can lower cholesterol levels, but it has not been scientifically proven. “We have always believed that it helps, but studies show the opposite,” the specialist noted. “We do not have any proven, statistically reliable studies that garlic really lowers cholesterol levels,” – concluded the doctor and at the same time noted that garlic should be part of the correct diet. He also admitted that he regularly eats this product. Earlier, Myasnikov spoke about one unexpected property of garlic. According to the expert, the vegetable helped him become stronger: he said that he always ate a head of garlic before weightlifting competitions.

An elderly woman fights back a bear tearing her apart

In the United States, an elderly woman was attacked by a large bear, but she managed to fight back In the United States, an elderly woman who was a former doctor, told about the attack of a large black bear. She managed to fight back and escape, according to the portal of the Today program of the NBC channel. The incident took place at Lake Tahoe, California. Laurel-Rose von Hoffmann-Kurzi owns a small house near the reservoir, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, she decided to isolate herself there. According to her, the predator attacked her in the evening, so she did not notice him for a long time until he raised his paw to strike. Related materials 00:03 – September 12, 2019 Scariest beastCannibal hippopotamus and bloody festival in the best wildlife shots00: 02 – 29 December 2019 > Completely brutalized Crocodiles, wild boars and monkeys declared war on humans.

Putin asked to report on the situation with COVID-19 after the days off

Putin asked the Security Council to report to him how the days off affected the situation with COVID-19 Russian President Vladimir Putin at an operational meeting with permanent members of the Security Council asked to report to him on how the non-working days affected the situation with the spread of COVID-19, and also to discuss further steps to combat the new coronavirus infection. Interfax writes about this on Tuesday, November 9. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, Head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, Head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin took part in the meeting. Earlier, Popova said that non-working days showed a significant decrease in the rate of increase in cases of COVID-19. According to her, last week it was only 2.1 percent. By the decision of President Vladimir Putin, a weekend was announced throughout the country from October 30 to November 7 inclusive. The

Власти начали обсуждение возможности ввода QR-кодов в самолетах и поездах

Профильные министерства и транспортные компании обсуждают технические возможности проверки у пассажиров авиационных и железнодорожных компаний QR-кодов, подтверждающих отсутствие заражения коронавирусом и иммунный статус. Об этом сообщили РБК два федеральных чиновника и несколько источников в транспортной отрасли. В Кремле не обсуждают введение QR-кодов на транспорте, включая авиацию и железную дорогу, это прерогатива оперативного штаба, заявил во вторник пресс-секретарь президента Дмитрий Песков. «Сейчас речь идет о проработке технических возможностей запустить эту систему в случае принятия решения о введении QR-кодов на транспорте. Такая возможность может быть рассмотрена, если произойдет ухудшение эпидемиологической ситуации», — сказал РБК источник в одном из профильных ведомств. «Собираются предложения от федеральных ведомств, Госдумы и Совета Федерации. Сбор мнений собираются закончить к 15 ноября, после чего могут принять решение», — подтвердил источник РБК в транспортной отрасли, знакомый с ходом обсуждения. Источник в РЖД также подтвердил, что в правительстве идет дискуссия о введении QR-кодов на транспорте, но решение об этом еще не принято. В обсуждении сценариев использования QR-кодов участвуют многие федеральные ведомства, но окончательное решение может быть принято с учетом данных оперативного штаба, сказал РБК источник, знакомый с ходом обсуждения темы использования QR-кодов на транспорте. В одном из сценариев внедрение QR-кодов, по его

US Navy submarine manufacturers admit to cheating strength tests

Business Insider: US submarine parts maker Bradken admitted to falsified tests US Navy submarine parts manufacturer in charge Thomas confessed to repeatedly cheating steel strength tests. For the supply of untested parts, she faces up to 10 years in prison, writes Business Insider. 67-year-old Thomas was in charge of the metallurgical direction at Bradken in Washington state for 30 years – and all this time the company produced including steel parts used on submarines. During this period, she was personally responsible for falsifying the results of strength tests in at least 240 cases, which is “a significant part” of all shipments. In addition to a prison sentence, she faces up to $ 1 million in fines. The fraud became known in 2017 from the words of one of the employees of the laboratory of this enterprise. It is noted that there are no known submarine incidents related to this case

The Russian Orthodox Church disowned investigations into pedophilia

ROC: the church has no right to investigate pedophilia among priests priests, declaring that they have no right to do so. Vakhtang Kipshidze, deputy chairman of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media, said this in an interview with the Moscow Talking radio station. dignity or not, should be held accountable under the law, including for crimes of a sexual nature, “he said. According to Kipshidze, the investigation of such crimes must be carried out by law enforcement agencies. The church, in turn, is obliged to cooperate with the police. Also, in his opinion, the crimes of priests, including sexual ones, are not widespread and are rare exceptions. Earlier it was reported that in the Vologda region the priest was accused of seducing a 12-year-old girl and distributing pornographic materials … In addition, his adopted daughter could have suffered from the actions of the priest.

The Prosecutor General's Office supported the idea of ​​making appointments in the SIZO through “State Services”

Prosecutor General's Office: Electronic appointment scheduling in colonies will eliminate corruption risks portal “Gosuslugi”. Department spokesman Anton Davydov said at a meeting in the Federation Council that this would avoid hourly queues. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. He noted that now, in order to sign up for a date, lawyers and prisoners' relatives spend in lines for three to four hours. The Prosecutor General's Office is confident that electronic registration will speed up the process several times, and, in addition, eliminate corruption risks. Also during the meeting, Davydov proposed to the FSIN to increase the number of meeting rooms and divide the premises into rooms for lawyers or investigators and for close prisoners. It is noted that the development of the document began in 2018. By 2021, it was possible to determine the financing of the project. The FSIN suggested that the system could be operational by 2023.

Gas and hot water will rise in price in Ukraine

Ukraine promised the IMF to abandon restrictions on gas, heat and hot water prices Ukraine has promised the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to lift prices for gas, heat supply and hot water. This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the text of the memorandum, which is at the agency's disposal. From May 2022, prices will fully reflect the costs of companies for the provision of services, including capital investments. This is one of the conditions of the updated memorandum of cooperation with the IMF. Now all of Ukrgasvydobuvannya's consumer gas is sold to Naftogaz, from which energy sales companies buy it at a discounted price. The current fixed gas price under the annual contract is 7.96 hryvnia per cubic meter. At the time of installation, the price was in line with the market price, but now it is three to four times lower due to the sharp rise in