Director of “Yeralash” accused of pedophilia met children in camps

Director Ilya Belostotsky went to children's camps to meet minors in children's camps. This was reported to KP.RU by one of the private members of the international group “Druzhina of Morals”, which identified pedophiles in Runet and handed them over to the security forces. According to the interlocutor of the publication, Belostotsky was found in the mid-2000s. Then he began to register on various forums under the nickname EMOSFEN and publish erotic stories about children. However, the volunteers promised to stop the persecution if the director, who was the administrator of the pedophile site, discloses information about the users. “He paid us off by leaking the database. It was a list of nicknames and email addresses with thousands of registered users. This helped us to identify other pedophiles, ”a source told KP.RU. It is clarified that the director often visited children's camps, where he met a boy of 13-14 years

Atalanta spoke about the possible departure of Miranchuk

The sporting director of Atalanta said that the club is not going to let go of Miranchuk Atalanta does not intend to let go of the midfielder of the Russian national team Aleksey. The sports director of the club, Giovanni Sartori, spoke about the possible departure of the midfielder, quoted by He stressed that the news about the transfer of the Russian is fake. According to Sartori, the Bergamo club did not negotiate with anyone. Earlier on Tuesday, November 9, Il Giorno announced Miranchuk's departure from Atalanta. The main contender for the footballer, as noted, is Torino. Sampdoria and Sassuolo were also mentioned among the clubs interested in the Russian. Alexey Miranchuk moved to Atalanta in September 2020. The midfielder's contract with the club runs until June 30, 2024. As part of the team from Bergamo, the midfielder played 39 matches. He has scored seven goals and made four

Muscovites called the timing of the arrival of winter

Center “Phobos”: meteorological winter will come to Moscow in late November – early December November – early December. Such dates of the arrival of winter were named by the meteorologists of the Phobos weather center. Forecasters noted that the unstable nature of the weather will continue until the beginning of the third decade of November. On Wednesday, November 10, the average daily air temperature will drop below zero degrees, but on Thursday it will rise again. “The next cold wave awaits the capital at the end of this week. It will be longer, but the period of subzero temperatures will last only three days, after which a new heat wave will compensate for the accumulated frost, ”the report says. November 15 will get colder to zero – minus five. In addition, precipitation is expected, and the snow cover will be about two to three centimeters.

Эксперт Роспотребнадзора: симптомы COVID-19 чаще стали напоминать грипп и ОРВИ

«Симптомы все больше начали напоминать ОРВИ или грипп — подавляющее большинство пациентов отмечают насморк, боли в горле, а вот потеря обоняния и вкуса отошли на второй план», — сказала Пшеничная «РИА Новости». По словам эксперта Роспотребнадзора, в 30−50% случаев «в дебюте болезни» встречается диарея и другие проблемы с желудочно-кишечным трактом. Пшеничная отметила, что вирус может размножаться в кишечнике даже после выздоровления. Она утверждает, что у части пациентов он обнаруживается в кишечнике спустя несколько месяцев после болезни. В большинстве регионов России с 8 ноября завершился режим нерабочих дней. Локдаун продлили в нескольких регионах. За семь дней с 1 ноября в России выявили 281 305 случаев заражения — на 3,4% больше, чем за аналогичный предшествующий период. Однако в целом рост заболеваемости замедлился: с 25 по 31 октября он составил 9,3%, а неделей ранее — 14,6%.

Lukashenka on the situation with migrants at the border: I'm not crazy, I understand what this can lead to

'Fight migrants today' Leopards' (tanks. & mdash; & ldquo; b & rdquo;)? You & nbsp; excuse me. We & nbsp; with & nbsp; you, military people, understand what & nbsp; it is today to wage war with & nbsp; these unfortunate people on the & nbsp; border of Poland, for example, with & nbsp; Belarus and & nbsp; to push columns of tanks. It is clear that & nbsp; this is some kind of & nbsp; training or blackmail & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Alexander Lukashenko in an & nbsp; interview to the editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine National Defense Igor Korotchenko (quoted by & nbsp; BelTA). The President of Belarus noted that & nbsp; Minsk reacts calmly to & nbsp; actions of the Polish side: We do not bully, as some in Russia pee and our fugitives are there with them. Because we know that if, God

Russia disowned support for Lukashenka's “hybrid attack” on NATO

Zakharova called the statements about the “hybrid attack” of Belarus and Russia on NATO a lie Russia to NATO. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called it a lie that the migration crisis on the border of Poland and Belarus is a kind of “hybrid attack” of the regime of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko with the support of the Russian state. Her statement is quoted by RIA Novosti. “To pretend that this is some kind of hybrid operation carried out by the President of Belarus with allegedly some kind of support, that this is an accident, that this is a sequence of events taken out of context, do not pretend necessary. This is not true, this is a lie, “Zakharova emphasized on the Russia 1 channel. Earlier on November 9, it was reported that the EU is monitoring a number of countries, including Russia, in connection

Ученые сообщили о потере 28 млн лет жизни в десятках стран из-за COVID-19

Коронавирус за 2020 год сократил совокупную ожидаемую продолжительность жизни населения 31 страны на 28,1 млн лет. К такому выводу пришла группа ученых под руководством эпидемиолога Назрула Ислама из Оксфордского университета, отмечает Bloomberg. Результаты исследования опубликованы в журнале BMJ. Исследователи проанализировали данные по смертности в 37 странах с высоким уровнем дохода с 2005 по 2020 год — с разбивкой по возрасту и полу. Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни — это показатель, который говорит о том, сколько в среднем проживут люди с учетом их возраста при отсутствии серьезных всплесков смертности в каждой возрастной группе. Среди стран, которые анализировали ученые, число потерянных лет жизни превысило ожидания во всех, кроме Тайваня, Новой Зеландии, Норвегии, Исландии, Дании и Южной Кореи. Наибольшее сокращение показателя ученые зафиксировали в России, США, Болгарии, Литве, Чили и Испании. Число лет жизни, потерянных в связи с пандемией в 2020 году, в целом более чем в пять раз превысило этот же показатель во время эпидемии гриппа в 2015 году. Причем среди мужчин этот показатель оказался выше, чем у женщин. Эксперты оценивали разницу между ожидаемой и реальной продолжительностью жизни с учетом возраста умерших. Предыдущие исследования, в свою очередь, опирались на исторические данные и оценку избыточной смертности, которая включает

EU suspects airlines of transporting migrants to the border of Belarus and Europe

The EC may impose sanctions on airlines carrying refugees to the border with Poland human trafficking ”, blacklisted. The point is that some international air carriers allegedly deliberately transfer refugees to the border of Belarus and the countries of the European Union, provoking a crisis. This is stated in a statement published on the EC website. The Turkish airline Turkish Airlines (THY) responded to the corresponding warning. A number of Western media published materials according to which it is against her that they can impose sanctions for the transport of migrants. According to the THY statement, which is referred to by the Telegram channel “Erdogan's Mustache”, the corporation has nothing to do with what is happening at the border. The accusations of transporting refugees are false, according to THY. The EU Council has already decided to tighten the visa regime with Belarus due to the migration crisis on the border

The network discussed the jackets of refugees for tens of thousands of rubles

Twitter users suggested that the migrant was captured in an expensive Canada Goose jacket discussions on social networks. Relevant posts appeared on Twitter. Users drew attention to a photo of the paparazzi, which shows a man in a blue jacket, knitted hat and protective mask. One of the users suggested that the refugee was captured in a PBI Chilliwack insulated bomber jacket from the luxury brand Canada Goose with a fur trim on the hood. The price of the item, taking into account the discount, is four thousand zlotys (71 thousand rubles), which is shown in the screenshot of the brand's website. At the same time, other commentators considered that the migrant purchased a replica of expensive outerwear on AliExpress or other similar platforms … “What's the point if it's all a 40-dollar palette?” p> On Monday, November 8, a group of illegal migrants from the Middle East gathered at