Prince Harry's dreams of returning to the “desperate royal family” exposed

Daily Express: Prince Harry waits for Prince Charles to beg him to come back to return to the UK. This is reported by the Daily Express. Eden is confident that Harry is waiting for the “desperate royal family to beg him” to return. In his opinion, the prince would not mind returning to the duties of a senior member of the royal family, but believes that the first step towards reconciliation should be made by his father, Prince Charles. “I think he will really like it if the royal family will come running with entreaties: “Please come back from Montecito, we need you!” – said Eden. The Daily Express notes that Prince Harry is extremely concerned about the state of health of Elizabeth II, especially after the events of October 20, when the queen spent the night in the hospital. An unnamed insider told OK! Magazine, that for all the

It became known about a noticeable decrease in the cost of air tickets in Russia in winter

OneTwoTrip: the cost of air tickets in Russia decreased by 14 percent in winter This was reported in a study of the online service OneTwoTrip, the results of which are available to the editorial staff of So, based on the analysis of early bookings, it became known that travel documents per person in one direction December – early January cost 14 percent less than last year, and 32 percent less than in 2019. At the same time, the average price of an air ticket in the winter in the country is 4.5 thousand rubles , in 2020 it was slightly higher – 5.2 thousand, and in 2019 – 6.7 thousand. The cost of the flight to foreign destinations has also significantly decreased – 9.7 thousand against 13.4 thousand rubles in 2019. In addition, it is noted that most of the bookings with departures in the period from December 2021

Пригород Киева превратили в «игрушечный городок» (фото)

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от UNA ARGENTINA POR EL MUNDO (@laura_bagaloni) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Kirill Tikhov (@kirilltikhov) Фото жилого района в пригороде украинской столицы стали вирусными в соцсетях. Иностранные журналисты обратили внимание на необычный жилой комплекс Comfort Town, который состоит из ярких разноцветных многоэтажек, напоминающих конструктор LEGO. Он настолько ярко выделяется на фоне серых советских зданий 1950-х и 1960-х годов, что выглядит игрушечным. Сообщается, что на строительство этого микрорайона потребовалось почти 11 лет, а занимаемая им площадь равна 46,5 гектаров. Внутри красочного пригорода расположены кафе, магазины и офисы, а также огромный спортивный комплекс под открытым небом и 8 500 квартир. Дизайнеры комплекса Дмитрий Васильев, Александр Попов и Ольга Алферова рассказали журналистам LA Times, что здания и материалы они использовали максимально простые, а весь «игрушечный» эффект получился лишь за счет ярких красок. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Ищу. Киев (@find.kiev) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Andrey Avdeenko▪️Photographer (@avdeenko_photographer) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Анатолий Урбан Новак (@urban_kr) Отметим, что подобный разноцветный район есть

The Russian kept his little children on the cold balcony

In the Perm Territory, a Russian forced children to be in the cold and forbade calling a doctor forbade the mother to call a doctor for sick children. This is reported by URA.RU with reference to the press service of the regional central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. According to the agency, in April a drunk 34-year-old Russian put small children on the balcony. “As a result, they caught a cold. Later, the ambulance team hospitalized the children in the hospital, ”the law enforcement officers explained. During the inspection, it turned out that a resident of Kudymkar did not take proper care of minors. He often made scandals and abused alcohol. As a result, the man was convicted of child abuse. Earlier in Chelyabinsk, a Russian woman left her daughters alone in the apartment and starved them. The police explained that the woman went to work

Dina Saeva starred in lingerie and sparked controversy on the network

Blogger Dina Saeva shared a snapshot in black lace underwear Russian blogger Dina Saeva, nicknamed the “Queen of TikTok”, shared frank manner and caused controversy among subscribers. The photos appeared on her Instagram account. The footage posted online shows the 22-year-old celebrity on a bed in her room. She is dressed in black lace underwear, long translucent gloves and heeled sandals. Her hair is braided and her face is brightly colored. “Pardon my pretty (” Excuse me for the beauty “)”, – she signed the post, which received 343 thousand likes. Netizens criticized Saeva's outfit in the comments below the post. “I tried the taste of money and fame. She sold faith and honor, “” She got worse. Has deteriorated “,” I would be ashamed in front of my brother “,” Aren't you ashamed, Madina? Who you were and what you have become ”,“ Come to your senses, you’re a

Tinkoff shares collapse

Tinkoff Shares Down 5.6% on the Moscow Exchange on Tuesday, November 9. At 17:42 Moscow time, the company's securities fell to 7899 rubles per share (minus 5.6 percent compared to the close of the previous trading session). On the eve of TCS Group's depositary receipts, they set a historic maximum, rising to 8506.2 rubles.

The deputy described his cabinet in the State Duma with the words “devastation, nothing”

MP from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Matveev complained about the unpreparedness of the cabinet to work in the State Duma and complained about his complete unpreparedness. He shared the corresponding video on his Twitter page. According to Matveyev, the premises are completely empty – there are no furniture and equipment in it. The footage he shared online shows only bare walls, floors and windows with shutters. The video's author noticed that the previous deputy, who worked in the same office, made extensive repairs in the room, but later everything eliminated, tearing out even the window sill and wall panels. “There is no nifig. Everything is uprooted. Devastation, nothing, “Matveyev described. On November 8, the former mayor of Yakutsk and State Duma deputy from the New People party Sardana Avksentieva demonstrated the conditions in which she will have to work in the coming years. She noticed that although

A prisoner beat a psychologist in a Russian colony

In the Chelyabinsk region a prisoner beat a psychologist two months before leaving the colony who conducted a survey among the prisoners. This is reported by URA.RU with reference to the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The department noted that at first the prisoner refused to be questioned, then agreed, but during the conversation he attacked a psychologist, a lieutenant of the internal service, and inflicted he had at least nine blows to the head. The interlocutor of the agency also noted that the prisoner had less than two months before his release. A check is being carried out on the fact of the attack on the psychologist. The issue of initiating a criminal case is being resolved. Earlier in the Irkutsk region, a 36-year-old prisoner was sentenced to 13 years in prison for attacking an employee of the regional department of the Federal Penitentiary Service with

Polish Prime Minister accused Russia of attack with the help of migrants

Polish Prime Minister: country's security has been brutally attacked due to an influx of migrants Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki complained about a brutal attack due to the influx of migrants. The politician is confident that this could be part of a coordinated attack and a “new type of war.” The quote is cited by TASS. Morawiecki stressed that the security of the Polish border was subjected to a tough attack for the first time in 30 years. He also accused Russia and Belarus of trying to hit Poland with the migration crisis. “We are convinced that these operations on Poland’s eastern border are part of a broad, coordinated operation, a new type of attack in which people are used as human shields,” the politician said. On November 9, the EU Council decided to tighten the visa regime with Belarus due to the migration crisis on the border with Poland,

The DPR announced the unwillingness of the United States to fight for Ukraine

Deputy of the People's Council of the DPR Berdichevsky: the United States will not fight for Ukraine and Ukraine. This was stated by the deputy of the People's Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Vladislav Berdichevsky, writes RIA Novosti. He spoke about the unwillingness of the United States to openly participate in a possible Russian-Ukrainian confrontation and stressed that such a scenario is not popular in American foreign policy. “Provoking and pushing Ukraine to active military steps with symbolic actions and promises is one thing, but no one will fight for Ukraine,” Berdichevsky said. At the same time, the deputy stressed that in the event of hostilities, US warships in the Black Sea can serve as a kind of deterrent for the Russian fleet. “For the same reason, American ships enter the South China Sea to contain China in the event of an escalation with Taiwan,” he added.