The man lost 20 kilograms in five months and revealed the secret of success

Weighing 106 kilograms, the Briton has lost 20 kilograms thanks to diet and exercise the secret of success. His story is published by Men’s Health. Samuel Baptist said that he always tried to keep himself in shape: he regularly played football, jogged and went to the gym. “I have always led an active lifestyle, but all the work went down the drain due to improper nutrition. I ate a lot of cookies and did not understand how it affects me, “he shared. Related materials 00:00 – April 13, 2018 ” Don't drink, don't smoke, don't watch porn “Indians quit ghee and became obsessed with bodybuilding00:05 – 10 March 2017 “Are you ready to die to lose weight?” How do those who weighed 500 kilograms live, but managed to lose weight By the age of 41, the man already weighed 106 kilograms. He admitted that he had lost the former feeling

Marine drone tested in Russia

Zala Aero has tested the marine version of the KUB-UAV The marine version of the KUB-UAV has been tested in Russia. Loitering ammunition was developed by Zala Aero (part of the Kalashnikov group of companies). This was reported by TASS with reference to the Kalashnikov press service. The press service reported that the developer had tested a naval version of the KUB-UAV loitering ammunition. The development is based on the concept that was presented at the international forum “Army-2021”. Kalashnikov also noted that the CUB-UAV is a universal means of destruction. The compact dimensions of the complex allow launching loitering ammunition from landing boats. The KUB-UAV loitering ammunition was presented at the IDEX 2019 exhibition in Abu Dhabi. The declared speed of the drone is 130 kilometers per hour. The duration of the device is up to 30 minutes. The KUB-UAV can carry up to three kilograms of payload. Earlier

State Duma deputy sent a request on the situation about the custody that took the child's grandmother

State Duma Deputy Artem Metelev sent a request on the situation about the custody that took the child Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Policy Artem Metelev sent the Governor Rostov region I.A. Guskov, a deputy's request with a request to understand the situation with attempts to take the baby to an orphanage with a living solvent grandmother. On October 14, near Rostov-on-Don, the child's mother Daria Akifieva died during childbirth. The guardianship authorities refuse to give the baby to his own grandmother due to the lack of an official source of income and a certificate of income 2-NDFL. At the same time, the grandmother has her own farm, living space and the necessary funds to raise a baby. “In this situation, it is necessary to act in the interests of a newborn baby, and not to allow him to enter the orphanage. But this is a special

Karpin called the percentage of vaccinated football players in the Russian national team

Karpin: 70 percent of the players in the Russian national team were vaccinated against coronavirus About 70 percent of the players of the Russian national football team were vaccinated against coronavirus. The head coach of the team, Valery Karpin, told about this, whose words are quoted by “”. The specialist called those who refused the procedure anti-vaccination. “Someone does not want, someone is afraid. So it is the same as the population. I am in favor of being vaccinated. But forcing someone is not my question, “Karpin added. Earlier on Tuesday, November 9, Karpin spoke about the injuries of Spartak defender Georgy Dzhikia and Lokomotiv midfielder Rifat Zhemaletdinov. The coach did not disclose the details of the injuries, but added that the players did not take part in the training, as it was decided not to risk their health. On November 11, the Russian national team will meet with Cyprus

The State Duma announced the unpreparedness of Egyptian resorts to receive tourists from Russia

State Duma Deputy Tarbayev: Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh are not ready for an increase in tourist flow from Russia tourism and development of tourist infrastructure Sangadzhi Tarbayev commented on the resumption of charter flights to Egypt from Russia. About this on Tuesday, November 9, writes In his opinion, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh are not ready to receive domestic travelers and the growth of tourist flow from Russia. “I am interested in the state of the resorts that will receive our tourists, because the latest events related to the Egyptian poisoning indicate that the localities are not ready to resume such a flow of tourists,” the speaker said. In addition, Tarbaev added that the State Duma controls the situation with the poisoning of Russian tourists. “The Federal Tourism Agency has sent relevant inquiries and received comprehensive answers,” he said. Earlier in November, the head of Rostourism Zarina Doguzova demanded

Lady Gaga reveals the unusual property of the dress from Biden's inauguration

Lady Gaga performed at the inauguration of President Biden in a bulletproof outfit American singer and actress Lady Gaga attended the inauguration ceremony of US President Joe Biden in January. The interview with her is published by Vogue. The celebrity sang the national anthem on the steps of the Capitol in the attire of the luxury brand Schiaparelli Haute Couture, consisting of a fitted navy blue jacket and a voluminous red skirt. Her image was complemented by a large golden brooch in the shape of a dove, symbolizing peace. A black ribbon was woven into Gaga's hairstyle. According to the pop singer, the dress was bulletproof, but she did not specify what material the designers made the clothes from. In addition, Gaga did not reveal if she used a bulletproof vest during the performance. “This is one of my favorite things I've ever worn,” she admitted. In January, Lady Gaga

New diabetes risk factor identified

Swedish scientists: galectin-1 linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes galectin-1 is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Dedicated to a new risk factor for the disease, the article was published in the journal Diabetologia. Galectin-1 is involved in the regulation of inflammation of fat cells in the body. It has previously been hypothesized that it is involved in the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with the development of type 2 diabetes, thus it has been shown to be associated with elevated insulin levels. Researchers at the Universities of Gothenburg and Lund analyzed blood samples from more than 4,000 participants in the longitudinal study, collected in 1991-1994. Scientists evaluated how galectin-1 levels correlate with the development of type 2 diabetes over the next 18 years and found a positive correlation. At the same time, the researchers note that one should not consider the level of galectin-1 as a

Muscovite accused of rape by daughter committed suicide

A man committed suicide in Moscow, whom his daughter accused of rape Moskvich committed suicide after his daughter accused him of rape … This was reported on Tuesday, November 9, by Moskovsky Komsomolets. According to the newspaper, the body of a 46-year-old man was found in Volotsky Lane under the windows of a residential building. On Sunday, November 7, an 18-year-old daughter wrote a statement against her father to the police about violent acts of a sexual nature. The girl complained about her father at the moment when she left to rest with her friend in Kaliningrad. On Monday, November 8, she arrived home, told the family that she had declared about her father, and then left with an overnight stay with a friend. On the same day, the man was summoned to the police. After the conversation, he was very nervous, although he did not plead guilty, the newspaper