A new anti-aircraft missile system will appear in Russia

Work is underway in Russia to create a new C-550 anti-aircraft missile system A new C-550 anti-aircraft missile system will appear in Russia, now work is underway to create it. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Defense about the recent series of military meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, RIA Novosti reports. As the agency notes, during the meetings, Putin made “special emphasis on the importance of the advanced development of domestic air defense systems – Missile defense, supplies to the Armed Forces of the S-350, S-500, S-550 systems.

House arrest extended to pest in fatal watermelon poisoning case

House arrest was extended to the main person involved in the watermelon poisoning case until December 10 about watermelon poisoning. This was announced on Tuesday, November 9, Interfax reported. The court extended Kotova, accused under Article 238 (“Provision of services that do not meet security requirements, resulting in the death of two people by negligence”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the measure suppression until December 10, 2021. According to the investigation, his violation of the rules for conducting pest control in the store led to fatal poisoning. On October 11, the Moscow City Court released Kotov from jail and sent him under house arrest. known on September 10th. Doctors hospitalized a 15-year-old girl, her mother and a 61-year-old grandmother. The pensioner and her granddaughter died, and the woman's condition was stabilized. Later, the number of victims increased to 11. The general director of the company where Kotov

France urged to punish Belarus for the crisis with migrants “without blades”

Secretary of State under the French Foreign Ministry: EU countries must respond to Minsk's provocation at the borders The migration crisis on the border of Poland and Belarus , and the countries of the European Union should do everything to severely punish Minsk for such a provocation. This opinion was expressed by the Secretary of State at the French Foreign Ministry, Clement Bon, at the government hour in the National Assembly, the link to the broadcast was posted on Twitter. European values, ”the diplomat urged. He explained that the countries of unification should not erect high walls with wire on the border of Poland and Belarus: the perpetrators of the crisis should be punished “without blades,” that is, without endangering the lives of the refugees themselves. November 9 Council of the EU took the first steps to resolve the new crisis that erupted on 8 November. He tightened the visa

Samsung unveils RAM for smartphones of the future

Samsung spoke about LPDDR5X RAM Samsung introduced LPDDR5X RAM for smartphones. This was reported on the company's website. Representatives of the corporation said that LPDDR5X is manufactured using a 14-nanometer process technology with 16-gigabit chips, has increased data transfer speed and low power consumption. The new format is designed to work with artificial intelligence, 5G, metauniverses and will be used in smartphones of the future. LPDDR5X provides data processing speeds of up to 8.5 gigabits per second. This is more than 1.3 times faster than LPDDR5. Also, RAM consumes 20 percent less power. The current format is designed to meet the growing demand for higher capacity mobile DRAM. “In recent years, hyperconnected market segments such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and the metaverse, which rely on extremely fast large-scale data processing, have rapidly expanded “, – explained the need to implement LPDDR5X vice president of Samsung Sang Joon Hwan. At

The murderer of a Russian businessman and his son was sentenced

A criminal from Orenburg was sentenced to 19 and a half years for participating in four murders sentenced 24-year-old member of a local criminal group who participated in the murder of four people. On Tuesday, November 9, the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia reported to Lente.ru. As the court established, in the spring of 2015 he set fire to two cars, then from December 2016 to July 2017, together with accomplices, to hone their skills, kidnapped two homeless men and took part in their murder. In January 2018, the attacker committed the murder of a Russian businessman, and then shot his son, not wanting to leave witnesses. A pre-trial cooperation agreement was concluded with the killer, in connection with which the criminal case against him was separated into a separate production. It was investigated under Article 167 (“Intentional destruction or damage to property”), 105 (“Murder”) and 166 (“Unlawful seizure of

Revealed cause of exposure of older people to COVID-19

Scientists from the United States have identified a protein that contributes to greater infection with coronavirus in the elderly Researchers from the United States have shown that chitinase 3-like protein 1 ( CHI3L1), the content of which in the body increases with age, contributes to the infection of coronavirus infection. This, according to scientists, whose article was published in JCI Insight, may be the reason why the elderly and patients with underlying medical conditions are more susceptible to COVID-19. CHI3L1 is used in a signaling pathway that is activated during inflammation. At the same time, it has been found that blood levels increase not only during infections associated with inflammation – emphysema, asthma or COPD – but also as a person ages. They can best predict death in people over 80 years old. Scientists from Brown and Yale Universities decided to identify the relationship between CHI3L1 and the ACE2 receptor,

Klitschko criticized the jokes of the studio founded by Zelensky

Kyiv Mayor Klitschko: Kvartal 95 jokes are working to clean up the electoral field Zelensky studio “Kvartal 95” deliberately shows him in the form of a narrow-minded person. He told about this in an interview with journalist Dmitry Gordon. The mayor criticized the studio's tricks and said that with the help of them it is purposefully working to lower his political rating and clean up the electoral field. “Someday the time will come – I'll tell you a little more. I know a lot of information. And this was all done deliberately, “Klitschko added. At the same time, the politician called the studio's humor uninteresting. “Honestly, the jokes are below the floor. Well, it doesn't look like a parody, it doesn't look like satire, the jokes are like that … And in this regard, today the ratings of Kvartal 95 are no longer there, “the mayor noted. Previously, Klitschko accused

Holocaust Museum accuses China of Uyghur genocide

US Holocaust Memorial Museum: China Possibly Perpetrating Uyghur Genocide in the genocide of Muslim Uyghurs, writes Axios. The 56-page document contains evidence: mass surveillance of Uyghurs, oppression of their religion, forced sterilization, imprisonment and forced labor. In addition, the authors note, the PRC authorities are destroying the religious and cultural buildings of the Uyghurs and taking away Uyghur children from their families. It is noted that Beijing's actions go beyond accelerated assimilation – in particular, measures to reduce fertility among Uyghurs are emphasized here: forced sterilization and contraception and separation of men and women. The museum believes that the intention of the Chinese authorities is to achieve the biological extinction of such a group as the Uyghurs. China is doing a lot for the cultural struggle against the Uyghur minority. For example, in October, the country's authorities got Apple to remove the world's most popular Quran reading application from the

The Russians were offered to sign up for visits to prisoners through the “State Services”

Senator Narusova: you should only be allowed to see prisoners if you have an electronic record electronic record made using the “Gosuslugi” portal. This initiative, as noted by TASS, was made by a member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction Lyudmila Narusova. “If the Federal Penitentiary Service excludes the electronic queue in its program, postpones it again to 2022, I think that we, as legislators it is necessary to legally oblige the FSIN to do what they promised us to do three years ago, ”said Narusova at a seminar-meeting held on November 9 in the building of the Federation Council, which was devoted to the topic of admission to visits with prisoners. The senator reminded her colleagues that three years ago the Federal Penitentiary Service curtailed plans to introduce electronic queues. According to Narusova, because of this, Russians are forced to sign up for dates with relatives

Europeans have found unusual uses for toothbrushes

In Portugal, used toothbrushes will be recycled into surfboards for the disabled The local government has launched the Recycle to Surf campaign to recycle old hygiene products into disabled surfboards. The portal TheMayor.EU writes about this. The initiative was initiated by the Norwegian company Jordan, which is engaged in waste-free production of oral care products. It organizes collection points for old toothbrushes in public places throughout the city – including the municipal government building, libraries, theaters and sports complexes. Activists plan to collect at least 15 kilograms of plastic and turn waste into boards which will be transferred to the Portuguese Adaptive Surfing Association. The environmental campaign will help not only to involve more Europeans in the correct disposal of garbage, but will also make extreme sports accessible to people with different physical abilities. Earlier in the Spanish Valencia, an unusual use was found for bottle corks. The plastic waste