Shoigu spoke about the development of a new anti-aircraft missile system S-550

Shoigu noted that & nbsp; Vladimir Putin at a recent meeting & laquo & mdash; Missile defense, supplies to the & nbsp; Armed Forces of the S-350, S-500, S-550 systems. A series of meetings between the head of state and & nbsp; the leadership of the defense department, and & nbsp; also the heads of the companies of the military-industrial complex were held in & nbsp; Sochi from & nbsp; 1 to & nbsp; 3 & nbsp; November. At a & nbsp; meeting with the president, it became known that & nbsp; in & nbsp; in the near future in & nbsp; the troops will deliver the first production model of the S-500. Putin recalled that & nbsp; & nbsp; over the past four years, the Armed Forces have replenished 25 S-400 complexes, and & nbsp; more than 20 S-300 complexes have been modernized. S-500 Prometheus; refers to & nbsp;

Poland assessed the future of the migration crisis on the border with Belarus

Prime Minister Morawiecki: Poland is preparing for a long fight against the crisis on the border with Belarus Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the solution of the migration crisis on the border with Belarus will require many years of struggle, RIA Novosti reports. Answering the questions of parliament members, Moravetsky assessed the future of the migration crisis. According to him, the country is preparing for a long struggle with this problem. “We are preparing for long months, long quarters, and maybe for long years of fighting this provocation [of President of Belarus Alexander] Lukashenko,” – the prime minister emphasized. Morawiecki said that today, on November 9, he arrived at the border of Poland with Belarus, where he was shown a container town. When the cold weather comes to the country, Polish security forces serving there will begin to live there. Earlier, the Prime Minister of Poland accused Russia

The girl took her friend hostage because of a bottle of vodka

The British took her friend hostage for drinking a bottle of expensive vodka British resident Clarity Kennedy took hostage her friend, accusing her of drinking a bottle of expensive vodka, writes the Metro newspaper. It is reported that the 18-year-old British woman woke up with a severe hangover in the morning after celebrating her majority and entered a conflict with her friend Laura Creedon over the fact that she, in her opinion, drank a bottle of vodka worth 80 pounds sterling (about 7.6 thousand rubles) at a party, forcing her to return the money for alcohol. She refused, after which the girl “took her hostage” and promised to handcuff and stab her. “I will hold you hostage until you give me the money. If you try to leave, I will cut you, “Kennedy's lawyer quoted the victim's lawyer, adding that after that she hit her friend on the head with

Klitschko commented on rumors about his desire to break Zelensky's leg

Klitschko said that he was not going to break Zelensky's leg because of his jokes in “Quarter 95” Klitschko, in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon, commented on rumors that he wants to break the leg of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for unsuccessful jokes about him in the 95 Quarter comedy show. “Boxers actually break their nose. Do not listen to any gossip, I didn’t promise to break my legs, I don’t do that. The maximum that I did in my career was to accidentally break my noses, “the politician and athlete emphasized. Earlier, Klitschko responded to the ridicule of Volodymyr Zelensky that he was allegedly eager to get to the President of Ukraine for an appointment. According to the mayor of the Ukrainian capital, it is not a matter of his personal desire to meet with Zelensky, but of the need to discuss the management of Kiev and

Romania called for an increase in the US military presence in the Black Sea

Romanian Foreign Minister Aurescu: Bucharest is ready to help develop the US strategy in the Black Sea The US military presence in the entire Black Sea region should be increased, Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said, reports Digi24. During a conversation with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, he assured him that Bucharest is ready to help develop a strategy USA in the Black Sea region. The minister has already sent in “some preliminary ideas.” According to the head of the military department, the countries need to form a multilateral approach to security. “The American military presence in the region, both troops and equipment, should be strengthened not only in Romania, but also in the southern part of the eastern flank “, – he urged. The Minister believes that the situation in the Black Sea region affects the transatlantic relations in general. Aurescu added that the region has been a

Russian woman announced the abduction of her son from the hospital

Volgograd resident Zhitnikova is looking for her son, kidnapped from the hospital 27 years ago her son from the hospital, after which she did not see the child, reports the SHOT Telegram channel. According to the Russian woman, she became pregnant in 1993, when she was 17 years old. The girl lived in a student hostel, and the child's father abandoned her. She did not tell her relatives that she would soon become a mother. As the woman clarified, after giving birth, the doctors carried away her son. Later, she went out into the corridor, hearing a crying baby and told the nurse that it was her baby. “And she told me:” Yours has been gone for a long time, get out of here. ” I began to say: “Give me the child.” The head of the department heard, and the nurse, together with the head, kicked me out, “Zhitnikova

Bill Gates predicted a new crisis after the COVID-19 pandemic

Microsoft founder Gates warned of another crisis after the COVID-19 pandemic Microsoft founder Bill Gates warned that the world could face more one threat besides the COVID-19 pandemic. He wrote about this on his Twitter account. “COVID-19 will not be the last pandemic threat the world will face. I spoke to the Grand Challenges community about the ambitious innovation program we need to end this crisis and be prepared to respond to the next, ”Gates predicted. Gates previously said new pandemics could threaten the world in the future, not only for natural reasons, but also because of bioterrorist attackers. The billionaire believes that in order to fight disease, humanity needs to invest in technological development: to make the development and production of vaccines much cheaper and to increase the number of factories that produce them. In September, the startup Exscientia signed a four-year a contract that can cost up to

Russian “Shell” destroyed missiles fired by Israel on Syria

Deputy head of CPVS Kulit: Syrian air defense forces destroyed six Israeli missiles in Syria damage, injured two Syrian military. This was announced by Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, Deputy Head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties (CPVS) in Syria, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, the Syrian air defense forces on duty destroyed six missiles from the Syrian Russian-made Buk -M2 “and” Pantsir-S “. ” As a result of Israeli airstrikes, minor material damage was caused, two Syrian servicemen were injured, “Qulit said. On October 30, in a suburb of Damascus a rocket attack began. It was noted that Israel began attacking a number of significant targets from the north of Palestine with surface-to-surface missiles. As a result, two Syrian soldiers were injured in an attack by Israeli F-16 fighters in the Golan Heights. As Kulit confirmed, the Syrian air defense systems using the Buk-M2E anti-aircraft

Lavrov and Shoigu will meet with French colleagues in Paris

Foreign and Defense Ministers Lavrov and Shoigu will meet with colleagues from France in Paris on November 12 Russian Foreign and Defense Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Sergey Shoigu will meet on November 12 in Paris with his French counterparts, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian and Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly. This is reported by TASS with reference to the French diplomatic department. “On the sidelines of the International Conference on Libya, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Armed Forces of France will receive their Russian counterparts, Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Shoigu, in Paris on November 12 within the framework of the Council for Security Cooperation, “the message says. The parties will discuss topics of strategic stability and security in Europe, the Middle East, Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific region, military and political aspects of regional crises, especially in

The doctor warned the Russians about the dangerous type of rhinitis

Otolaryngologist Zaitsev urged to see a doctor if a runny nose lasts more than five days becomes a symptom of a dangerous disease. He urged patients not to engage in self-treatment in an interview with Vechernyaya Moskva. “When transparent discharge becomes whitish, and then yellow and thickens, an unpleasant odor appears, pressing sensations, pain is a transition from an acute rhinitis into sinusitis, ”Zaitsev warned. He also urged Russians to seek help from a doctor if the ailment lasts more than five days. According to the expert, this type of rhinitis can inflame the paranasal maxillary sinus, which is the most vulnerable. “Pain under the eye, soreness when the head is tilted downward, the feeling of fluid rolling at the level of the cheeks, pressing pain that can spread to the teeth — these are all symptoms of purulent sinusitis,” he explained. A runny nose can be a symptom of