USA will help Ukraine to strengthen its defenses

The Pentagon discussed with the representatives of Kiev the strengthening of the defense capability of Ukraine Laura Cooper and the representative of Kiev, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for European Integration Anatoly Petrenko, where they discussed the topic of strengthening the Ukrainian defense capability, according to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. states by creating modern operational capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the support of US security, “the message says. The department also noted that this set of measures is carried out on the basis of strategic partnership between Ukraine and the United States and in accordance with political agreements achieved by the President of the country Volodymyr Zelensky during his visit to the U.S. He spoke about the unwillingness of the United States to openly participate in a possible Russian-Ukrainian confrontation and stressed that such a scenario is not popular in American foreign policy.

US urged Georgia to treat Saakashvili honestly and with dignity

The US State Department calls on Georgia to abide by international norms with regard to Saakashvili The US calls on the former President of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili, to be treated honestly and with dignity and comply with international standards in relation to it. This was stated by the official representative of the US State Department, Ned Price, quoted by RIA Novosti. “We call on the Georgian government to treat Saakashvili with honesty and dignity, in compliance with international norms,” ​​he stressed. Price added that Washington is monitoring the situation and urging the Georgian authorities to immediately provide the prisoner with adequate medical care and take steps to make sure that the ex-leader's urgent physical and mental health needs are met. Saakashvili said earlier that he was beaten after being taken from prison No. 12 in the city of Rustavi to the prison hospital in the Gldani district of Tbilisi. “One

The court fined the deputy Bondarenko for hooliganism

The Saratov court fined Bondarenko, who staged a debauchery, for a thousand rubles Communist Party of the Russian Federation Nikolai Bondarenko, who on September 19 made a riot at the polling station. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the press service of the regional party committee. “I was fined. Nikolai Bondarenko's trial lasted more than eight hours. Just a few minutes ago, a communist deputy left the door of the Zavodskoy District Court. The verdict is a fine of one thousand rubles, ”the message says. In the courtroom, he was handed a second summons. Earlier, on November 9, police officers detained Bondarenko in Saratov. He was charged with disorderly conduct at the polling station on September 19. The deputy himself said that the article presupposes an administrative arrest. On September 17, it became known about the brawl staged by the deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from the

Zelensky spoke about his most beloved anecdotes

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called jokes in Ukrainian the funniest in the republic on November 9. He spoke about his love for his native language in a post on his official Instagram account. Zelensky stressed that the Ukrainian language is “a decoration that gives charm to everything.” He called the lullabies in his native language the most affectionate, and the poems the most romantic. “Jokes are the most amusing. The dialogues are the most frank. The songs are the most soulful. And confessions in the Ukrainian language of love are the most ardent, “the president of the country emphasized. In addition, Zelensky called the Ukrainian language invincible. In an interview with the American television channel CNN, Zelensky spoke in a mixture of Ukrainian and English. “I energized very directly,” he began to speak out. Earlier, Zelensky called the condition for the opening of Russian schools in Ukraine. He stressed that he

Biden appreciated the possibility of banning oil exports

The White House did not answer the question about the possibility of banning oil exports Joe Biden will impose a ban on oil exports. TASS writes about this. Earlier, a group of American Democratic senators sent a letter to the head of state in connection with the high prices for gasoline in the country. They asked the president to ban the export of crude oil. “I have nothing specific for you. I can just tell you what we are doing here, namely, we call on OPEC to increase [oil] supplies, ”said Karin Jean-Pierre, Deputy Press Secretary of the White House, answering the question whether the President is considering this proposal. Jean-Pierre also said that the American authorities are closely monitoring the situation. “We have tools in our arsenal with which we can potentially solve this problem,” said Jean-Pierre. As a White House spokeswoman noted, the US authorities are very concerned

In Poland, a solution was found for the expulsion of migrants to their homeland

Prime Minister Morawiecki: Poland is considering readmission to send migrants home Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the homeland of illegal migrants under the readmission procedure, RIA Novosti reports. Answering the questions of the deputies of the Seimas, Morawiecki stressed that a solution had been found in Poland to deport migrants to their homeland. “Mr. Deputy Krzysztof Pashik asked about readmission. Yes, Mr. Deputy. We are thinking about it. This is a new concept that we have been analyzing in recent days, “Morawiecki stressed. Earlier, the Polish prime minister assessed the future of the migration crisis on the border with Belarus. He stressed that the republic is preparing for a long struggle against this problem. Moravetsky also said that on November 9, he arrived at the border of Poland with Belarus, where he examined a container town for security officials. On November 9, the EU Council tightened the visa

NASA has named the date for the landing of astronauts on the moon

NASA chief Nelson: astronauts will land on the moon no earlier than 2025 Head of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Bill Nelson, at a press briefing, named the possible dates for the return of his astronauts to the moon under the Artemis program. In his opinion, it will be possible to do this no earlier than 2025, TASS reports. “These changes will lead to the fact that the Artemis-2 mission, which is the first manned mission, should potentially have as a date launch in May 2024. This probably delayed the first landing until at least 2025, “Nelson said. He also noted that this manned landing will be preceded by an unmanned landing on an Earth satellite. Earlier, a specialist in the field of materials from Mighty Tech (engaged in the construction of houses using 3D printers) Yegor Yakovlev told how and from what in the future

День в истории: 10 ноября

Битва при Варне Битва при Варне — сражение, произошедшее 10 ноября 1444 года между объединённой армией венгерских и польских крестоносцев и армией Османской империи у города Варна. Битва стала завершением крестового похода на Варну венгерского и польского короля Владислава, получившего в историографии прозвище Варненчик. Несмотря на троекратный перевес сил у османов, упорная битва могла окончиться в пользу крестоносцев. Однако Владислав решил лично убить Мурада, ринулся в атаку и погиб в бою. В результате крестоносцы потерпели полное поражение, а позиции османов на Балканском полуострове укрепились. Бунин получил Нобелевскую премию 10 ноября 1933 года стало известно, что писатель Иван Бунин стал первым русским литератором, удостоенным Нобелевской премии. Выдвижению Бунина поспособствовал прозаик Марк Алданов. В 1922 году он обратился к известному французскому писателю Ромену Роллану, и тот внес его в список на соискание премии. Правда, в первый раз кандидатуру Ивана Бунина комитет не выбрал, и почетную награду писатель получил только через десять лет. Впервые со времени учреждения Нобелевской премии вы присудили ее изгнаннику. Ибо кто же я? Изгнанник, пользующийся гостеприимством Франции, по отношению к которой я тоже навсегда сохраню признательность. Господа члены Академии, позвольте мне, оставив в стороне меня лично и мои произведения, сказать вам,

Details of the timing of the virtual summit of Joe Biden and Xi Jinping revealed

Bloomberg: Joe Biden and Xi Jinping virtual summit will be held next week US President Joe Biden will hold a virtual summit with Xi Jinping , reports Bloomberg. Sources said the time of the event: the summit is expected to be held next week. A specific date for the event has not yet been set. The publication noted that ties between the two “largest economies in the world” have improved in recent months. At the same time, Washington is concerned about the expanding nuclear arsenal of Beijing. The agency's interlocutors did not disclose the details of the talks between the two leaders. According to them, the parties will not consider the issue of opening a US consulate in Chengdu and a Chinese diplomatic mission in Houston. Both departments closed in July 2020 amid deteriorating relations between the United States and China. On November 6, a senior US administration official said

Ukraine saw a threat in the Russian “Terminators”

Defense Express: “Terminator” tank support combat vehicles are a threat to Ukraine “Saw the threat. The Ukrainian information and consulting agency Defense Express commented on the reports on the introduction of an BMPT company into the staff of one of the regiments of the 90th Panzer Division. According to the commander of the Central Military District (CVD), Colonel-General Alexander Lapin, the Terminators “Will enter one of the tank regiments of the 90th Panzer Division by December 1. The author of the article suggested that each tank regiment will include an BMPT company, so the total order for new vehicles could be 585 units. The publication emphasizes that while the release of BMPT is limited. This is due to the high workload of Russian tank factories, which modernize the T-72B, T-80BV and T-90A tanks. “Nevertheless, the introduction of the BMPT company into the tank and, moreover, the motorized rifle regiments of