Georgia aims to help NATO in the Black Sea

Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili announced Tbilisi's readiness to help NATO in the Black Sea Georgia is ready to help NATO in ensuring security in the Black Sea region Prime Minister of the country Irakli Garibashvili aboard the flagship of the sixth fleet of the American naval forces Mount Whitney, located in the port of Batumi, Izvestia writes. According to him, Georgia is a devoted ally and “participant in global security “. “We understand well the importance of the security of the Black Sea and are committed to helping our allies in this direction,” he stressed. The Prime Minister noted that the visit of American ships to Georgia can be considered a strengthening of strategic relations between Tbilisi and Washington. On Tuesday, November 9, Romania called for an increase in the US military presence in the Black Sea. According to the country's Defense Minister Bogdan Aurescu, Bucharest will help the American

France from mid-December will make revaccination compulsory for the extension of the pass

From & nbsp; 15 & nbsp; December to & nbsp; renewal of the sanitary pass will require confirmation of & nbsp; additional vaccination & nbsp; said the head of state, referring to & nbsp; citizens over 65 years old and & nbsp; representatives of the most vulnerable groups of the population, whose vaccination began in & nbsp; December 2020. weaken with & nbsp; time. From & nbsp; mid-December, the campaign for & nbsp; revaccination will begin among people from & nbsp; 50 to & nbsp; 64 years old & nbsp;, & nbsp; & mdash; Macron said. The head of state explained that, according to & nbsp; research data, & nbsp; six months after vaccination, immunity from the & nbsp; coronavirus decreases, which is why re-vaccination is necessary. “ If more than six months have passed since & nbsp; & nbsp; your vaccination, I & nbsp; I urge you from &

ВОЗ заявила о более чем 250 млн случаев заражения COVID-19

По состоянию на 22:43 мск 9 ноября в ВОЗ поступили сообщения о 250 154 972 инфицированных коронавирусом и 5 054 267 умерших. При этом число заразившихся за сутки увеличилось на 370 007, летальных исходов — на 6183. Больше всего подтвержденных случаев заражения, зарегистрировано в США — 46 193 234, затем следуют Индия (34 377 113) и Бразилия (21 880 439). Летальных исходов больше всего также в США — 748 615, вторую строчку занимает Бразилия (609 447), третью — Индия (461 389), следует из данных ВОЗ. 24 октября глава ВОЗ Тедрос Аданом Гебрейесус заявил, что у мира есть все необходимые инструменты для победы над COVID-19, в том числе и медицинские, но эти возможности не используются должным образом. Он указал на необходимость подписания «всемирного пакта о пандемии». 10 октября главный научный сотрудник ВОЗ Сумья Сваминатан сообщила, что прогнозы относительно сроков завершения пандемии COVID-19 пока рано делать, поскольку впереди еще могут встретиться новые непредвиденные трудности. По ее словам, впереди возможно появление новых вариантов штаммов коронавируса. В то же время эксперт подчеркнула, что улучшению эпидемиологической ситуации способствует уровень вакцинации в 70−80%.

Putin congratulated the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on their professional holiday

Putin congratulated the leadership and personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Day of the employee of internal organs internal organs, which is celebrated on November 10. His appeal is quoted by Izvestia. According to the head of state, on this day the country pays tribute and gratitude to people who stand guard over law and order, who have chosen a risky job that involves heavy workloads. Ministry of Internal Affairs officers wage a merciless fight against corruption, violence and arbitrariness, participate in solving the most important national tasks and stand guard over statehood. Putin addressed separate words of gratitude to the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for their courage, loyalty to duty and high professionalism. He emphasized that these people helped people in trouble and strengthened their faith in the power of law and the triumph of justice. The President thanked the leadership and personnel

A drug made from antibodies for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 will appear in Russia

The head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg announced the development of a drug from antibodies for patients with COVID in an interview with RIA Novosti that Russia is developing a drug from antibodies to treat patients with COVID-19. “Here are antibodies that can be given to patients with coronavirus in the form of a medicine, we are now developing,” said the head of the center Gamalei. According to Gunzburg, clinical trials of the drug for patients with coronavirus will begin in January, within three to four months they will be completed. Earlier Gunzburg based on a study conducted jointly with the Department of Health Moscow, reported that for complete protection against the delta strain, 300 antibodies in international units are needed. He also noted that if this figure is lower, then you need to be vaccinated with Sputnik Light. According to the headquarters on November 9, over the past day,

Russian policeman died while arresting a criminal

In Karachay-Cherkessia, a policeman died while detaining a suspect in theft from a mosque he was detained by the police, who shot one of them with a gun and wounded the second, according to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. “Today, on the outskirts of the city of Karachaevsk, a 32-year-old local resident suspected of stealing from a mosque gave armed resistance and opened fire from a gun “Saiga” at the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “Karachaevsky”. As a result, the detective of the criminal investigation department, police lieutenant Anuar Bashkaev, died on the spot. The second operative received gunshot wounds to his legs, “the report says. The wounded law enforcement officer managed to eliminate the offender with return fire. The victim was hospitalized. The deceased policeman is survived by his wife and two children. Earlier it became known that

The bride forced her friends to go on a diet before the wedding and pissed them off

The bride asked the guests to lose weight before the celebration and angered them with her request The bride forced the guests to go on a diet before the wedding ceremony and put herself out of her … The corresponding post appeared on Reddit. The girl, whose name has not been revealed, explained that she sent her friends a list of requests that they must fulfill before the wedding, and angered them. So, for example, guests must lose weight by a few kilograms, and also pay for the rooms in the resort hotel where the holiday will take place. In addition, the hero of the occasion obliged the girls to buy dresses and hire hairdressers and makeup artists at their own expense. According to the bride, her friends, in turn, asked her to book cheaper accommodation, since not everyone was ready to spend a large amount money, but she refused.

Cabinet supported fines for comparing the USSR and Nazi Germany

The document proposes to introduce into the & nbsp; code a new article 13.47 & laquo; Violation of the ban on public identification of goals, decisions and & nbsp; actions of the USSR leadership and & nbsp; servicemen of the USSR with & nbsp; goals, decisions and & nbsp; actions of the leadership of Nazi Germany, the command and & nbsp; servicemen of Nazi Germany and & nbsp; European Axis countries in & nbsp; during the Second World War, and & nbsp; also denying the decisive role of the Soviet people in & nbsp; missions of the USSR for the & nbsp; liberation of European countries. In & nbsp; as punishment for & nbsp; these actions, the deputies propose to establish fines for & nbsp; citizens from & nbsp; 1 to & nbsp; 2 thousand rubles or administrative arrest up to & nbsp; 15 days; for & nbsp; officials &

In Russia, they conceived to punish for comparing the USSR and Nazi Germany

Izvestia: the Cabinet of Ministers supported the law on fines for comparing the USSR and Nazi Germany Code of Administrative Offenses) of the new article 13.47 on fines for comparing the actions of the USSR and Germany during World War II, as well as for denying the decisive role in the victory over fascism of the Soviet people. Izvestia got acquainted with the corresponding document. The Cabinet of Ministers decided to support the bill of the State Duma deputies from “United Russia” Elena Yampolskaya and Alexander Zhukov “On Amendments to the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation”. The politicians suggested adding to the Administrative Code the article “Violation of the ban on public identification of the goals, decisions and actions of the USSR leadership, the command and military personnel of the USSR with the goals, decisions and actions of the leadership of Nazi Germany, the command and military personnel

Germany announced the problems of Berlin because of the “Nord Stream-2”

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Nord Stream 2 is the problematic legacy of the new German cabinet from the “Russian gas dependence” inherited from his predecessors, said the columnist for the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper Stefan Cornelius. According to the author, the Russian Nord Stream 2 project was also is the most important political decision and problem that the previous cabinet will pass on to the new one. According to him, Berlin should use the “only” way to deal with the gas pipeline. Cornelius believes that the government should “separate the gas owner and the network operator.” Previously, he allowed the freeze of Nord Stream 2 over Ukraine. According to him, Berlin may freeze the project in spite of Moscow, for the sake of Kiev and Germany itself. On October 25, German Ambassador to Russia Geza Andreas von Geyr announced the technical readiness of the gas pipeline. Further, Nord Stream 2 needs to be