The immunologist spoke about the jumps in the level of antibodies in the blood

Immunologist Kryuchkov spoke about two options in which an increase in the number of antibodies occurs the level of antibodies to coronavirus in the blood. According to him, after vaccination or illness, their level is maximum, but over time begins to decrease. The specialist explained that the highest concentration of antibodies usually forms some time after the introduction of the vaccine, or the previous illness, after which their decline occurs. In the case when after this the test reveals another increase in the number of antibodies, one of two options is possible, the doctor emphasized. “If there was a slight increase in IgG or IgM antibodies, then, most likely, we are talking about the fact that the measurement was carried out by different test systems to determine the amount of antibodies in the blood plasma. In addition, one must not forget that each test has an error, and there are

The United States worried about the “pulling together of the Russian armed forces” to the Ukrainian border

Pentagon spokesman Kirby: US Secretary of Defense is concerned about the build-up of Russian forces to the Ukrainian border. This was announced by the Pentagon press secretary John Kirby, his words are quoted by TASS. “The minister is still concerned about this build-up. He continues to maintain contacts with high-ranking representatives of the military leadership here in the Pentagon, as well as in Europe, “- said the representative of the military department, adding that Washington is closely watching what is happening. Earlier, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that Washington appealed to the countries of the European Union (EU) and the European Liaison Service for allegedly pulling the Russian army to the border with Ukraine. Prior to this, on November 5, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that the ministry US Defense Tracks “Unusual” Tactics of Russian Military Personnel Near Donbass. The Russian embassy in Washington replied that the American interest

Physicist spoke about the ability of a smartphone to measure radiation in the house

Physicist RTU MIREA Nazarenko: a smartphone is able to measure electromagnetic radiation in a house of Physics and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Quality Management and Certification of the Russian Technological University MIREA Maxim Nazarenko, writes “Prime”. According to the expert, Russians usually fix from “30 to 100 millitesla” in their homes. He urged to take into account the direction of orientation of the smartphone, as this affects the readings. “For some applications, it is not possible to guess how to turn the smartphone in order to get maximum or minimum readings if there is a tower with cellular emitters in line of sight,” the specialist explained. He recalled that the smartphone is able to measure values near various appliances. For example, a microwave oven 20 centimeters away from a smartphone can emit radiation up to one tenth of a millitesla. This is twice as large as the Earth's

Izvestia solved the mystery of the “product 506”

Confirmation that & nbsp; & quot; item 506 & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; this is indeed a cruise missile (CR) can be found in & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; interviews of the interview of the general director of & nbsp; JSC “ GosNIIMash '' Igor Kuznetsov from & nbsp; 2016. Among future projects to be implemented by the company, Kuznetsov mentioned a certain “ product 506 '', without which will be able to hit the most important targets from a distance of & nbsp; thousands of kilometers, will replenish the arsenal of Tu-160M ​​and & nbsp; Tu-95M bombers. Military expert Dmitry Boltenkov notes that the & nbsp; project of a new missile “ product 506 '' is being developed in parallel with the & nbsp; creation of the modernized Tu-160M. But & nbsp; you can expect her & nbsp; appearance and & nbsp; on & nbsp; other

Human rights defenders showed new footage of torture of prisoners in jail

The project showed footage of prisoners being bullied in the Saratov region over prisoners in the regional tuberculosis hospital No. 1 (OTB-1) of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Saratov region. RBC writes about this. According to human rights activists, in the prison hospital, other convicts committed rape and torture of prisoners, who allegedly acted on the instructions of high-ranking officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service and law enforcement agencies. Those who did not want to cooperate with the administration were subjected to torture. The project also said that the bullying was supervised by at least five employees of state bodies. On October 5, the first video with the rape of prisoners in a hospital appeared on the network Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Saratov region. Then others appeared. According to human rights activist Vladimir Osechkin, 40 gigabytes of video with torture of prisoners were filmed by

Rolls-Royce will provide electricity to millions of Britons

The Guardian: Rolls-Royce to build a new generation of nuclear reactors in Britain energy. An industrial consortium led by the British company Rolls-Royce, which specializes in the manufacture of automobiles, aircraft and power equipment, will begin to create a new generation of nuclear reactors. The project received support from the government of the country, according to The Guardian. The company will create the Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactor project focused on the development of small modular reactors (SMRs). The partners of the enterprise will be the private investment company BNF Resources, the American company Exelon Generation and the British government. Investment in the project will amount to 450 million pounds (612 million dollars). Rolls-Royce representatives noted that they will use the scientific experience of British engineers, designers and the results of their development to launch their small reactors. The SMR project will also be based on technology that is used in

Migrants broke through the border of Poland

“Bialystok”: two groups of dozens of migrants broke through from Belarus to Poland Two large groups of illegal migrants broke through from Belarus to Poland , the Polish radio “Bialystok” reports. “Two large groups of migrants entered Poland from the territory of Belarus. Groups of at least several dozen people broke through the fence in the area of ​​Krynok and Bialowieza, “the report emphasizes. It is noted that the security forces” managed to return to the border line “some migrants who had illegally entered Poland. The search for the rest of the illegal immigrants continues. At the moment, the situation is calm near the Kuznitsa checkpoint, where they tried to break through the country's border on November 8. Earlier it became known that Poland is considering readmission to send migrants home. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told about this. “This is a new concept that we have been analyzing in recent

In Ukraine, they talked about the “energy stranglehold” for Kiev from Russia

Analyst Kochetkov: Russia will start direct gas supplies to Kiev with concessions in Donbass “Energy stranglehold”, which Russia plans to strangle Kiev and named the conditions under which Moscow will begin direct gas supplies to Ukraine. According to him, this will not happen before the Kiev authorities will make political concessions on Donbass. “Already now a situation is emerging in which money alone is not enough to counter the energy crisis. Because Russia is ready to supply gas and coal to us not just for huge sums of money, but also for political concessions on Donbass and Crimea, “the expert said. According to him, the authorities are to blame for high gas prices, because Kiev had to provide for possible purchases of alternative energy sources and a real gas reverse. In addition, a loophole was closed for the supply of coal from certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions (CADLO)

China declared “people's war” against coronavirus

In the Chinese city of Haihe, one million rubles will be paid for information about COVID-19 , announcing a reward for information about the sources of the virus, writes Global Times. We are talking about the city of Haihe, located in the Heilongjiang province near the border with Russia – the settlement is located across the river from Blagoveshchensk. The city authorities announced a reward of 100 thousand yuan (about 1.1 million rubles). This amount will be paid to those who can give clues to investigate how the virus reappeared in the city. “It is hoped that the general public will be able to actively engage in tracking the virus and provide data,” the administration expressed confidence. As noted by the authorities, the identification of the sources of COVID-19 is currently “the highest priority.” They also promised to punish those who deliberately hide information about the coronavirus in the city.

In the center of Gamaleya advocated compulsory vaccination against coronavirus

Director of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg called for mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 Alexander Gintsburg said that vaccination against coronavirus should be included in the national immunization schedule. The virologist made such a proposal and shared in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Gunzburg said that the pandemic will end when 70-75 percent of the world's population will be vaccinated against COVID-19. “For this, of course, this drug must be included in the national vaccination schedule. And vaccination should be compulsory, “he urged. To avoid the onset of a new pandemic, children and their parents must be taught to be vaccinated in order“ to be normally perceived in society and be a full-fledged citizen of the society in which you live “. According to Gunzburg, people without a coronavirus vaccine harm not only themselves, but also their loved ones and those around them. “It's just as bad to be unvaccinated as, for