Большинство россиян доверяют полиции в своем регионе, выяснил ВЦИОМ

Согласно данным исследования, в той или иной степени доверяют сотрудникам полиции своего региона 57% россиян, не доверяют 35%, затруднились с ответом 8%. Индекс доверия сотрудникам полиции своего региона составил 22 пункта. Чем выше значение индекса, тем выше доверие полиции. Индекс может принимать значение от −100 до 100 пунктов. «Более всего наши сограждане доверяют следующим подразделениям полиции своего региона: полиции на транспорте (индекс доверия 46 п.), сотрудникам дежурной части (42 п.), участковым уполномоченным полиции (39 п.), инспекторам по делам несовершеннолетних (38 п.), а также работникам уголовного розыска (38 п.)», — говорится в результатах опроса. При этом 37% россиян хорошо оценивают работу полиции в своем регионе, средние оценки дали 42%, а 13% — плохие. Индекс оценки работы полиции составил 52 пункта, что на 3 меньше по сравнению с 2020 годом. За 12 лет индекс оценки работы полиции вырос на 11 пунктов. Индекс может принимать значение от 0 до 100. Инициативный всероссийский опрос «ВЦИОМ-Спутник» проведен 29 октября, в нем приняли участие 1600 россиян в возрасте от 18 лет. Метод опроса — телефонное интервью по стратифицированной двухосновной случайной выборке стационарных и мобильных номеров. По данным

State Duma staff may face dismissal for refusing to vaccinate

Attitude towards & nbsp; unvaccinated and & nbsp; not & nbsp; employees of the State Duma apparatus will be tougher. According to & nbsp; four interlocutors of Vedomosti, Volodin said this on November 8 & nbsp; at the & nbsp; council of the lower house of parliament. “ Volodin said that & nbsp; contracts will not & nbsp; be concluded with & nbsp; those state civil servants who & nbsp; who have no medical treatment, vaccinations against & nbsp; coronavirus, or with & nbsp; those who & nbsp; had been ill more than six months ago, but & nbsp; still not & nbsp; vaccinated, & nbsp; & mdash; said one of the & nbsp; sources. & mdash; & nbsp; A & nbsp; if the contracts & nbsp; have already been concluded, then & nbsp; their & nbsp; will be terminated & raquo ;. “ Among civil servants, that is, employees

Mutant cat with four ears became a star on the net and found a home

A mutant cat with four ears named Midas became a blogger with 21 thousand subscribers A mutant cat with four ears named star on the social network, pictures of the animal appeared on his Instagram account. The pet has a congenital genetic abnormality, he was born with four ears: one pair of ears is inside the other. As Ladbible writes, thanks to additional hearing “devices”, the cat hears better than other animals. In addition, he has a white heart “patch” on his belly. According to experts, Midas is probably a Russian blue concoction. The cat lived in a shelter, whose employees began to publish his pictures on the network. Thanks to his popularity on the Internet, he found himself a home and a mistress. An unusual pet was taken by a resident of Turkey. Now the star lives in a house where there is another cat with a dog and

Sherlock star confesses to toxic poisoning on set

Esquire: British actor Cumberbatch was poisoned with nicotine three times on the set of Dog Power the role of the American rancher in the movie “Power of the Dog”. On the set of the film, he repeatedly faced poisoning with a toxic substance, according to Esquire magazine. Cumberbatch played the role of the owner of the largest ranch in the US state of Montana. The actor wanted to get used to the image of his character, so he smoked cigarettes without a filter take by take. He strove to let the people in the room know how he smelled, although this was not easy to achieve. “I was poisoned with nicotine three times. It's really awful when you have to smoke a lot, “the Sherlock star admitted. The actor also said that he is worried about the new film Doctor Strange: Into the Multiverse of Madness, which is scheduled to

Danger of hacking via Bluetooth identified

Bluetooth technology turned out to be potentially dangerous for users The research was published on the website of the University of California at San Diego (USA). Experts talked about Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, which, due to reduced power consumption, allows the user's smartphone to interact with various accessories. According to experts, BLE consumes negligible amount of energy, so it can work constantly. In the course of the study, scientists abandoned attempts to break the encryption of the wireless protocol, instead they focused on identifying the unique features of the broadcast radio signal. It turned out that for a more stable contact, all wireless sensors have a unique identifier. Theoretically, you can use it to calculate a specific user. It turned out that the false negative indicator of the BLE signal was about zero percent. This means that almost always – with the exception of a few cases – the

WHO admits annual modification of COVID-19 vaccine

WHO specialist Swaminathan allowed the annual modification of vaccines against coronavirus dangerous strains of COVID-19 may require an annual modification of vaccines, as is now the case with influenza vaccines. She stated this during a Q&A session, TASS reports. Swaminathan said that at the moment, the developers are studying the possibility of modifying the vaccine to nullify the threat of future variants of the coronavirus. “Fortunately, the vaccines that have been approved so far are still effective against the options we have seen so far,” she said, adding that WHO does not know if there will be an option in the future that will not respond to these vaccines. According to her, developers and scientists want to be sure that they “can quickly change these vaccines”, making them effective against future strains. The organization is now working with “developers, scientists and regulators on how these vaccines can be quickly approved.”

Apple started accepting Mir bank cards for payment

Apple technology users now have access to payment with a Mir bank card Mir “, RIA Novosti reports. In the menu” Payment Methods “on the iPhone, there is a mention of the Russian payment system. Payments through other systems – Visa, MasterCard and American Express – also remained available. Apple users will be able to pay with a Mir card for a number of different services, including a subscription to Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple Podcasts, as well as purchase various applications in the App Store. Earlier it became known that the online retailer Wildberries made payments with a Mir card more expensive: now the discount for users of the Russian system has become less and is 1 percent, and not 2, as before. The new conditions came into effect after October 30, this decision was made in connection with the beginning of the season of large sales with large

Japanese government resigns

Kyodo: the entire Japanese government has resigned Kyodo agency. The cabinet was formed on October 4 in connection with the election of Fumio Kishida as prime minister. However, on October 14, the lower house of parliament was dissolved due to the expiration of the term of office, and on October 31, elections were held for a new composition. Earlier, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that he would like to immediately implement the announced course of the country after how his party won the support of voters in elections to the lower house of parliament. It is assumed that a special session of parliament will be convened on November 10. The new parliament will elect the prime minister of the country, which will become a formality, since the party represented by Kishida won more than half of the parliamentary votes. in addition, Premier Kishida will form his second government. It

Product blocking the spread of COVID-19 named

RAS: piperine in black pepper changes the envelope of the virus and blocks the spread of COVID-19 Scientists from the Institute of Cytology RAS and St. Petersburg Research Institute Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Pasteur a product that helps slow the spread of coronavirus. Experts have proven that black pepper contributes to this process, Vedomosti writes. Olga Ostroumova, one of the authors of the scientific work, chief researcher of the Institute of Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, explained that drugs that block proteins on the surface of a human cell to which the infectious agent is attached. For the study, experts selected 20 different alkaloids, which were tested on models of viral and cell membranes in the presence of a particle of the coronavirus protein. “For this, plant alkaloids were used. For example, the most effective compound – piperine – is contained in black pepper, has been known

Гинцбург заявил о разработке лекарства из антител для лечения COVID-19

«Вот антитела, которые можно давать заболевшим коронавирусом в виде лекарства, мы сейчас разрабатываем», — подчеркнул Гинцбург, передает «РИА Новости» в среду, 10 ноября. «В январе месяце следующего года приступим к клиническим испытаниям, и надеюсь, что в течение трех-четырех месяцев клинические испытания пройдем», — отметил Александр Гинцбург. 9 ноября кандидат медицинских наук, иммунолог Николай Крючков рассказал «Известиям» о том, что «Дельта»-штамм коронавируса имеет способность ускользать от нейтрализующих его антител, и на популяционном уровне он чуть более адаптирован, например, к поствакцинному иммунитету. По мнению Крючкова, для нейтрализации данного штамма необходим больший уровень антител в организме человека. В понедельник, 8 ноября, Александр Гинцбург заявил, что центр НИЦ имени Гамалеи провел исследование совместно с департаментом здравоохранения Москвы и пришел к выводу, что для защиты от «Дельта»-штамма необходимо от 300 нейтрализующих единиц антител. В свою очередь доктор медицинских наук, вирусолог Анатолий Альштейн назвал достаточным данное значение антител для защиты от коронавируса. Однако он добавил, что если этот уровень ниже, то человеку необходимо вакцинироваться. На фоне ухудшения эпидемиологической ситуации российские власти призывают граждан вакцинироваться, чтобы обезопасить свое здоровье и позаботиться о своих близких. Граждан прививают бесплатно. В стране зарегистрировано пять вакцин от коронавируса: «Спутник V», ставший первой в РФ и мире