Nude rugby players were photographed for the calendar

Members of the British rugby team arranged a nude photo shoot for the calendar The women's rugby team from the British city of Carlisle, Cumbria, stripped and photo session for the calendar. The funds raised through its sale will go to finance a rugby club facing financial problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Daily Mail writes. Carlisle Cougars) were photographed naked to the waist and wearing only socks. “To be honest, we joked for many years about making such a calendar, but we never dared to do it in practice,” admitted 26-year-old team vice-captain Hannah Farrell. According to her, after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the club had to be closed for a long time, so its members decided to try to implement the idea with a calendar. For courage, the women drank a little prosecco. “By the end of the photo session, it was no longer possible

Sister Rotaru announced the artist's expectations about the “return” of Crimea to Ukraine

Sophia's sister Rotaru Aurika said that she and the singer are waiting for the “return” of Crimea to Ukraine -channel DOROTYE, that she and the singer are waiting for the “return” of Crimea to Ukraine. According to her, the artist has not been there for five or six years, and her Villa Sofia hotel has stopped working. Aurika added that she is being invited to tour Russia, but she refuses these offers. Related materials 00:05 – February 27 From blues to “abuz” Zemfira released her first album in eight years. How did it turn out? 00: 02 – March 13 Gogol-mogolNos in uniform and Stalin at the opera: why watch the main Russian cartoon of the year “They closed everything there, the Villa does not work. And that's all. Until better times. We are waiting for the return of Crimea, “concluded sister Rotaru. In January 2021, photos of the elite

Spetsnaz liquidated a man stuck with his mother

In Boston, special forces killed a man who threatened his family after being asked to move out In Boston, a man came to visit his mother for several hours, but instead he stayed with her for ten days. When she asked him to move out, he took out a pistol and began to threaten the family, demanding the key to the house, reports the New York Post. The police arrived at the scene, and unsuccessfully tried to negotiate with the suspect. Negotiations with the man barricaded in the house lasted six hours. After that, the special forces threw flash-noise grenades inside the apartment, rushed inside and started a firefight, during which two police officers were injured and the man was eliminated. His mother said that his son had a mental illness. Earlier it became known that an American opened fire in the section for motorists of Wendy's fast food restaurant

The Russians predicted a warm winter

Forecaster of the Phobos center Tishkovets: winter 2021-2022 will be two degrees warmer than normal Chief specialist of the Phobos weather center Tishkovets told what kind of weather Russians should expect in the coming winter. He also explained how to treat folk signs on this topic, Sputnik radio reports. The forecaster said that forecasts for next winter were adjusted in favor of warmer weather. If earlier at this time the weather was predicted around the climatic norm, now December, January, February are expected to be “somewhere two degrees warmer than the norm.” In this case, the amount of snow will correspond to long-term values. The specialist warned that winter will come to Moscow with a delay. “I think it will be a mild winter with a lot of snow. In principle, it is quite comfortable, not cold, not very warm winter, something reminiscent of “Eurozima” “, – predicted Tishkovets. The

Nutritionist names popular delicacy useful for men's health

Nutritionist Muravskaya: red caviar improves men's health and strengthens the immune system Muravskaya, writes RIA Novosti. This product is a source of vitamins such as A, E, D, B, the specialist named the advantages of the popular delicacy. It also contains trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, manganese, as well as calcium, iodine, copper and iron. In addition, red caviar is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), folic acid, lecithin, protein. The specialist noted that caviar prevents the development of atherosclerosis, it significantly strengthens the immune system. Calcium is good for bones, hair, and nails. In addition, the product has a positive effect on blood pressure, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It is prescribed to prevent rickets, improve men's health: increase potency. “The product contains lecithin, which is needed for the nervous system and brain activity,” said the specialist. Red caviar is useful for pregnant women

Russia deemed it premature to announce the end of the oil era

Head of the Ministry of Energy Shulginov: it's too early to talk about the end of the oil era, it is necessary to monetize the stock oil era. According to him, it is too early to talk about this, it is necessary to monetize the existing reserves, Kommersant reports. “Today is 2021, in my opinion, it is too early to talk about the decline of the oil era,” the minister said, adding that this opinion is shared not only by Russia, but also by foreign partners. Shulginov pointed out that the rejection of fossil fuels is associated with the global climate agenda and the decarbonization trend. Moscow accepts these principles, but is not yet ready to abandon traditional energy sources. The head of the Ministry of Energy explained that Russia is increasing its oil production every year. So, in 2020, 512.8 million tons were produced, in 2021 522 million are

Women refused to shave and explained the reason for their decision

Collins-Daniel yoga teacher: body hair removal was a waste of time solutions. The relevant material is published by The Sun. 37-year-old yoga teacher Natasha Collins-Daniel (Natasha Collins-Daniel) admitted that she removed unwanted hair from the age of 13. According to her, she never thought about the need for depilation, since all the women around her did this procedure. Collins-Daniel explained that growing and ingrown hairs often caused her discomfort, which is why she decided to stop shaving in 2017. “One morning I went to the shower and realized that removing body hair is a waste of time. So I threw the razor in the trash can. I live in Bristol, and on the street no one has ever reprimanded me about my appearance. My boyfriend also finds hair feminine and sexy. Now I only cut my bikini line. I feel relaxed and confident! ” – shared the heroine of the

Fraudsters began to deceive Russians with free PCR tests

The Center for Financial Literacy reported about the deception of Russians with free PCR tests RIA Novosti reported that scammers began to deceive Russians, offering to do a free PCR test for coronavirus. According to her, the personal data of citizens are of no less interest to fraudsters than money. “The situation with the coronavirus, quarantine, restrictions and changes in legislation – all this is fertile ground for new scenarios of fraudsters,” said an employee of the center. One of the most common methods of collecting data is a free test for COVID-19. “Here the suspiciousness of a person plays a role, the fear of getting infected, as well as the temptation to get what you want for free,” the agency's interlocutor explained the deception, noting that in this case, a fraudster disguised as a laboratory assistant will take an analysis at home, but for this you need to fill

Nutritionist named the safest sweets for health

Nutritionist Polovinskaya advised eating natural sweets p> The specialist advised to eat natural sweets – sugar-free marshmallow and marmalade. Also, as the physician notes, the human body needs glucose, which can be obtained from berries, fruits and dried fruits. However, she stressed that the vast majority of the treats available in stores contain refined sugar, which is harmful to health. “Sugar is an unrecognized addictive drug. It increases the level of insulin in the blood, as a result, the body stores fat stores. More and more people suffer from obesity and pre-obesity (every second adult on the planet) and diabetes mellitus (every tenth). And the death rate from diabetes is in fourth place in the world, “the expert noted. Earlier, a neurologist at the Atlas clinic chain Igor Matsokin said that the avocado peel contains a dangerous toxic substance – persin. According to the physician, its highest concentration is observed

Russians promised “light at the end of the tunnel” in the situation with COVID-19

Immunologist Zhemchugov: the incidence of COVID-19 in Russia will decrease in two to three weeks immunologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov revealed the timing of Russia's entry into a plateau in terms of the incidence of coronavirus. Indicators will decrease within a week, TASS reports. Zhemchugov said that during the week the peak incidence of COVID-19 should turn into a plateau. In regions where restrictive measures have been introduced, Russians will become sick less, after which collective immunity to the “delta” strain of coronavirus will form and the situation in the country will improve. “And in two or three weeks we will see the light of day at the end tunnel, a decrease in morbidity will begin. And further predictions can only be made on the basis of an understanding of what percentage of our population already has immunity to the delta strain, ”the doctor promised. The current epidemiological