Russian banks have earned more than a trillion rubles due to inflation

Izvestia: Russian banks increased profits by 1.1 trillion rubles due to inflation accelerated inflation in the country, as well as a multiple increase by the Central Bank of the key rate, follows from the forecast of analysts of the rating agency “Expert RA”, available to “Izvestia”. According to experts, in January 2021 the annual profit of credit institutions was estimated at 1.3 trillion rubles, and ten months later the bar rose to 2.4 trillion rubles. experts explain this by a rush in prices due to inflation, due to which the Bank of Russia raised the key rate six times – from 4.25 percent to 7.5 percent. These conditions led to a sharp increase in demand for loans, which, in turn, helped Russian banks to make record profits. Earlier, the head of Sberbank German Gref called a way to protect savings from inflation. According to him, the bonds of the federal

The Russians were told the details of the vaccine tours to Europe

ATOR Vice-President Gorin called Croatia and Serbia popular countries for vaccine tours Demand for vaccine tours to Europe among Russians has grown significantly. The most popular countries for this are Croatia and Serbia, said Dmitry Gorin, vice-president of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), in an interview with Izvestia. dozens of times, about a hundred such vouchers are sold a day, “the organization stressed. Gorin revealed details about vaccine tours to Europe: according to him, the minimum cost of such trips is 33,000 rubles.

Foods accelerating coronavirus recovery named

Dietitian Lavski: seafood, spinach and nuts accelerate the recovery from coronavirus rich in zinc, said nutritionist-nutritionist Lera Lavsky, writes RIA Novosti. Zinc is needed for the formation of T-cell immunity. Doctors have included the trace mineral in COVID-19 treatment protocols, as it speeds up patient recovery. Lavski recalled that zinc is found in animal products, so meat, liver, fish and seafood (oysters, shellfish and herring) should be on the menu of the infected. Brown rice, spinach, oats should be used from plant foods , wheat germ. In addition, carrots, peas, onions and almost all nuts are useful. The nutritionist named a way by which zinc deficiency in the body can be detected without tests. In this case, almost always a person has a skin rash. “Peeling or inflammation, ulcers, dermatitis. Psoriasis, long wound healing, “Lavski listed the signs of a micronutrient deficiency. Earlier, MD Margarita Koroleva explained that animal and

Elon Musk lost $ 50 billion in two days

Bloomberg: The richest man on the planet Elon Musk lost $ 50 billion in two days dollars due to the fall in stock prices of Tesla, which he owns. This was reported by Bloomberg. So, Musk's securities began to fall in price sharply after he asked users whether he should sell his stake in the company, which reaches 10 percent. By the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, the value of Tesla shares fell by more than 16 percent. This circumstance influenced the assessment of Musk's well-being. As the agency explains, the richest man on the planet has become poorer by more than $ 50 billion. Thus, Musk's lead from the second place, which is retained by the founder of Amazon corporation Jeff Bezos, was reduced to 83 billion dollars. On Monday, Bloomberg estimated Musk's fortune at $ 323 billion, Bezos at $ 201 billion.

Russian woman rested in the Dominican Republic complained about crowds of tourists and mosquitoes

A Russian tourist complained about long queues at a restaurant at a hotel in the Dominican Republic … The girl's impressions were published by the portal “Subtleties of Tourism” on the Yandex.Zen platform. Thus, a Russian tourist admitted that she had long dreamed of relaxing at an exotic resort, the only thing that stopped her was a long flight. p> The first thing that unpleasantly surprised the traveler is that there are too many mostly Russian-speaking people in the hotel, which is why long lines were constantly formed at the restaurant. Also, the impressions of the trip were spoiled by mosquitoes, which “did not leave a living space,” and the slow Internet. Nevertheless, the Russian woman was delighted with the vacation. She noted the picturesque grounds of the hotel, which reminded her of the jungle because of the peacocks and flamingos living on it. In addition, the author mentioned “modest”

Date of meeting between Putin and Biden announced

Kommersant: Presidents Putin and Biden will hold an online meeting in 2021, in 2022 they will meet in person Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden may meet in person at the beginning of 2022, Kommersant writes, citing sources familiar with the negotiations between Moscow and Washington. Kommersant has named the timing of the meeting between the two leaders: by the end of 2021, they will conduct an online conversation in the format of a video conference call, and in 2022 they will see each other in person. It is assumed that the agenda of the negotiations will become extensive. The presidents plan to discuss the implementation of the agreements reached at the summit in Geneva last June. It is noted that the details of the meetings have not yet been agreed upon, so the Kremlin and the White House do not comment on possible talks between

Гинцбург призвал сделать вакцинацию против COVID-19 обязательной

«Для этого, безусловно, данный препарат должен быть введен в национальный календарь прививок», — рассказал Гинцбург в интервью «Российской газете». Для того, чтобы избежать новой пандемии, нужно приучать детей к тому, что нужно обязательно вакцинироваться, как и их родителям, считает он. «Потому что если ты будешь невакцинированным, то ты наносишь вред не только себе, но и своим близким, всем окружающим», — добавил директор Центра имени Гамалеи. Во вторник, 9 ноября, стало известно о том, что обязательную вакцинацию от COVID-19 для лиц старше 60 лет и имеющих хронические заболевания ввели в Санкт-Петербурге. Об этом говорится в постановлении главного санитарного врача, руководителя управления Роспотребнадзора по Петербургу Наталии Башкетовой. В этот же день глава Минздрава РФ Михаил Мурашко рассказал, что первым компонентом вакцины от коронавируса, по последним данным, привились 62 млн россиян. Кроме того, он отметил, что за время нерабочих дней в стране сохранялись хорошие темпы вакцинации населения. Так, с 28 октября по 7 ноября сделали прививку от инфекции 3,7 млн граждан. На фоне ухудшения эпидемиологической ситуации российские власти призывают жителей вакцинироваться, чтобы обезопасить свое здоровье и позаботиться о своих близких. Граждан прививают бесплатно. В стране зарегистрировано пять вакцин от коронавируса: «Спутник V», ставший первой в РФ и мире вакциной от COVID-19, а также «Спутник Лайт», «ЭпиВакКорона», «ЭпиВакКорона-Н» и «КовиВак».

Former Russian billionaire caught on fake ID

SK: ex-billionaire Safonichev in Moscow forged evidence in a civil case Seller of premium watches and bankrupt with three billion debt Rubles Sergei Safonichev was caught on a false certificate in Moscow, Izvestia writes. The investigation was started by the Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigation Directorate for the Northern District of Moscow. The businessman is suspected of falsifying evidence in a civil case (Article 303 of the Criminal Code of Russia, the punishment for violation of which ranges from a fine to arrest). In addition to the ex-billionaire, four more people may become suspects. Representatives of the Investigative Committee (IC) learned that the bankrupt former billionaire, within three days, from May 19 to May 21, 2015, removed five Mercedes cars, as well as BMW and Maybach. He reissued all the cars to other people. According to a law enforcement source, the transactions were made at

Myasnikov warned of the “paradoxical” cause of toothache

Doctor Myasnikov: taking bisphosphonates can lead to necrosis of the maxillary joint TV channel “Russia 1” warned about the “paradoxical” cause of toothache. According to him, in some cases, taking bisphosphonates – drugs that increase bone mineral density and are prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis – can cause necrosis of the maxillary joint. The doctor noted that such drugs are often prescribed for women of age suffering diseases of the bones, the funds are designed to monitor their health. “And they watch, but there is a paradoxical side effect: instead of healing, they cripple. A certain percentage of women on bisphosphonates develop paradoxical necrosis of the upper jaw, “he explained. Myasnikov added that in this case, patients may make a mistake when visiting the dentist. He recommended warning specialists about taking bisphosphonates, as they are likely to have to be abandoned in the event of major jaw surgery. “You

Mortality among patients with COVID-19 has risen sharply in Europe

In Europe, mortality among patients with COVID-19 increased by 10 percent in a week The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that Europe has seen a sharp rise in the death rate of patients with coronavirus, by 10 percent in the week from November 1 to 7. TASS writes about this. According to experts, Europe was the only one of the six regions in which there is an increase in the number of deaths. In the first seven days of November, European countries account for 55 percent of deaths (26,726 deaths). The incidence of COVID-19 has also increased in the region. There, 1,949,419 new cases of infection were detected, which is 63 percent of the global number of cases. In addition to Europe, the incidence increased only in Africa. According to WHO, most of the sick Europeans are infected with the “delta” strain of coronavirus. So, recently, this option was recorded