Pulmonologist working in the red zone predicts an increase in coronavirus infections

Pulmonologist Nikishenkov: the peak incidence of COVID-19 has not yet been passed, there will be an increase in infections coronavirus before the end of winter, since the peak incidence has not yet been passed. His words are quoted by TASS. “If you look at the previous year, just in the winter period there was also an increase in the incidence. Somewhere from November to January. Proceeding from this, there is a chance that this time we will see the same, “- said the specialist. Related materials17: 08 – October 28 Another attack of COVID-19 19. The United States has assessed the effectiveness of 48 drugs to combat COVID-19 According to him, there is no reason to expect a decline in the number of COVID-19 infections until the end of winter. Despite the impossibility of accurate predictions, the trend speaks of this. Nikishenkov recommended to reduce the risk of morbidity to

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences urged to abandon the vaccination of children from coronavirus

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zverev: children do not need a vaccine against COVID-19, since they almost never get sick with it vaccines and sera named after Mechnikov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaly Zverev in an interview with “Vechernaya Moskva” said that children do not need vaccination against COVID-19, since they almost never get sick, and urged to refuse their vaccination in Russia. < p> “Children should be left alone. Yes, children get sick and die. But such children who die cannot be vaccinated with anything or anything at all. These are children with a serious “chronicle”, with impaired health. Such children must be protected and treated correctly, “the expert emphasized. According to him, the coronavirus infection itself does not undergo changes, only new strains of it appear. He noted that they are not very different from the original version, and those vaccines that already

Russia asked the UN to intervene over visa problems for diplomats in the United States

“Our delegation has been & nbsp; for more than four years faced with & nbsp; problems caused by improper performance by the host state of its obligations under the Agreement & nbs about & nbsp; Headquarters & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the diplomat at the & nbsp; committee meeting. He recalled the systematic refusals of entry visas both for the staff of the Russian permanent mission to the UN and for delegates from Moscow. In addition, Leonidchenko spoke about & nbsp; confiscated diplomatic property and & nbsp; restrictions to & nbsp; move. “ Problems with & nbsp; visas and & nbsp; transport restrictions affect not & nbsp; only Russian diplomats, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; Secretariat staff from & nbsp; number of Russian citizens. Some of & nbsp; of them, who successfully passed the competition for the & nbsp; positions of international employees, cannot & nbsp; enter

MMA sex symbol shares bikini photoshoot

MMA fighter Paige Vanzant starred in a bikini … The post is available on Instagram. The American has published several pictures where she appears in a bikini. In 18 hours, the post got more than 149 thousand likes. “Today was a day of struggle. I didn't take photos. So keep a couple of pictures where I look like a whore, “wrote the 27-year-old American. The athlete regularly publishes candid pictures. Vanzant has 2.9 million Instagram followers. The American is considered one of the sex symbols of modern MMA. On October 29, it became known that Vanzant began a fight against pirates who illegally distribute photos available only by subscription on the Vanzant platform. In her last battle, she lost to her compatriot Rachel Ostovich. The fight took place on bare fists as part of the Bare Knuckle FC promotion. The defeat was the second in a row for an American

Biden said about Putin's doubts about the effectiveness of democracy

Biden: Putin and Xi Jinping made it clear that they have doubts about the effectiveness of democracy US President Joe Biden said at the funds for the National Committee of the Democratic Party that Russian and Chinese leaders Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping made him understand that they doubted the effectiveness of democracy, reports TASS. “Both Putin and Xi Jinping made it clear to me that they do not believe that democracies in the 21st century can function, because it takes too long to reach a consensus, and therefore autocracies will win, “the head of the White House emphasized. Biden said that the world is asking” is it true that America is back ”in light of the disunity and events of January 6, when the storming of the Capitol took place. According to the president, the world community is asking whether the democratic system in the United States can succeed.

Former bishop left dignity for his beloved and started inseminating pigs

The former youngest bishop of Spain got a job as a professional inseminator A former priest, who left the dignity for the sake of his beloved woman, got a job as a professional inseminator. This is reported by the Daily Star. Related materials 13:47 – March 13, 2010 Vade retro satana 02 – 2 May 2020 Everything from the evil one The famous exorcist has cast out demons for 30 years and helped thousands of people. They still don’t believe him 52-year-old Javier Novell, who renounced the rank of bishop at the end of August 2021 after falling in love and violating celibacy, got a new job. The former priest will be engaged in artificial insemination of animals and will personally take part in obtaining semen. “Bishop Novell will masturbate pigs,” Novella's employer explained. Javier Novell rose to fame in 2010 as Spain's youngest bishop, taking ordination at the age

Dozens of illegal migrants broke through to Poland from Belarus

Bialystok: two large groups of illegal migrants broke through to Poland from Belarus Two large groups of migrants broke through the border of Belarus and Poland radio Bialystok. Two large groups of migrants entered Poland from the territory of Belarus. Groups of at least several dozen people broke through the fence in the area of ​​Krynok and Bialowieza Polish radio BialystokRelated materials00: 01 – November 3 Own-chuzhoy.Evropa accepted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? 16:12 – 8 November Hundreds of migrants break through to Poland from Belarus. to the border and prepare for defense According to the radio, some illegal immigrants who entered Poland were returned by the security forces back to the border line. The search for the rest continues. At the same time, in the vicinity of the Kuznitsa checkpoint, where attempts to break through the border took

Russia's first drone-rescue was tested in the Arctic

The first Russian rescue drone Seadrone ME was tested in the Kara Sea conditions, TASS reports with reference to the company-developer “Aerial survey.” water when rescuing a person on the water (a dummy equipped with a search beacon was used for the exercises), “the message says. The drone also worked out the ejection of a life jacket and a circle to a drowning man, flights with a loudspeaker and a searchlight, water samples were taken using a bottle. The flight tests were carried out jointly with Gazprom Nedra, which is constructing two wells in the Kara Sea. Their goal was to test the performance of an unmanned vehicle in an aggressive environment. Thus, the wind speed was no more than 8 meters per second with gusts of up to 15 meters per second, the air temperature was from minus five to zero degrees, the humidity was from 80 to 100

The woman after the only phrase of the mother-in-law forbade her to sit with her granddaughter

The daughter-in-law forbade her mother-in-law to sit with her granddaughter after her phrase about “female dirty milk” mother-in-law sit with her granddaughter after hearing one phrase from her. A relative called the milk a woman uses to feed her baby dirty. “I am breastfeeding my daughter, and my mother-in-law knows about it. Every time I came to visit her with the child, I left her many bottles of milk for the child, ”she shared her memories. Recently, a woman found out that her wife's mother threw out all the bottles and gave her granddaughter a mixture. “She told me bluntly that human milk is dirty because mothers who have sex pollute their bodies,” she recalled … The narrator complained that she had repeatedly tried to improve relations with her mother-in-law, but that she was always negatively disposed towards her. According to the woman, her husband did not even try to