The youngest Nobel laureate spoke about her wedding

Human rights defender and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yusufzai married in Birmingham reported that she was married. She wrote about this on Twitter. “Today is an unforgettable day in my life. Asser and I entered into a marriage in order to be together for the rest of our lives, ”said the youngest laureate and posted joint photos with her husband. According to Yusufzai, the newlyweds had a small wedding. The wedding took place according to Islamic tradition in the presence of both families in Birmingham, where a 24-year-old girl lives. Yusufzai became famous at the age of 11 when she began blogging on the network. In it, the girl criticized the attempts of the Taliban terrorist movement (banned in Russia) to establish Sharia law in the Swat district of her home province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. On October 9, 2012, as she was walking home from school, gunmen attacked her

Ukraine announced genocide of population due to energy crisis

Housing and Utilities Specialist Logozyak: Ukraine will face an extremely difficult heating season said that Ukraine is facing an extremely difficult heating season due to the energy crisis and the catastrophic situation with resources. Her words are quoted by the radio “Sputnik in Crimea”. “God grant that the weather will let us last until the New Year. But in any case, we are leaving in the 90s, when we warmed up tea at certain hours. I have a feeling that this is just genocide of our population, “the expert emphasized. Logozyak added that the Ukrainian authorities should urgently improve relations with Russia and Belarus, conclude contracts for the supply of energy resources. Otherwise, the population “will not be able to pull” physically and economically what will happen in Ukraine in the coming winter. Earlier, the leader of the Batkivshchyna faction in the Verkhovna Rada, Yulia Tymoshenko, spoke about the catastrophic

Taliban opponents start guerrilla war in Afghanistan

An armed group of Taliban opponents started a guerrilla war in eastern Afghanistan An armed group of Taliban opponents ( banned in Russia terrorist organization ) in the province of Laghman in eastern Afghanistan announced the beginning of the fight against the movement. According to Interfax, the group supports the National Resistance Front (FNS) led by Ahmad Massoud. “Mujahideen and fighters for rights and freedom have launched guerrilla actions and fighting in Laghman province to ensure justice in the country and end the occupation, “the appeal says. In October, Abdul Latif Pedram, chairman of the resistance-backed Afghan National Congress Party, announced that resistance forces in Afghanistan continue to wage a guerrilla war against the Taliban. According to him, the resistance controls the mountain valleys and hills on both sides of the main road that passes through the Panjshir Gorge, but the passage itself is under the control of radicals. On

Общественники предложили компенсировать школам рост цен на продукты

В этом году, по оценкам родителей, в некоторых регионах еда для детей в школьных столовых стала хуже. Как следует из письма, родители предъявили претензии школам, на что последние возразили: продовольствие подорожало, поэтому сохранять рацион в неизменном виде сложно. В правительстве «Известиям» подтвердили, что письмо Союза потребителей поступило в кабмин. Его направили на рассмотрение в Минпросвещения, Минпромторг, Минсельхоз, Минфин и Минэкономразвития. В Союзе потребителей «Известиям» напомнили: согласно официальной статистике, в России около 7 млн учеников 1−4 классов, то есть детей от 7 до 11 лет, которым положено бесплатное питание в школе. На 2020−2021 учебный год на еду для начальной школы выделили 65 млрд рублей. По оценкам Минпросвещения, горячий завтрак для ребенка обходится примерно в 60 рублей. В организации «Родительский контроль» сообщили «Известиям», что наблюдают проблемы с бесплатным питанием детей в школах. Но при этом в Роспотребнадзоре «Известиям» рассказали, что в результате глобальной проверки в прошлом учебном году служба пришла к выводу: в школах стали меньше и реже ухудшать качество питания школьников.

The Russian woman described her vacation in Egypt with the phrase “you cannot compare with Turkey.”

A Russian tourist noted the high level of service in a five-star hotel Sharm El Sheikh do not compare ”due to the high level of service and interesting excursions. Her review of the trip was published by the portal “Subtleties of Tourism.” At the same time, the traveler noted that upon check-in, the hotel staff directly tell guests that for a more comfortable room you need to pay extra “how much you don't mind” – for example, the girl had to tip in the amount of $ 20 (about 1.4 thousand rubles). “Unfortunately, in this hotel it is the norm to openly ask for tips, wait for money for help with luggage and swans, flowers on the bed. A little annoying, “added a Russian tourist. Despite this, the Russian woman praised the quality of the cleaning and varied food – every day, vacationers were offered fresh fish, chicken, lamb, vegetables,

Advantages and disadvantages of sleeping in a bed with pets

Experts talked about the benefits and drawbacks of sleeping in the same bed with pets , which is carried by sleeping in the same bed with pets sleeping next to each other. As the specialist noted, with regards to the pets themselves, it is good for them to sleep with their owners, since this indicates their high level of trust, and also allows them to establish a closer connection with people. According to the expert, this has a positive effect on the health and psyche of animals. Related materials00: 06 – February 23, 2018 Good to be kisoyuKots were considered eaters of human flesh, and now millions are spent on them00:02 – February 25, 2017 Mimimeter broke p>However, when it comes to the benefits for humans, everything becomes not so simple, the veterinarian emphasizes. As a rule, for a person, such a dream is not considered very useful, since the

In the USA, they talked about the attitude towards Dostoevsky

Literature professor Levitt: Americans do not consider Dostoevsky's books depressive in the United States refer to the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky. According to him, the writer's books are not considered too dark, RIA Novosti reports. “In general, I have not heard from my students that Dostoevsky seemed too depressing or dark to them, the assessments that I hear from my Russian friends “, – said Levitt. The interest of Americans in Dostoevsky is” constant “, the professor emphasized. His works are especially interesting for university students, as they are devoted to the “teenage crisis of faith.” “Many of them are just experiencing this at this age,” the specialist noted. The most popular and understood works of Dostoevsky in the United States, Levitt called “Crime and Punishment” and “The Brothers Karamazov”, since “they are comparatively simple narratives, unlike the “Idiot” or “Demons”. ” According to the professor, the difficulties in reading

Russian hieromonk defrocked for molesting 53 boys

The court of the Birobidzhan diocese defrocked Hieromonk Spiridon for corrupting 53 boys … This is stated on the website of the diocese. So, during the meeting, the Diocesan Church Court, guided by a set of canonical rules, taking into account the recognition by Hieromonk Spiridon (Abramov) of his guilt in corrupting 53 boys, violating his monastic vows and priestly oath, decided to recognize that his sinful deeds fall, in particular, under the canonical rules. “On this basis, the hieromonk banned from serving was recognized as subject to ejection from the priesthood,” the message says. The decision of the church court will be sent for approval to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. On November 8, the court sentenced a priest to 18 years in prison for abusing 53 boys. According to the investigation, the 39-year-old hieromonk Spiridon (Yuri Abramov) worked as the rector of the Church of

A theory of “contagious” dark matter proposed

Physical Review Letters: proposed a theory about the origin of dark matter from ordinary ordinary (baryonic) matter and is also capable of creating more dark matter from ordinary matter. This is reported in an article published in the journal Physical Review Letters. According to the new theory, a certain amount of dark matter was created in a “thermal bath” when a primary plasma of ordinary matter gave rise to dark matter particles. At some point, new dark matter particles began to produce even more dark matter particles from ordinary particles. This process continued until dark matter reached the amount that is observed today. It is noted that in such a scenario of “infection”, in the end, nothing could remain in the Universe except dark matter particles. However, scientists suggest that the reason this did not happen is the rapid expansion of the universe. Since the universe was smaller and denser

Russia has become worse at coping with the disaster

CCPI: Russia has lost four positions in the ranking of the effectiveness of combating climate change The German environmental organization Germanwatch has presented the Index of the effectiveness of combating climate change ( Climate Change Performance Index, CCPI) for 2021, which assessed the efforts of countries to prevent global warming. Compared to the results of 2020, Russia became worse in coping with the disaster and dropped to 56th place, having lost four positions. The research results are published on the association's website. The index of the effectiveness of measures to resist global warming in the country reached 35 – analysts recognized this figure as very low. To get it, the researchers assessed the performance of 64 states on four aspects: the level of greenhouse gas emissions, climate policy, the development of renewable energy and energy consumption. In all categories except the last, Russia was in the last ten. Worst of