Google sues two Russians for creating a botnet

TechCrunch: Google accused Dmitry Starovikov and Alexander Filippov of creating Glupteba Google has filed a lawsuit against two Russians who allegedly created Glupteba, which has infected over one million Windows computers worldwide. This is reported by TechCrunch. The claim was filed with the District Court of New York. Russians Dmitry Starovikov and Alexander Filippov are called the main developers of the botnet. The charges are based on their Gmail and Google Workspace accounts, which were allegedly created “to run a criminal enterprise.” The botnet gains access to user credentials and other data, as well as secretly mines cryptocurrency and sets up a proxy to redirect traffic. According to company representatives, Glupteba can be used at any time to carry out a powerful attack. Google demands compensation for damage from hacking, as well as permanently ban Russians from using the company's services. Previously, Microsoft published a report from which it follows

День в истории: 8 декабря

Анатолий Дуров 8 декабря 1864 родился популярнейший цирковой артист Анатолий Леонидович Дуров. Вопреки решению крестного, заменившего ему семью, он сбежал из кадетского корпуса в цирк и стал клоуном, исполнив мечту детства. Как клоун-новатор он первым отказался от псевдонима и грима — выходил на арену в богатом костюме и под своим именем. Дуров не боялся выступать в жанре политической сатиры: критиковал чиновников и полицейских, высмеивал взяточничество, бюрократизм и невежество, рисковал шутить и про царя. За свою смелость часто подвергался репрессиям и высылался из городов без права въезда. 66 лет главному флагу Европы 8 декабря 1955 года Парламентская ассамблея Совета Европы утвердила флаг, который сегодня является официальным флагом Евросоюза. На флаге Европейского союза изображено 12 золотых звезд, расположенных как цифры на циферблате, на синем фоне. Круговое расположение звезд должно символизировать единство, солидарность и гармонию, а синий фон — западный мир. Официальное объяснение числа звезд на флаге гласит, что «число 12 традиционно символизирует завершенность и единство» (можно вспомнить 12 знаков зодиака, месяцев в году, полутонов в октаве, апостолов). Однако существуют и другие интерпретации. Так, создатель флага Арсен Хейц рассказывал о влиянии христианства на создание символа, поскольку в западной традиции Дева Мария

Russia and the US to hold new talks on diplomatic visas

Consul General of the Russian Federation in Houston Zakharov: negotiations on diplomatic visas with the United States will take place by the end of 2021 visas. The Consul General of Russia in Houston Alexander Zakharov told TASS about this. Negotiations should take place before the end of this year. According to Zakharov, there are “cautious positive shifts” on this issue. He also expressed the hope that these trends will lead to new agreements. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden during online talks noted that bilateral cooperation is in an unsatisfactory state. In particular, this is manifested in the difficulties experienced by the “curtailed” diplomatic missions of both countries in their work.

Russia and the US to hold new talks on diplomatic visas

Consul General of the Russian Federation in Houston Zakharov: negotiations on diplomatic visas. The Consul General of Russia in Houston Alexander Zakharov told TASS about this. Negotiations should take place before the end of this year. According to Zakharov, there are “cautious positive shifts” on this issue. He also expressed the hope that these trends will lead to new agreements. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden during online talks noted that bilateral cooperation is in an unsatisfactory state. In particular, this is manifested in the difficulties experienced by the “curtailed” diplomatic missions of both countries in their work.

Putin and Biden announced the unsatisfactory state of cooperation between the countries

Putin and Biden: Russian-US cooperation is in poor condition Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden are online -Negotiations on December 7 noted that bilateral cooperation is in an unsatisfactory state. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. In particular, this is manifested in the difficulties experienced by the “curtailed” diplomatic missions of both countries in their work. As Vladimir Putin noted, the current situation is a consequence of the line of the US authorities, which “five years ago began to practice large-scale restrictions, bans and mass expulsions of Russian diplomats, to which we have to react in a mirror-like manner.” In the press service The Kremlin also noted that the conversation between the two leaders was frank and businesslike. Earlier it became known that during negotiations with Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin proposed to nullify all existing restrictions on the functioning of embassies. It

Putin proposed to nullify all restrictions on the work of diplomatic missions of Russia and the United States

Russian and & nbsp; US presidents Vladimir Putin and & nbsp; Joe Biden held bilateral online talks. To improve Russian-American relations, the head of the & nbsp; RF suggested to his colleague that all restrictions on the & nbsp; work of diplomatic missions be canceled. At the & nbsp; meeting, Putin stressed that & nbsp; it is not & nbsp; to shift responsibility on & nbsp; shoulders of Russia & raquo; for & nbsp; development of the Ukrainian territory of NATO. He also recalled & nbsp; Kiev's ignorance of the Minsk agreements and & nbsp; provocative actions in & nbsp; Donbass. In a conversation with & nbsp; Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin said that & nbsp; their & nbsp; cooperation is still in poor condition & nbsp; In his opinion, the restriction of the work of the diplomatic missions of both countries is a consequence of the line of the American

Biden announced the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO

White House: President Biden did not promise Putin that Ukraine would remain outside NATO US President Joe Biden did not promise Russia to Vladimir Putin that Ukraine will remain outside NATO. In addition, the country's authorities plan to continue to provide defense assistance to Ukraine. This intention and the possibility of Ukraine's joining the organization were announced in the White House, RIA Novosti reports.