The issuance of loans to Russians will begin to restrict

The State Duma allowed the Central Bank to introduce limits on the issuance of consumer loans and loans, adopted in the third, final reading, follows from the information on the website of the State Duma. Now the regulator will be able to impose restrictions, setting the maximum allowable share of certain types of products for credit institutions: in particular, unsecured consumer loans and loans. An exception will be made for loans for education and loans to people with disabilities for the purchase of rehabilitation and treatment. The provisions of the law will take effect on January 1. The decision to set the limits will be made taking into account the risk factors for an increase in the debt burden of borrowers determined by the Central Bank. Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin believes that the measures are justified against the background of the current situation on the lending market,

The issuance of loans to Russians will begin to restrict

The State Duma allowed the Central Bank to introduce limits on the issuance of consumer loans and loans, adopted in the third, final reading, follows from the information on the website of the State Duma. Now the regulator will be able to impose restrictions, setting the maximum allowable share of certain types of products for credit institutions: in particular, unsecured consumer loans and loans. An exception will be made for loans for education and loans to people with disabilities for the purchase of rehabilitation and treatment. The provisions of the law will take effect on January 1. The decision to set the limits will be made taking into account the risk factors for an increase in the debt burden of borrowers determined by the Central Bank. Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin believes that the measures are justified against the background of the current situation on the lending market,

Golikova unveiled the level of herd immunity in Russia

Golikova: the level of herd immunity in Russia to COVID-19 is 50.4% In Russia, the level of herd immunity to COVID-19 is equal to 50.4 percent. Such figures were published by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova, her words are quoted by TASS. Earlier, Golikova said that in Russia the incidence of coronavirus decreased by 6.1 percent in a week. According to her, the incidence rate of COVID-19 is declining most of all in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister named the regions in which there is a high incidence of COVID-19. These are Amur, Novgorod, Tomsk regions, Khabarovsk Territory and Crimea.

Golikova unveiled the level of herd immunity in Russia

Golikova: the level of herd immunity in Russia to COVID-19 is 50.4% In Russia, the level of herd immunity to COVID-19 is equal to 50.4 percent. Such figures were published by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova, her words are quoted by TASS. Earlier, Golikova said that in Russia the incidence of coronavirus decreased by 6.1 percent in a week. According to her, the incidence rate of COVID-19 is declining most of all in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister named the regions in which there is a high incidence of COVID-19. These are Amur, Novgorod, Tomsk regions, Khabarovsk Territory and Crimea.

WHO urged Europeans to observe mask regime to save lives

WHO: if 95 percent of Europeans wore masks, they could save 160 thousand lives The World Health Organization (WHO) called Europeans observe the mask regime in order to save lives and reduce cases of coronavirus. This was stated by the executive director of the WHO European office Robb Butler, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 19: 16 – 12 November The Duma was introduced to bills on QR codes in transport and in public places. What you need to know about measures to combat COVID? 12:50 – November 11 COVID passports, green passes and QR codes. How citizens are controlled in different countries using electronic certificates According to a WHO representative, if 95 percent of Europeans wore masks, then 160 thousand lives would be saved. “Only 48 percent of the population of the European region wears masks. At the moment when this indicator grows – if it grows – there will

Хозяин КВН. К юбилею Александра Маслякова

Руководитель и ведущий телепередачи «КВН», заслуженный деятель искусств РФ Александр Масляков 24 ноября отмечает 80-летие. Его лицо знакомо, наверное, всем в стране. А вот свою заэкранную жизнь он напоказ не выставляет. Рожденный в пути Масляков должен был жить в Ленинграде, где тогда, в 1941-м, жили его родители: отец, военный лётчик, штурман Василий Васильевич Масляков и мать, домохозяйка Зинаида Алексеевна. Но все планы молодых родителей спутала война. Отец ушёл на фронт, мать отправилась в эвакуацию. Местом назначения был Челябинск — город, где жили родственники. «Но мне, видимо, захотелось родиться по пути, — рассказывал в одном из телеинтервью Масляков. — Так что на свет осенью 1941 года я появился в Свердловске. Это был самый страшный год, когда никто ещё не осознавал, сколько продлится война, что победоносная Красная армия будет терпеть поначалу многие поражения. Через месяц мы уехали в Челябинск, там я научился говорить, ходить». «Пятым будешь!» На телевидение Масляков пришёл совершенно случайно. На самом деле он и не помышлял о телеэкране. Учился на энергетическом факультете Московского института инженеров транспорта, практику проходил на Люблинском литейно-механическом заводе. И участвовал в студенческом КВН, играя за родной МИИТ. Родом из КВН. Как сложились судьбы самых ярких выходцев из