The United States spoke about the risks of turning Russia into an appendage of the PRC

Former Trump adviser John Bolton: Russia risks becoming an appendage of China how Russia risks becoming an appendage of China. Former national security adviser to ex-US President Donald Trump John Bolton spoke about the risks of Russian-Chinese relations, reports RT. According to the politician, he repeatedly mentioned in the negotiations the danger of close interaction between the PRC and the Russian side. “I would like Russia to realize that there are issues on which we can find a common language. For example, the problem of China, ”said Bolton. In November, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow was not worried about the growth of China's military potential, since the Russian state had an unprecedentedly high level of diplomatic relations with Beijing. Putin added that the increase in China's military power is a natural consequence of China's economic success.

Russian defectologist called an unusual symptom of COVID-19

Defectologist Barabanov: with COVID-19, the voice may disappear With COVID-19 disease, partial or complete voice loss may occur. An unusual symptom of the disease was named by the Russian defectologist-phonopedist, associate professor Rodion Barabanov, he is quoted by URA.RU. He explained that such a problem arises against the background of inflammation of the larynx and respiratory dysfunctions – the vocal folds begin to lose their elasticity become loose. According to him, this leads to a partial loss of voice, which is called dysphonia, or a complete lack of ability to speak – aphonia. “That is, if the voice starts to disappear during COVID-19, it means that the infection has descended through the respiratory tract. to the lower sections and reached the laryngeal mucosa, ENT-vocal folds, ligaments, “the specialist added. Earlier, the head of the Yekaterinburg Research Institute of Viral Infections at the Vector Center of Rospotrebnadzor, Alexander Semenov, said that

Russian Su-27s escorted French Aerospace Forces over the Black Sea

Ministry of Defense: Russian fighters escorted French Aerospace Forces aircraft over the Black Sea Mirage-200 “and” Raphael “. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Ministry of Defense. “The crews of the Russian fighters identified the air targets as two tactical fighters Mirage-2000 and Rafale, as well as the C-135 tanker aircraft of the French Aerospace Forces and escorted them over the Black Sea, “the message says. It is specified that foreign military aircraft deployed from the Russian state border, after which the Russian fighters returned to the home base. “Violations of the state border of the Russian Federation were not allowed,” the military department said. The military also noted that Russian fighters flew in accordance with international rules for the use of airspace – without dangerous convergence and crossing of air routes.

The Kremlin spoke about NATO's attempts to “crush” Ukraine

Peskov: NATO is trying to crush Ukraine for itself, for the Russian Federation actions are a “red line” actions for Russia are a “red line”. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov spoke about these attempts, Izvestia writes. According to him, Russia does not threaten anyone, but only takes measures against the “creeping threat” spreading towards its borders. “But in any case, Russia, everything that it does – everything is done within the territory of the Russian Federation,” he stressed. The press secretary of the head of state added that non-Russian soldiers come, for example, to Latin America, and American. Previously, Peskov also said that Russia is extremely concerned about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine. He noted that this situation forces Moscow to take measures to protect its interests and to insure against what is happening.

The European Union approved sanctions against PMC Wagner

TASS: EU ambassadors approved sanctions against Wagner PMC This is reported by TASS with reference to a source. The plans to introduce restrictions against the Russian PMC because of its activities in Mali and other African countries were previously announced by French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. He noted that the European Union will draw up a list of possible restrictions for Russian mercenaries who can be deployed in the Sahel countries (Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad). In September it became known that the Mali authorities had applied to a Russian PMC asking for help in the fight against terrorists. It was not specified which PMCs the republican authorities applied to. Subsequently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed this information, but stressed that official Moscow had nothing to do with this. According to the diplomat, Mali turned to the PMC because France intends to significantly reduce the military