Russians will be able to get a digital health insurance policy

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: Russians will receive digital compulsory health insurance policies at birth in 2022 at birth. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, his words are quoted by TASS. The Minister of Health said that such an innovation would speed up communication between a medical institution and a patient. “From 2022, citizens will be able to abandon the policy medical insurance on paper in favor of a register entry in the system of the federal CHI fund “, – said Murashko. According to him, an electronic document will be generated automatically upon birth or obtaining Russian citizenship. Also now a statement for the issue of a digital policy, compulsory medical insurance can be issued if you have an account on the portal of public services. Earlier, the Russian government approved a list of documents for which electronic duplicates can

Kremlin responds with displeasure over COVID-19 restrictions

Peskov advised to vaccinate those dissatisfied due to restrictions on COVID-19 To stay alive during the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to follow the measures. This is how the Kremlin responded to citizens dissatisfied with the introduced restrictive measures on COVID-19, TASS reports. Peskov noted that there will always be dissatisfied, but vaccinations and restrictions remain the only way to balance the epidemic situation. On November 25, it became known that the restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 were eased in the Russian region. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, catering establishments, museums and other public places can allow visitors without QR codes, the corresponding changes will come into force on November 26.

Kremlin responds with displeasure over COVID-19 restrictions

Peskov advised to vaccinate those dissatisfied due to restrictions on COVID-19 To stay alive during the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to follow the measures. This is how the Kremlin responded to citizens dissatisfied with the introduced restrictive measures on COVID-19, TASS reports. Peskov noted that there will always be dissatisfied, but vaccinations and restrictions remain the only way to balance the epidemic situation. The material is being supplemented

Russians will be able to get a digital health insurance policy

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: Russians will receive digital compulsory health insurance policies at birth in 2022 at birth. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, his words are quoted by TASS. The Minister of Health said that such an innovation would speed up communication between a medical institution and a patient. “From 2022, citizens will be able to abandon the policy medical insurance on paper in favor of a register entry in the system of the federal CHI fund “, – said Murashko. According to him, an electronic document will be generated automatically upon birth or obtaining Russian citizenship. Also now a statement for the issue of a digital policy, compulsory medical insurance can be issued if you have an account on the portal of public services. Earlier, the Russian government approved a list of documents for which electronic duplicates can

The Kremlin called the main task of restrictions on COVID-19

Sands: the main task of COVID-19 restrictions is to vaccinate citizens again The main task of COVID-19 restrictions is to re-vaccinate Russians, this dictates the need for a number of measures. It was named by the representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, writes TASS. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that with the improvement of the epidemiological situation with coronavirus in the country, it is too early to remove restrictions. At the same time, the head of the department announced the stabilization of the epidemiological situation with COVID-19 in Russia.