Zelensky made demands for new German government

Zelensky said that he expects guarantees from the new government of the Federal Republic of Germany on gas transit … This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during a press marathon, which is broadcast on the page of the head of state's office on Facebook. According to him, Kiev hopes to get guarantees from Berlin to preserve the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine. He stressed that the launch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is the country's biggest tragedy, and expressed hope that the European Union (EU) will also fulfill all its promises to ensure Ukraine's energy security. Zelensky also put forward a demand for Germany to assist in resolving the conflict in Donbass and called for pressure on Russia to achieve a meeting in the “Normandy format”. Earlier it became known that the new ruling coalition of Germany agreed on the composition of the cabinet

British authorities accused of betrayal over railways

Bloomberg: UK decided to save on railroad construction the most important projects for the development of the country's transport system, writes Bloomberg. Some local politicians accused the authorities of treason. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the Northern Powerhouse Rail program in January 2019. It included the construction of railways, the modernization of the railway infrastructure in Northern England, which was noticeably inferior to the more prosperous south of the country, as well as the improvement of rail links between regions throughout the country. As part of the program, a new metro station was planned in Manchester to expand the HS2 high-speed rail line. In mid-November 2021, the authorities decided to almost halve the program's budget of £ 34 billion ($ 46.5 billion). Due to cost savings, the construction of the Leeds-Birmingham high-speed line was canceled, and the road between Manchester and Leeds was only upgraded – a new modern line

Honda will warn accidents with a belt

Honda Introduces Smart Car Seat Belt Honda Motor has introduced smart seat belt technology. This is reported by The Japan Times. The Japanese corporation said in a statement that it has begun integrating artificial intelligence into its vehicles to warn drivers of road accidents. The company said it hopes to achieve zero deaths in road accidents caused by human error by 2050. One of the features of the car equipped with sensors and cameras called the presence of a smart belt, which is equipped with a tension adjustment mechanism. So, in the event of a sudden appearance of pedestrians on the road, the belt will stretch, thus giving a signal to the driver to brake. If the owner of the car tries to move to an adjacent lane while overtaking by another participant in the movement, the car will give a sound signal through the speakers built into the cabin.

Honda will warn accidents with a belt

Honda Introduces Smart Car Seat Belt Honda Motor Company unveils smart seat belt technology. This is reported by The Japan Times. The Japanese corporation said in a statement that it has begun integrating artificial intelligence into its vehicles to warn drivers of road accidents. The company said it hopes to achieve zero deaths in road accidents caused by human error by 2050. One of the features of the car equipped with sensors and cameras called the presence of a smart belt, which is equipped with a tension adjustment mechanism. So, in the event of a sudden appearance of pedestrians on the road, the belt will stretch, thus giving a signal to the driver to brake. If the owner of the car tries to move to an adjacent lane while overtaking by another participant in the movement, the car will give a sound signal through the speakers built into the cabin.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations told about the work carried out in the Listvyazhnaya mine after the explosions

Chupriyan: after the explosions in the mine, work was carried out to minimize the intake of air In the Listvyazhnaya mine of the Kemerovo region, rescuers were working to minimize the intake of air. This was done so that the methane no longer exploded. Such details were revealed by the Acting Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Chupriyan, his words are quoted by the Telegram channel RTVI.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations told about the work carried out in the Listvyazhnaya mine after the explosions

Chupriyan: after the explosions in the mine, work was carried out to minimize the intake of air In the Listvyazhnaya mine of the Kemerovo region, rescuers were working to minimize the intake of air. This was done so that the methane no longer exploded. Such details were revealed by the Acting Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Chupriyan, his words are quoted by the Telegram channel RTVI.

Zhirinovsky responded to the change of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service

LDPR leader Zhirinovsky announced the “Stalinist camp system” in the work of the FSIN The structure of the FSIN is still a “Stalinist camp system” therefore, the work of the service still cannot be adjusted, and a change in leadership is unlikely to change anything. This is how LDPR chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky in Telegram reacted to the resignation of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Alexander Kalashnikov. According to the politician, the situation will change when other people come to the system. The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party noted that employees must be recruited at a general competition. In addition, in his opinion, it is necessary to get rid of the “cane” system that pushes workers to abuse. Kalashnikov was dismissed from his post as head of the Federal Penitentiary Service on November 25 by a decree of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Instead of him, the Deputy of

Ученые доказали, что домашним котам свойственна психопатия

Ученые из Школы психологии Ливерпульского университета и Ливерпульского университета Джона Мура провели исследование кошачьего поведения при участии 2042 владельцев кошек. Испытуемые ответили на 46 вопросов специально созданной анкеты, в которой оценивали поведение и склонности своих питомцев по пятибалльной шкале. Вопросы теста были схожи с тестами для людей, которые оценивают склонность к антисоциальному поведению и психопатии, но адаптированы к животным. Например, владельцев котов спрашивали, как часто и громко их кот мяукает без видимой причины, насколько он агрессивен и как долго играет со своей добычей, прежде чем съесть ее. Результаты исследования подтвердили давние предположения ученых о том, что у всех кошек есть элемент психопатии, поскольку когда-то это было полезно для их предков с точки зрения приобретения ресурсов — например, еды, территории и возможностей для спаривания.