The winner of the popular vote “Treasures of Russia” has been announced

Belokurikha became the winner in the All-Russian annual project “Treasures of Russia” the project “Treasures of Russia” by National Geographic Traveler magazine. This was reported on the website of the government of the Altai Territory. So, Belokurikha became the leader in the category “Beach, health or recreational resort”, gaining 24 percent of the vote. The second place is occupied by the city of Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region (22 percent), the third – the Kopylovo peninsula in the Samara region (12 percent). It is noted that the resorts on Belokurikha receive travelers all year round. The city is a popular destination for relaxing holidays – it is known for its sanatoriums and health complexes. Earlier in November, a new cable car was built at the Sheregesh ski resort in the Kemerovo region. The new lift will be launched in sector B – “Cascade Vostok”. Its capacity is 2.4 thousand people

The Russian national team recognized the opponent in the semifinals of the play-off matches in the selection for the World Cup 2022

The Russian national team will play with Poland in the first round of the play-off matches in the selection for the 2022 World Cup play-off matches in qualifying for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. This was reported by the correspondent. If Valery Karpin's wards manage to win in the semifinals, they will face the winner of the Sweden – Czech Republic pair in the decisive round of play-offs. The first round will take place on March 24, 2022, and the second on March 29. The Russians will start the mini-tournament with a home game. In the second draw, the winner of the Scotland – Ukraine pair will play against the best in the Wales – Austria duet. Portugal and Italy can play in the final of the third draw. This will happen if the Italians defeat North Macedonia and the Portuguese beat Turkey. The World Championships in Qatar

The Russian national team recognized the opponent in the semifinals of the play-off matches in the selection for the World Cup 2022

The Russian national team will play with Poland in the first round of the play-off matches in the selection for the 2022 World Cup play-off matches in qualifying for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. This was reported by the correspondent. If Valery Karpin's wards manage to win in the semifinals, they will face the winner of the Sweden – Czech Republic pair in the decisive round of play-offs. The first round will take place on March 24, 2022, and the second on March 29. The Russians will start the mini-tournament with a home game. In the second draw, the winner of the Scotland – Ukraine pair will play against the best in the Wales – Austria duet. Portugal and Italy can play in the final of the third draw. This will happen if the Italians defeat North Macedonia and the Portuguese beat Turkey. The World Championships in Qatar

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District adopted a budget for 2022-2024

The budget of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for 2022-2024 was adopted at the Legislative Assembly Budget of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 2022 in the first and final reading was adopted at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the region. This is stated in the message of the press service of the government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Albina Svintsova, Deputy Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Director of the Finance Department, who presented the budget bill, said that the revenue forecast for 2022 was set at 248 billion rubles, which is 30 percent, or 56 billion rubles, higher than the 2021 plan. The increase in regional budget revenues is due to the sustainable economic recovery and the transition to stable “post-pandemic” development, a significant increase in energy prices on global world markets. The budget remained in deficit (25 billion rubles), but this did not prevent the district from preserving

The oldest artifact with an unusual ornament discovered

Scientific Reports: an ancient ornament with an ornament dating back more than 40 thousand years was discovered An international team of scientists has described an artifact with the oldest dotted ornament known to date from those found in Eurasia. Radiocarbon dating has shown that the age of the unusual pattern on the ivory pendant reaches 41,500 years, which is two thousand years earlier than other examples of this type of decorative pattern. The research results are published in Scientific Reports. Briefly about the scientific work is described in a press release on About 42 thousand years ago, Homo sapiens, having settled in Central and Western Europe, began to carve jewelry and figurines decorated with geometric patterns from mammoth tusks. In addition to lines and crosses, dot patterns were used, which were encountered by archaeologists in southwestern France and figurines in the Swabian Jura mountain range in Germany. However, the

The oldest artifact with an unusual ornament discovered

Scientific Reports: an ancient ornament with an ornament dating back more than 40 thousand years was discovered An international team of scientists has described an artifact with the oldest dotted ornament known to date from those found in Eurasia. Radiocarbon dating has shown that the age of the unusual pattern on the ivory pendant reaches 41,500 years, which is two thousand years earlier than other examples of this type of decorative pattern. The research results are published in Scientific Reports. Briefly about the scientific work is described in a press release on About 42 thousand years ago, Homo sapiens, having settled in Central and Western Europe, began to carve jewelry and figurines decorated with geometric patterns from mammoth tusks. In addition to lines and crosses, dot patterns were used, which were encountered by archaeologists in southwestern France and figurines in the Swabian Jura mountain range in Germany. However, the

The Russian Red Cross begins fundraising for victims at a mine in Kuzbass

The Russian Red Cross has begun fundraising for victims and families of those killed in Kuzbass The Russian Red Cross has begun a centralized fundraiser to provide targeted assistance to victims and families of those killed in a mine accident in the Kemerovo Region. This was announced by the chairman of RKK Pavel Savchuk. You can transfer funds for the victims through the Sberbank Online application, ATMs, terminals, bank offices, the VTB Online application or the website. No commission is charged for the transfer. Fundraising is carried out within the framework of the All-Russian Mutual Aid Campaign #WeTogether. “We condole with the families of those killed and injured in this tragedy and are ready to provide support to those in need. The main areas of assistance will be financial as well as psychosocial support in the long term. We have already launched a centralized fundraising campaign to provide targeted

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation brought charges under two articles to the heads of the Listvyazhnaya mine

The management of the Listvyazhnaya mine, in which 51 people died, were charged Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to the heads of the Listvyazhnaya mine, in which 51 people died and another 63 were injured. This was reported to “” on Friday, November 26, in the press service of the department. According to the ICR, charges were brought against the director of the mine Sergei Makhrakov, his first deputy Andrei Molostov, the head of the site Sergei Gerasimenko and two to the inspectors of the Belovsky territorial department of the Siberian department of Rostekhnadzor Sergey Vinokurov and Vyacheslav Semykin. The mine managers are charged with the article “Violation of industrial safety requirements for hazardous production facilities, resulting in the death of two or more persons” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for up to seven years in prison. Inspectors are charged with the

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation brought charges under two articles to the heads of the Listvyazhnaya mine

The management of the Listvyazhnaya mine, in which 51 people died, were charged Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to the heads of the Listvyazhnaya mine, in which 51 people died and another 63 were injured. This was reported to “” on Friday, November 26, in the press service of the department. According to the ICR, charges were brought against the director of the mine Sergei Makhrakov, his first deputy Andrei Molostov, the head of the site Sergei Gerasimenko and two to the inspectors of the Belovsky territorial department of the Siberian department of Rostekhnadzor Sergey Vinokurov and Vyacheslav Semykin. The mine managers are charged with the article “Violation of industrial safety requirements for hazardous production facilities, resulting in the death of two or more persons” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for up to seven years in prison. Inspectors are charged with the

Россия ограничивает въезд из девяти африканских стран и Гонконга из-за нового штамма коронавируса

Ограничения для иностранцев действуют на людей, прибывающих из ЮАР, Гонконга, Ботсваны, Лесото, Намибии, Зимбабве, Мозамбика, Мадагаскара, Эсватини и Танзании. Прямое авиасообщение с Танзанией, закрытое с лета, приостанавливается на дополнительное время — до 1 февраля 2022 года.