Oil prices skyrocket after the US and China tried to lower them

Brent and WTI rose more than a percent after the US attempted to stop them Immediately after US President Joe Biden announced the sale of oil from strategic reserves and the support of these actions from the UK, South Korea, Japan, China and India, the cost of raw materials skyrocketed. This is evidenced by the data of the ICE exchange. As of 17:05 Moscow time, the Brent grade stopped at $ 80.9 per barrel (plus 1.52 percent by the beginning of the trading session), and the WTI grade – up to $ 77.65 (plus 1.2 percent).

Murashko announced a decrease in the number of detected cases of coronavirus

Head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Murashko: the number of identified patients with COVID-19 decreased by 14% In Russia, the number of identified patients with COVID-19 decreased by 14 percent. Such statistics were given by the head of the Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, at the presidium of the coordinating council for combating coronavirus infection. The recording of the broadcast of the Russia 24 TV channel is available on YouTube. The Minister also said that more than one million patients are under the supervision of doctors. “The number of patients under observation is quite large: it is more than 1 million 72 thousand citizens, “- said Murashko. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that there is a decrease in the incidence of COVID-19 in Russia. The dynamics of a decrease in the growth in the number of patients with coronavirus infection is observed in

Shoigu announced the development of a nuclear strike on Russia by US bombers

Shoigu: 10 US bombers have worked out the use of nuclear weapons against Russia nuclear strike on Russia. This was stated by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, reports TASS. “During the exercise of the US strategic forces” Global Thunder “, 10 strategic bombers practiced the option of using nuclear weapons against Russia almost simultaneously from the western and eastern directions,” explained the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense. According to him, in general, in November, the Russian military recorded a significant increase in the activity of American aircraft in the immediate vicinity of the country's borders. Thus, in a month, the US Air Force flew about 30 flights to the Russian borders, which is 2.5 times more than in the same period in 2020. “The minimum distance from our state border was 20 kilometers,” he stressed Shoigu. Earlier in November, the Ministry of Defense reported that the intensity of

The Ministry of Health announced an increase in severe cases of COVID-19 in nine regions

Head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Murashko: the severe course of the coronavirus is characteristic of the delta strain Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko said that the maximum increase in severe cases of COVID-19 was noted, he was quoted by RIA Novosti. Among them, according to Murashko, in particular – the Republic of Karelia, Khabarovsk and Stavropol Territories, Tver and Lipetsk regions. The head of the Ministry of Health also noted that a severe course of the disease is characteristic of the delta strain of coronavirus, calling it the main circulating strain of the virus in the Russian Federation. Murashko also noted that in Russia the number of detected patients with COVID-19 decreased by 14 percent.

Murashko named the regions with the maximum increase in severe cases of COVID-19

Murashko said that the maximum increase in the number of severe cases of COVID-19 was noted in Karelia course of COVID-19. The head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko said this at a meeting of the coordinating council for combating coronavirus infection under the government, TASS reports. Among the subjects of the country with maximum indicators, the minister named the Republic of Karelia, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk and Stavropol Territories, the Chechen Republic , as well as Kemerovo, Tver, Lipetsk and Murmansk regions. At the same time, Murashko stressed, the total number of active cases of coronavirus infection decreased by 14 percent, but the number of patients under observation is still quite large. Earlier, an infectious disease doctor, associate professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the RUDN University Sergei Voznesensky doubted the end of the fourth wave of COVID-19. Prior to that, Andrei Isaev, director of the DNKOM Center

The Ministry of Health named the number of Russians vaccinated against coronavirus per day

Murashko: on average, 500 thousand people are vaccinated against coronavirus in Russia per day The average rate of vaccination against coronavirus today is about 500 thousand people per day. This number of Russians who are vaccinated daily on Tuesday, November 23, was named by the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, speaking at the presidium of the Coordination Council under the government to combat COVID-19, which is broadcasted by Russia 24 on the YouTube channel.