Revealed the timing of the release of the car Xiaomi

Xiaomi will present the first mass-produced electric vehicle in 2024 Xiaomi is going to present its first electric vehicle in 2024. This is reported by the Chinese edition of Laoyaoba. Analysts have studied the financial report for the third quarter presented by Xiaomi, noting that the number of employees engaged in research and development of new technologies and products has exceeded 13 thousand people. This figure represents 44 percent of the total number of employees in the corporation. Also from the disclosed data, it became known that more than 500 specialists work in the automotive division. According to information from the documents, work on the creation of the first cars under the Xiaomi brand is progressing according to plan. From the report, the timing of the release of electric cars became known – for example, the serial production of cars will start in the first half of 2024. It also

50-year-old presenter walked the streets in a transparent top and was ashamed on the net

The paparazzi filmed Amanda Holden in a black jumpsuit, consisting of a transparent top and trousers was ashamed on the net. The corresponding photos and comments are published by the Daily Mail. The 50-year-old celebrity was photographed by the paparazzi as she was leaving the party. Holden wore a black jumpsuit from Nadine Merab, which consists of a sequined top and velvet flared trousers. The cost of the outfit on the brand's website is £ 315 (RUB 31,400). The image of the star was complemented by black high-heeled shoes and a bag. Readers of the publication began to criticize the appearance of the presenter in the comments below the pictures. “What a terrible outfit she chose, it looks just disgusting”, “Too big head and small chest”, “Not the most successful outfit. At least she's not wearing a bikini “,” She is already too old for such outfits, “” Too thin

Ideal fruit for weight loss named

Nutritionist Stepnaya advised those who are losing weight to eat no more than 150 grams of pineapple per day In addition, this fruit improves bowel function, RIA Novosti reports. Stepnaya called pineapple an ideal delicacy for weight loss: it is rich in vitamins B, C, A and trace elements – iron, magnesium and calcium. The specialist advised people who want to improve bowel function and solve problems with flatulence and constipation to use the fruit. The nutritionist advised those who are losing weight to safely add pineapple to their diet, but you should eat no more than 150 grams per day. “It is better to eat it with dairy products, so you will get a dietary dinner and a full set of useful trace elements for beauty and health,” Stepnaya emphasized. The expert recalled that pineapple is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and patients with gastritis and stomach ulcer. Previously, nutritionist

US Senators Propose to Allocate Another $ 50 Million in Military Aid to Kiev

Politico: Senators have proposed to include $ 50 million in the US defense budget to help Ukraine US Senators Rob Portman (Ohio Republican) and Jean Shaheen, a Democrat from New Hampshire, have proposed an additional $ 50 million in the defense budget for Pentagon military aid to Ukraine. This is reported by the Politico newspaper. It is assumed that the amendment will increase the total amount of funds sent to Kiev to 350 million. This is 100 million more than the American leader Joe Biden requested. Of this amount, $ 125 million is earmarked for the purchase of destructive weapons. An increase in financial assistance as one of the provisions of the defense budget is being discussed in the Senate. Earlier, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksiy Danilov, at a meeting with a delegation of the US Senate at the Halifax International Security Forum,

The Federation Council assessed the “insane” prices for lard in Ukraine

Federation Council member Pushkov on the prices of lard in Ukraine: degradation under the slogan “forward to Europe” lard in Ukraine is insane, and the possible import of this product from Argentina into the Ukrainian territory is a total degradation. He expressed this opinion on his Twitter account. This is how a member of the Federation Council commented on the words of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov. “The total degradation of Ukraine under the slogan” forward to Europe! ” rubles). He noted that the lowest cost of this product today is 200 hryvnia. “This is no longer fat, but some kind of” gold “,” Azarov was indignant. Earlier it was reported that in November prices for fat in Ukraine soared several times, significantly updating the historical maximum. The reason for this situation was the reduction in the number of greasy pigs, which are usually raised by small

Russian army will supply parachutes for jumping with dogs

“Rostec”: in 2022 the RF Armed Forces will receive parachutes for landing a dog handler with a dog In 2022, the Russian Armed Forces will enter parachutes for parachuting canine handlers with service dogs; tests of the system for such jumps should be completed by the end of 2021. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the Tekhnodinamika holding of the Rostec state corporation. “The supply of the dog harness system to the RF Ministry of Defense will begin in 2022 after the product is accepted for supply and design documentation has been assigned the letter O1 ( serial production) “, – said in the message. The parachute system for a dog handler with a dog was developed for the first time in Russia, it has no analogues. It allows landing from a height of up to four kilometers with an animal weight of up

A pensioner who got rich on bitcoins was mistaken for a terrorist

In Israel, the bank refused to cash out a pensioner who invested in bitcoin in cashing out funds, reports Ynet. This decision was made on the basis of financial mechanisms to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. 69-year-old Esther Freeman in 2013 bought bitcoins for 10 thousand shekels (about 237 thousand rubles). Since then, she has become 90 times richer. She assures that she decided to try to invest in cryptocurrency on the advice of her relatives, but she never thought that its value would increase so much. When she tried to withdraw some of the money from the Hapoalim bank, where she had been serviced for many years, she was refused … The woman was explained that she bought bitcoins for cash, the movement of which cannot be verified. In November, an Israeli woman tried to get her money through the courts. The pensioner assures that she and her

The government will consider new measures to support business

RBC: Business Ombudsman Titov asked for new support of firms in connection with the introduction of QR codes Ombudsman for the protection of entrepreneurs' rights offered Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to expand measures to support business from industries affected by the coronavirus, RBC reports, citing the press service of the business ombudsman. Titov said that firms in the catering, leisure and sports spheres asked for additional support due to the introduction of QR codes in the regions of the country. The government agreed to consider new measures to support business

Americans blamed Biden and Congress for rising prices and shortages of goods

Politico Poll: 62% of US voters blame Biden and Congress for supply chain disruption Most American voters blame US President Joe Biden, Congress, corporations and China in supply chain disruptions that have led to higher prices and stockouts. Such data follow from a Morning Consult poll for Politico. For example, 62 percent of respondents believe that the head of state is at least partially responsible for supply problems, of which 38 percent consider his responsibility to be very large. The leader was considered partly responsible by 24 percent, not too responsible – 15 percent, 12 percent believe that his fault is absent, and 10 percent found it difficult to answer. Congress blames 61 percent of Americans, another 63 percent blame large corporations , and 64 percent – to China. On November 14, it became known that the approval rating of Biden's policy among Americans reached a new anti-record and dropped

Russia has developed unique targets for shooting with sensors

Vice President of FATS Rul: developed electronic targets with hit fixing sensors … They immediately transfer information about them to a tablet or laptop. This was told to TASS by the vice-president of the Federation of Army Tactical Shooting (FATS), the founder of the NPO “Spetstechnologii” Andrey Rul. A special layer-sensor is installed inside such a target, which detects hits. According to the expert, the new product will be even more “tenacious” than the cardboard counterpart. It will digitize firearms. Related materials 10:39 – November 1 Satellites of the future. Scientists promise the appearance of robots around us for decades … When will it become a reality? 21: 49 – July 20 Rostec presented the Su-75Can a Russian fighter be able to destroy an American F-35? < p> “Electrified cardboard targets will actually be a consumable and will not cost much more than conventional targets,” Rul explained. much fewer controversial