In South Africa, the age of the most vulnerable to the omicron strain of people revealed

Young people with the new COVID-19 strain have filled South African hospitals An unusual age distribution of the omicron strain has been reported in South Africa. The age of the people most vulnerable to the new strain of coronavirus was revealed by the head of the intensive care unit of the Soweto hospital, Rudo Mativa, TASS reports. “Young people aged 20 to 30 come to us with moderate and severe illnesses … Some of them need urgent intensive care, “said Mativa. Related materials00: 01 – May 25, 2020 ” You can shoot me – there are hungry children in my house ”Fights for food, shootings and crowds of beggars: tourists stranded in Africa – about the horrors of local quarantine .jpg “/> The cause of severe complications in COVID-19 has been found. How does the disease affect the human brain and can it be dealt with? According to Mativa, there

WHO speaks about the origin of the omicron strain of coronavirus

WHO expert: the omicron strain could originate in the body of a patient with a weakened immune system According to one of the hypotheses available to scientists, coronavirus could have originated in the body of an immunocompromised patient infected with COVID-19 who was unable to completely recover. This version of the origin of a new dangerous strain of coronavirus infection in an interview with the Financial Times was voiced by the head of the technical group of the Emergency Diseases Unit of the World Health Organization (WHO) Maria Van Kerkhove.

UFC girl starred in a revealing bikini on a motorcycle

UFC girl Jessica Ay shared a candid photo in a bikini on Instagram in front of subscribers in a revealing bikini. The post is available on the athlete's Instagram. 35-year-old Ai, known for her performances in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), starred in a revealing black outfit. The sportswoman in the photo poses near a motorcycle. The publication has received more than 12 thousand likes. Ay has not played in the UFC since the summer. In July, she lost in a fight against Brazilian Jennifer Maya. Ai was then defeated by unanimous decision. This setback became the third in a row for the American. In June 2019, Ay got a chance to fight for the UFC flyweight champion title. She lost by knockout to the current holder of the belt, Valentina Shevchenko. In the next fight, Ay closed the defeat by defeating Viviani Araujo.

The head of Rosmolodezh announced a program for the development of street culture and sports

The head of Rosmolodezh Ksenia Razuvaeva spoke about the future of street culture and sports (Rosmolodezh), gathered more than 300 top athletes from 24 regions of the country on November 27 in St. Petersburg. Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) Ksenia Razuvaeva spoke about the prospects for the development of street culture and sports. Street Classics is a comprehensive program for the development of street culture and sports in our country, which is focused on consolidating regional leaders, creating communities and organizing events in educational and festival formats. “The culture of street sports is widely developed in our country. Various youth communities implement and promote a healthy lifestyle, involve cool young guys in it. We at Rosmolodezh help with the development of a wide variety of youth communities, this is no exception. With the Street Classics Festival we are launching an annual program. It will include traveling

UK to tighten travel rules for tourists amid coronavirus

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson: tourists must take PCR tests due to the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus. This is reported by TASS. He noted that the United Kingdom will introduce a mandatory PCR test for all those entering the country. According to him, travelers will also have to self-isolate until the test result is received. Johnson also said that against the background of the situation with COVID-19, the country's authorities decided to reduce the time gap between the second and booster doses of the vaccine. Earlier, the head of the British Ministry of Health, Sajid Javid, said that two cases of infection with the new omicron coronavirus strain were detected in the country. According to him, cases of infection were recorded in Chelmsford and Nottingham. Targeted testing is planned there.

US chief infectious disease specialist assessed the chances of spreading a new strain of COVID-19

Fauci, Chief Infectious Disease Physician, USA The omicron coronavirus, first detected early or late in South Africa, will be widespread early or late … This professional opinion was expressed by the chief infectious disease doctor, head of the US National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci in an interview with NBC. “We haven't found it yet, but when you have a virus with this transmission rate, and there are travel-related cases that have already been found elsewhere. When we are faced with such a virus, there are practically no options that the spread will be ubiquitous, “Fauci estimated the chances of the virus spreading. Related materials00: 01 – May 25, 2020 ” You can shoot me – there are hungry children in my house. ” -content/uploads/2021/11/6666988db9e183fe3b57c3a9a8c619b5.jpg “/>The cause of severe complications in COVID-19 has been found. How does the disease affect the human brain and can it be

Russian film nominated for an Oscar won two awards at the Honfleur Festival

Kira Kovalenko's film “Unclenching his fists” received the Grand Prix of the Honfleur festival Kira Kovalenko's film “Unclenching his fists” Oscar “from Russia, received two awards at the Honfleur festival dedicated to Russian cinema. This is reported by TASS. The tape won the Grand Prix of the festival, and Milana Aguzarova, who played in it, received the prize for the best female role. Victoria Tolstoganova, who appeared in the drama On the Distant Frontiers, was awarded a similar award. The fact that Unclenching Fists was nominated for Oscar from Russia became known on October 25. The events of the motion picture unfold in a small mining town in North Ossetia. The film tells about the family and the problem of children leaving from excessive parental care. The main roles were played by Milana Aguzarova, Alik Karaev, Soslan Khugaev, Khetag Bibilov, Arsen Khetagurov and Milana Pagieva. In July, for her work,

Alisher Usmanov is re-elected President of the International Fencing Federation

Alisher Usmanov re-elected as FIE President at the 2021 Election Congress in Lausanne Entrepreneur and philanthropist, founder of the USM holding Alisher Usmanov was re-elected for a fourth term as President of the International Fencing Federation (FIE) during the electoral congress in Lausanne, Switzerland. Usmanov, a former saber fencer, was first elected president in 2008. Prior to that, he served as President of the Russian Fencing Federation and the European Fencing Confederation. “It is a great honor for me to be re-elected to the post of FIE President, having received the support of our international fencing family,” Usmanov said. – Fencing as a global sport is stronger today than ever. Our support programs around the world have contributed to its dynamic development and its growth in popularity as one of the main Olympic disciplines. ” He noted that the Tokyo 2020 Olympics was an important milestone and a great success

Tens of thousands of Austrians rebelled against compulsory vaccination

40 thousand Austrians went to street protest against compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19 new restrictive measures related to the spread of COVID-19. People rebelled against the introduction of compulsory vaccination against coronavirus, reports TASS. According to the Austrian police, almost 40 thousand people protested across Austria on November 27. Tens of thousands took to the streets in the city of Graz in one of the largest demonstrations in the city since World War II. It is known that in small St. Pölten, with a population of 50 thousand people, about 3 thousand people took to the streets, the police had to intervene and start detaining demonstrators. Protests began in Austria after the country's authorities introduced a nationwide lockdown with November 22 and promised to start a compulsory vaccination campaign for all citizens of the country from February 1, 2022. Earlier, the Austrian government also closed the entry to the country for

Anti-vaccines invited to the red zone refuse to wear masks

The excursion in the “red zone” was terminated ahead of schedule due to the behavior of anti-auxers refused to wear masks. This is reported by Izvestia. Due to the behavior of opponents of vaccination, the tour of the department was completed ahead of schedule. Chief physician Valeriy Vechorko tried to explain the need to use personal protective equipment, but anti-auxiliaries began to interrupt him and express dissatisfaction. Related materials00: 02 – October 15 “It will torment humanity” DNA mutations and vaccine side effects: biologist destroys the main myths about coronavirus00: 01 – 11 March “We must find the source of the virus, otherwise everything will happen again” Will humanity be able to defeat the coronavirus in 2021? Virologist responds “We are now with you in the infectious diseases hospital. Here, every hour, every minute, seriously ill patients arrive. As far as I understand, there is a group here that wants