A stowaway climbed into the landing gear and flew to the USA

NBC: in Miami, a free-rider was found who flew into the country in a niche of the landing gear of an aircraft : he hid in a niche of the aircraft's landing gear, according to NBC. The 26-year-old man was detained by border guards. He was reportedly taken to a hospital for a health check. He was in the landing gear niche during the entire flight, which lasted more than two and a half hours. Nothing was reported about his condition. On August 17, the US military found human remains in the niche of the landing gear of a military transport aircraft, which was used to evacuate people from Afghanistan. The victim is believed to have tied himself to an aircraft in an attempt to escape from a country captured by the radical Taliban ( banned in Russia as terrorist ).

Bilan spoke about a recent conversation with Gradsky

Bilan said that on the set of The Voice, he and Gradsky were like father and son Singer Dima Bilan spoke about his recent conversation with composer Alexander Gradsky, who died on November 28. Bilan's post was published on Instagram. According to the artist, ten days ago, on the last filming of the “Voice” show, Gradsky recalled how they met, recalled Bilan as a young man. “And I, apparently, felt and said goodbye,” the singer added. He said that during the filming he and Gradsky were like father and son. “Sometimes they swore and made peace, sat together in the same dressing room, argued, laughed, he told us a lot of interesting things from his busy life,” Bilan shared. On November 26, 72-year-old Alexander Gradsky was hospitalized with stroke. On the night of Sunday, November 28, he died without regaining consciousness. The cause of death of the People's Artist was

Former UFC champion bursts into tirade about “Nurmagomedov imitator”

Former UFC champion Dos Anjos called Russian Makhachev an imitator of Nurmagomedov Islam Makhachev. A skirmish between the athletes erupted on Twitter. Both compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). The 37-year-old fighter reacted to the attack from Makhachev. The Russian posted a video of a brawl between Dos Anjos and McGregor, where an Irishman insulted a Brazilian. “There were no guards around,” Makhachev wrote, hinting at Dos Anjos' inability to stand up for himself. In response, the former UFC champion called Makhachev an imitator of Khabib Nurmagomedov. “How many times have you fought champions? How many times have you led the card? You're being promoted solely because of your brother. Stop mentioning me with your dirty mouth, imitator of Khabib, “Dos Anjos said. Makhachev has been called Nurmagomedov's successor in the UFC more than once. The latter, in particular, sees his protégé as the holder of the organization's lightweight

Volodin spoke about the laws coming into force in December

State Duma Speaker Volodin spoke about new laws coming into force in December State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin spoke about new laws force in December. The information was published on his Telegram channel. Volodin spoke about the start of pre-trial blocking of sites advertising financial pyramids, access to socially significant services for citizens, responsibility for the sale of unlabeled products and the beginning of measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions. From December, access to socially significant sites, such as portals of government agencies, local governments, state extra-budgetary funds and government services, will become free. Sites advertising pyramid schemes will be blocked without court decisions. Other legislative norms related to the financial sector come into force. Banks will no longer be able to require a minimum balance on the borrower's account, and additional non-financial services can be canceled within 14 working days after the conclusion of the loan agreement. Earlier, the

South Africa named the most vulnerable to the new strain of COVID-19 people

Times of Israel: South African doctors worried about the rapid spread of the omicron strain among young people South African doctors are concerned the rapid spread of the omicron strain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus among young people, writes The Times of Israel. Doctors call this group the most vulnerable – it is reported that young people infected with the new COVID-19 strain are admitted to hospitals 20-30 years old, mostly 65 percent unvaccinated. Rudo Mativa, head of the intensive care unit of the Soweto settlement hospital on the southwestern outskirts of Johannesburg, said that if the incidence continues to grow, medical facilities could be overwhelmed … She recalled the case with the delta strain of coronavirus, due to which this had already happened. Earlier, the director of the Research Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections Georgy Vikulov predicted the timing of the emergence of a new omicron

Belarus announced the body of a beaten refugee abandoned by the Lithuanian security forces

State Border Committee of Belarus: Lithuanian security forces threw out the corpse of a beaten refugee to death, BelTA informs. According to the CCP, on Saturday, November 27, a corpse of a man of about 30 years old was found at the Vidzy border post of the Polotsk border detachment. The body of a beaten refugee in a sleeping bag with no signs of life was located directly on the Lithuanian-Belarusian border by the security forces, ”the ministry said An investigative-operational group has been summoned to the scene, investigative actions are being carried out. 8 November in Belarus, on the border with Poland and Lithuania, gathered several thousand migrants from the Middle East, who are trying to break into the territory of the European Union. The West claims that the situation was specially organized by the Belarusian authorities.

The final of the student competition “Your Move” has begun in “Sirius”

Students from 76 regions of Russia will take part in the final of the competition “Your Move” It was attended by 1,000 students from 76 regions of Russia. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Grigory Gurov, Deputy General Director of the autonomous non-profit organization “Russia – Land of Opportunities” Anton Serikov, General Director Society “Knowledge” Maxim Dreval, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Lyulin, Governor of the Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Solodov and others. “The competition brought together a huge number of participants – more than 568 thousand students from all regions of the country, and this is so cool! Finalists from 76 regions of Russia are in this hall today. You are all incredibly talented, cool, and dedicated. An interesting finale awaits us and a lot of further joint work to implement your ideas and initiatives, ”said Grigory

The Ukrainian military announced their readiness to repel any attack by Russia

Reuters: the military said that Ukraine received a large shipment of ammunition and missiles from the United States The Ukrainian military is ready and able to repel any attack Russia. This is reported by Reuters. The military interviewed by the agency said that the Ukrainian army is well prepared and is getting better every day, so it will be able to repel any attack without any problems. The military also said that they have all the necessary means of protection: Ukraine received a large shipment of ammunition and missiles from the United States. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia plans to attack Ukraine in 2022 from three sides. Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said that Russia has concentrated more than 92 thousand troops on the border and will begin aggression in late January or early February. Kremlin