Pensions have been indexed in Russia since December 1

On December 1, pensions for three categories of citizens were automatically indexed in Russia This is reported by RIA Novosti. 12,088.96 rubles will be the pension of citizens who turned 80 in November The increase in payments will affect, in particular, citizens who celebrated their 80th anniversary in November – a fixed payment to the insurance old-age pensions will double, from 6,044.48 to 12,088.96 rubles. In addition, an increase is provided for those pensioners who quit their jobs before September 1, 2021 – now they automatically an increase will be charged with an additional surcharge for three months. Russians who have applied for recalculation can also apply for an automatic increase in payments. Earlier it was reported that the procedure for the payment of pensions and control over their accrual will be changed in Russia from January 1, 2022, such rules were approved by the Ministry of Labor. In particular,

The woman forbade her mother-in-law to see her grandchildren because of one fact

A Reddit user banned her mother-in-law from seeing her grandchildren because of her attitude towards them A Reddit user with the nickname Intelligent_Map mother-in-law to see grandchildren because of one fact. According to the woman, her husband's mother treats children differently: if she never showed interest in her grandson, she tries to spend as much time as possible with her granddaughter. The author of the post noted that she is raising two children with her husband – a two-year-old son and a two-month-old daughter. “My mother-in-law did not visit her grandson in the first year of his life and did not even call to ask about his health. My husband and I sent her photos of our son and the latest news related to the baby, but she very rarely responded to our messages, ”the user complained. The situation changed when the couple had a daughter. According to the woman,

A harassed pedophile girl was detained in a Moscow shopping center

A pedophile was arrested in Moscow who harassed a girl in a pool with balls in a children's room … On Wednesday, December 1, REN TV reports. According to the channel, the incident occurred in the children's room – a man tried to seduce a child who was in a pool with plastic balls. His criminal actions were noticed by the girl's mother, who called the police. A criminal case was opened against the attacker. All the circumstances of the incident are being established. On November 26, it was reported that a 43-year-old ballroom dance teacher accused of pedophilia was sentenced to 15 years of strict regime in Krasnoyarsk.

The court found the iPhone unsafe

In Brazil, an iPhone user sued Apple for hacking and stealing money – for the weak protection of the smartphone. This is reported by the ZDNet edition. Related materials 00:02 – May 26 Safety factor. Apple released iPad with a processor from a computer. Why does he need such power? 00:02 – March 18 More expensive than money What are Apple headphones for 63 thousand rubles capable of Apple client, name which is not disclosed, won a lawsuit against the IT giant and forced the company to compensate for moral damage. The court sided with the plaintiff, who accused the American brand's smartphones of a low level of personal data protection and called Apple devices unsafe. The plaintiff's gadget was stolen in Sao Paulo in June 2021. According to the victim, the attackers managed to hack the protection of his iPhone 12, set up a new Apple ID and, in

Doctor from South Africa revealed the main symptoms of the omicron strain

Doctor from South Africa Pillay: those infected with the omicron strain COVID-19 show flu symptoms Doctor from South Africa (South Africa) Unben Pillay listed the main symptoms that appear when infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus. His words are reported by Bloomberg. The expert emphasized that at the moment in those infected the disease is mostly mild, but it is too early to draw long-term conclusions. “We have seen patients with flu symptoms, dry cough, fever, night sweats and body aches,” he revealed. According to Pillay, these symptoms are similar to the manifestations of the disease in other waves of COVID-19. Earlier, Professor and Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Cape Town Hospital Mark Mendelso called a way to combat the omicron strain of coronavirus. According to him, vaccination will protect against the disease most effectively. The expert did not rule out that the strain can evade

Lukashenko voiced the position of Belarus in the event of a war between Russia and Ukraine

Lukashenko: in case of Ukraine's aggression, Belarus will be closely linked with Russia will take Minsk in the event of a war between Russia and Ukraine. “If Russia is facing aggression from Ukraine, we will be closely linked legally, economically and politically with Russia. And legally, this is the main thing, “he said. Lukashenka stressed that he would never be on the side of“ the nationalist intoxication that is taking place in Ukraine today. ” “ I will do everything to make Ukraine ours. She is ours, Ukraine, our people are there. These are not emotions, this is my firm conviction, “he assured. Earlier, Lukashenka recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure and announced that he was going to visit the peninsula. “My visit to Crimea, to which I have every right, no matter under whose protectorate, leadership and whoever is Crimea. This is my Crimea. We have

Russians prepared to take out loans to celebrate the New Year every tenth Russian is ready to take out a loan to celebrate the holidays well Every tenth Russian (11 percent) is ready take out a loan before the New Year to celebrate the holidays well. However, the majority (89 percent) do not consider such an opportunity for themselves. This is evidenced by the results of a survey by the service, excerpts from it are quoted by TASS. Of those who are ready to borrow money, 38 percent would like to take 50 thousand rubles, and 25 percent – up to 100 thousand, another 6 percent said they were ready to take more than 150 thousand rubles from the bank. 7 percent are ready to borrow up to 200 thousand rubles, and 5 percent – up to 250 thousand rubles. Over this amount, 19 percent of respondents are ready to borrow on New Year's holidays. Speaking about spending, the

The court recognized the legal case of Navalny's fraud

The court rejected blogger Navalny's complaint about the initiation of a fraud case FBK, included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent, recognized as an extremist organization and banned in Russia ) Alexei Navalny to initiate a criminal case for large-scale fraud, recognizing it as legal. TASS writes about this. “The result of the lawyer's first complaint is to deny satisfaction. This means that the court decided that the case under part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud”) was initiated lawfully, ”said lawyer Veronika Polyakova. The Basmanny Court is expected to announce its decision on the blogger's second complaint on December 1 to initiate a criminal case on contempt of a judge. Earlier, Navalny filed a fourth lawsuit against the administration of IK-2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Vladimir region in Pokrov, where