A naked two-year-old girl was found at the entrance of a Russian city

In Tyumen, a courier found a naked two-year-old girl in an entrance In one of the entrances of an apartment building in the city of Tyumen, a courier found a naked two-year-old girl. The incident is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs. The apartment in which the child lives was located in the same entrance. The girl herself showed where she lives. Her mother at that time was intoxicated and asleep. Police officers arrived at the scene and handed the girl over to her grandmother. The child's mother was brought to administrative responsibility for improper performance of parental rights and put on preventive records. Earlier it was reported that in Rostov, Yaroslavl region, townspeople drew attention to a homeless boy who walked on the street in summer clothes in cold weather, whose behavior resembled the story of Mowgli. A

Russia responded to Ukraine's decision to convict Vice Admiral Berezovsky in absentia

Senator Tsekov on the trial of Denis Berezovsky: all traitors are in power in Kiev today Member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Senator Crimea Sergey Tsekov responded to the decision of the so-called Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, created in Ukraine, to condemn in absentia the Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy Denis Berezovsky. In an interview with “Lenta.ru”, he said that the decisions made in Ukraine in relation to the Crimean politicians and the military are almost ignored in Russia, and added that all the main traitors today are in power in Kiev. Earlier it became known that the so-called Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, created in Ukraine, sent an indictment against the Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral Denis Berezovsky, to the court. He is being charged with high

Putin spoke about the end of the coronavirus pandemic

President Putin said that life will return to normal after defeating the pandemic Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the end of the pandemic. He did not predict the timing of its completion, but stressed that “someday it must be defeated.” After that, life will return to normal, the head of state said during a speech before the new ambassadors of foreign states. The meeting is broadcast by RT.

The FSB general spoke about the interest of the US intelligence services in the correspondence of the Russian security officials

FSB Major General Mikhailov: NSA is interested in the correspondence of Russian security officials US intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency (NSA) correspondence in the messengers of the Russian security officials. On Wednesday, December 1, retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov told the News.ru portal. According to Mikhailov, the NSA may have access to WhatsApp correspondence. The American intelligence services constantly “scan” some users, but do not tell about it. At the same time, he noted that they have no interest in representatives of the marginalized environment and the opposition, and that Americans are much less interested in politicians than in the security forces, but they can watch their correspondence. Mikhailov noted that the Americans can do this because of for a small amount of domestic software and instant messengers, with the exception of Telegram and VKontakte. On November 30, it was reported that American intelligence officers, including the

Putin recalled the establishment of “United Russia” interaction with other countries

Putin greeted the participants of the conference, timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of United Russia. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his greeting to the participants of the conference “Global Challenges of the XXI Century: Interparty Dimension.” “Interaction through political parties is a very significant component of international relations. Representatives of political organizations of various states are actively involved in solving topical issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in various fields, in finding ways to counter modern threats and challenges, “the head of state noted. Putin greeted the participants of the conference, which is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the founding of the party “United Russia”. “The party” United Russia “from the first days of its existence has been paying great attention to the development of interaction with foreign partners,” the president recalled. Putin also noted that by now a direct, meaningful

Anti-vaccine preacher dies of COVID-19

TV evangelist who has repeatedly opposed vaccination dies due to COVID-19 TV evangelist Markus Lamb who repeatedly opposed vaccination died after contracting COVID-19. This was reported on Twitter by the conservative Christian broadcaster Daystar Television, which Lamb founded. Lamb passed away at the age of 64. His wife said that after the infection, her husband developed pneumonia, but he kept everything under control. She noted that her husband followed the advice on treatment, which were allegedly voiced by experts in the programs of his television company, because he “believed 100 percent in everything they said.” Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Daystar Television has been spreading misinformation about vaccines. Some guests on airtime promoted conspiracy theories and treatments for COVID-19 that have nothing to do with medicine. For example, one of the doctors on the air advised the treatment of coronavirus with hydroxychloroquine. The Daystar Television Network, headquartered in Texas, is the