The Federation Council supported the initiative of the Ministry of Defense to free the military from QR codes

Senator Ryazansky supported the release of the military from QR codes: they need to be protected from stress In a conversation with, he supported the initiative of the Ministry of Defense to free the military from QR codes. “I support, the military must be protected from nervous stress. The military have documents, just like civilians, I believe that, in principle, ordinary documents can be dispensed with. We each have a last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth – these personal data are practically not repeated, and they are quite enough. The issue of recognition speed is not always a question of quality, it is not always necessary, not always effective, “Ryazansky noted. vaccination. According to the project, it will be enough for them to show the vaccination certificate and documents confirming the identity and status of the military.

Russia accused Ukraine of pressure on the families of military personnel

Political scientist Markov: the repressive Ukrainian regime holds the families of officers hostage the regime is actually exerting pressure and holding the families of servicemen hostage, political analyst Sergei Markov believes. In a conversation with, he, as well as Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov, noted that the country's authorities are afraid of the military going over to the side of Russia in the event of a conflict. In the Telegram channel WarGonzo, information appeared that officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, located in the part of the Donetsk region controlled by Ukraine, were handed out questionnaires where it was necessary to indicate the details of relatives for evacuation in case of war with Russia. The interlocutors of “” are sure: this is not an act of caring for the military, but veiled pressure on their families. New-format hostages “Apparently, the authorities are collecting data on relatives in

The reasons for the unpopularity of Windows 11 are named

Tech Advisor: Windows 11 turned out to be unpopular due to incompatibility with devices technical problems. This is reported by the Tech Advisor. Journalists have studied the latest Lansweeper report. According to the analyst firm, out of 10 million PCs tested, only 0.21 percent of devices run Windows 11. In comparison, the share of rare Windows XP is about 3.62 percent – and the OS has not been supported by the software manufacturer since 2014. Experts have named the reasons for the unpopularity of the operating system. The authors emphasized that Lansweeper experts mostly analyzed computers of corporate users. Journalists suggested that the new OS is incompatible with devices of public and private enterprises. The article also says that Windows 11 has excessive system requirements that the user must take into account when installing the OS. For example, Microsoft requires PC owners to have at least 1000 megahertz processors, TPM

The Kremlin reported deep concern over the pulling of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into Donbass

Dmitry Peskov expressed deep concern about the pulling together of troops in Donbass by Ukraine Donbass and considers it a dangerous adventurism, said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. He is quoted by TASS. Peskov noted that Moscow cannot take any measures to de-escalate. “We have seen reports that over 120,000 troops have been deployed to the conflict zone. This is what raises our fears that sentiments in favor of a military solution in Donbass may prevail in Kiev, “he added. The Kremlin spokesman added that Russia is doing everything possible to resolve the situation in Donbass. “It works in this context in the Normandy format, maintains its adherence to the Normandy format and the Minsk agreements and expects, first of all, to settle the fulfillment by Kiev of all the obligations it has assumed,” Peskov specified. Earlier on December 1, the official representative of the Russian

In the USA, the purpose of creating the AUKUS alliance was revealed

US NSC Coordinator Campbell called the goal of the AUKUS alliance to oppose China The goal of the US, UK and Australia military alliance against AUKUS is against China. The coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs at the US National Security Council (NSS), Kurt Campbell, told RIA Novosti. The politician urged those who criticize the creation of a new defense bloc to ask questions about the reasons for this initiative. “The basis is an obvious concern about what we have seen in terms of certain actions and policies of China,” he disclosed. The NSC spokesman stressed that the American side has confidence in its role in the future. According to him, several years ago there was no such close cooperation between Canberra, London and Washington, but Beijing's activities brought the countries closer together. Earlier it became known that the United States would expand its military presence and strengthen the corresponding infrastructure in

Russia has decided to expand the experiment with online wine sales

The experiment with distance selling wine in Russia was expanded to three more regions March next year, can be extended to three more regions in addition to Moscow and the region, writes Izvestia. A newspaper source in the Cabinet of Ministers said that at the end of September, Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin held a meeting on the experiment, where a decision was made. will present them online on a specialized website of the Russian Post, after which the company will deliver the goods to the buyer. The pilot project should be launched in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Nizhny Novgorod regions, specified in the “Post of Russia”. The coverage of the regions was expanded at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Finance clarified that the bill is aimed at supporting Russian winemaking. Buyers are planning to check documents to control their age. The ministry

Kremlin announces date for Putin's press conference

Peskov: the final press conference of President Putin will be held in person on December 23 The final press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin will be held in person format, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, TASS reports. The press secretary of the head of state noted that the Moscow Manezh was chosen as the venue for the annual conference. In 2020, the event was held via video link and has become a kind of symbiosis with a straight line, Peskov pointed out earlier. The President of Russia has been meeting with journalists in the format of a press conference every year since 2001. Last year, the format of the event was changed: some of the journalists were with Putin at his residence near Moscow in Novo-Ogarevo, and some communicated with him via video link from the World Trade Center.

Former Russian MP, who beat up neighbors, explained

“360”: ex-deputy of Petrozavodsk who beat up neighbors Zyuzin said that he was provoked what happened and said the violent conflict was provoked. The official in a conversation with the TV channel “360” assures that the neighbor insulted him and attacked him first. According to the ex-deputy, the video of the fight that appeared on the networks was edited. Zyuzin added that a case was opened against a neighbor under Article 213 (“Hooliganism”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The ex-deputy stressed that if he had beaten someone, he would not have escaped punishment. The official also explained that the neighbor's wife works for the newspaper. Zyuzin has no doubts that they released a scandalous article. Earlier in the Vladimir region, the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Anton Sidorko, during the discussion of the bill, decided to break the nose of the deputy from