The Russians were told about the cooperation of social networks with the authorities

Director of Telecom Daily Denis Kuskov: all social networks interact with the authorities and messengers with government agencies. In an interview with the Radiotochka NSN Telegram channel, the specialist said that all platforms interact with the authorities. “Any social network, any messenger interacts with the authorities in one way or another. There is nothing unnatural here, ”the specialist assured. According to Kuskov, although social networks seek to show users their independence, they often make contact with the authorities of certain countries. The Director of Telecom Daily considered that no messenger would be completely free from such cooperation. “You need to understand that there is no network that can guarantee security,” said Kuskov. He also added that the Federal Security Service in Russia interacts with almost all structures, including instant messengers and mobile operators. At the same time, Kuskov urged users not to worry about the work of platforms with the

The winners of the League of Lecturers competition will receive grants in the amount of 500 thousand rubles

The first season of the League of Lecturers competition: the winners will receive grants in the amount of 500 thousand rubles On December 1, 2021, a solemn ceremony was held in the Digital Business Space to award the winners of the large-scale All-Russian competition – the first season of the League of Lecturers. A hundred finalists from 40 regions of Russia gathered in the hall to find out the names of the best lecturers in the country. Fifty winners received awards from the hands of the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Society “Knowledge” Sergei Kirienko. These are cubes from a rare rock, shungite, weighing 2.6 kilograms. The choice of material emphasizes the unique talent of the lecturers and their significant contribution to the development of education in the country. Sergei Kiriyenko also announced that the winners

The woman confused her son with a sofa and accidentally put the child up for sale

Mother accidentally put her child up for sale for 98 rubles for sale for one pound sterling (98 rubles). Reported by Leeds Live. Related Content 00:02 – November 27 “Hate Will Continue to Thrive” How Facebook Is Transformed into a Metaverse will affect billions of users? 00:02 – May 14 Russia like What Russians actually watch and search on the Internet 20-year-old Lucy Battle bought a new sofa and decided to give the old one for a nominal sum. The woman posted an ad on Facebook and, along with images of the sofa from different angles, accidentally attached a photo of her seven-month-old son, Oscar. “We need to be taken today,” she wrote in a post. Many users began to leave comic comments that the mother decided to give her son for one pound sterling and wants to part with him as soon as possible. Others suggested swapping children. Some

The Russian fleet will receive new submarines

Shoigu: by the end of the year, the Russian Navy will receive the submarines “Prince Oleg” and “Novosibirsk” The Navy (Navy) Russia will receive new submarines by the end of the year. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced on Wednesday, December 1, that the Navy will transfer the submarines “Prince Oleg” of project 955A and “Novosibirsk” of project 885M. This is reported by the Izvestia newspaper. During the conference call, the head of the defense department noted that the submarines Knyaz Oleg and Novosibirsk are planned to be handed over to the fleet in December. Earlier in Poland assessed the state of the Russian submarine fleet. The Defense24 publication noted that the Russian Navy remains one of the strongest in the world thanks to its nuclear submarines. The publication stressed that Russian enterprises allow the production of no more than one ship of Project 955A (code “Borey-A”) and two boats

Former mayor of Russian city sentenced to four years for major fraud

Ex-mayor of Voskresensk Vitaly Laschenov was sentenced to four years in prison , ex-deputy Sergei Mayorov and director of the management company Dmitry Novakov. On Wednesday, December 1, the representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia Olga Vradiy informed about this. They were found guilty under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale”). Laschenov was sentenced to four years in prison, Mayorov and Novakov were sentenced to suspended sentences of four and two years, respectively. According to the investigation, in the period from May 2016 to May 2017, the accused, using their official position, fictitiously arranged three people to work in the management company “DomService”. In fact, they did nothing there, but received a salary. Thanks to this scheme, the defendants took possession of funds in the amount of more than a million rubles. In the

In the outfit of Tymoshenko in the Verkhovna Rada saw a hint of the status of the royal person

Yulia Tymoshenko arrived at work in a suit from the luxury brand Dolce & amp; Gabbana The leader of the Batkivshchyna party and former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko arrived at the Verkhovna Rada building in the outfit of a luxury fashion house & Gabbana. Stylist Elena Tikhaya reviewed and commented on the politician's appearance in an interview with On Monday, November 29, Tymoshenko arrived at work in a black suit of the Italian brand, consisting of a pencil skirt and a jacket with massive crystals on the collar. She supplemented her image with high-heeled boots and large glasses in a black frame. excessive luxury reigned in aristocratic circles, and the people were mired in medieval darkness. The question is, is it appropriate in modern political circles to hint at royal status? ” – said Quiet. According to a fashion expert, Timoshenko's jacket is a stock one, since

Trump's late brother's former apartments to be sold in New York

The former property of the late Robert Trump in New York will be sold for $ 7.5 million apartments that for several years belonged to the younger brother of former US President Donald Trump, Robert. This is reported by Mansion Global. A relative of the head of state died in 2020. The former property of the late Trump relative is located in the Studio Building in the prestigious Upper East Side of Manhattan. It is estimated at $ 7.5 million (over 553.8 million rubles). In 2003, Robert Trump and his wife Blaine bought their first apartment for $ 5 million, after a while they bought two more properties for $ 1.6 million. The property is a duplex on the eighth and ninth floors of the building, and also an apartment on the seventh floor. A special feature of the housing is the six-meter-high ceilings and stained-glass windows. According to the

Elon Musk turned the famous photo with Stalin into a meme

Elon Musk reacted to the change of the head of Twitter with a meme about Stalin famous photograph with Joseph Stalin. He turned the famous photo into a meme, replacing two of the four people on it with images of the new and former heads of the social network. As a basis, Musk took two famous photographs taken on the Moscow-Volga canal in March 1937. Initially, in addition to Stalin, it also depicted Kliment Voroshilov, Vyacheslav Molotov and Nikolai Yezhov. The faces of Stalin and Yezhov were replaced by Musk in the photo of Parag Agrawal and Jack Dorsey, appointed the day before the head of Twitter, respectively. In the second photo, Dorsey-Yezhov is no longer there, but the falling of his body. For this meme, Musk used a different version of the same photo that was distributed in Soviet periodicals after the conviction and execution of Yezhov. The change

Israel has clarified the rules of entry for Russians after the opening of borders

The Russians vaccinated by “Sputnik V” will be allowed to come to Israel with a certificate for antibodies ”, When entering the country, you will also need to present a certificate of the level of antibodies. This was announced by Ksenia Vorontsova, Marketing Director of the Department of the Ministry of Tourism of Israel in the Russian Federation and the CIS, Interfax reports. As the speaker said, Israel hopes to open the borders for travelers in two weeks. “We are now discussing how the entry of Russians will be organized in terms of PCR tests and antibody tests,” she added. Vorontsova also recalled that only vaccinated foreigners would be allowed to enter the republic, but since Sputnik V “Has not yet been recognized by the WHO, Russians will also need to do an antibody test. She clarified that later Israel will announce how many antibodies will be needed to visit

Blinken urged Russia to solve the crisis in Donbass through diplomatic means

US Secretary of State Blinken: Ukraine and Russia must adhere to the Minsk agreements remained a diplomatic solution. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called on Russia to resolve the situation in Donbass peacefully, RIA Novosti reports. The diplomat demanded that Moscow withdraw forces from the borders, restore the ceasefire, and stop destabilizing and provocative actions. “We continue to believe that there is a diplomatic way [to resolve the situation], (…) we do not want a conflict,” concluded the Secretary of State. Earlier, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov accused the United States of stirring up military hysteria … According to the diplomat, the Russian side is reproached for holding exercises by the Armed Forces on their territory by those countries that are pulling together troops and military equipment in huge quantities from overseas to the Russian borders.