In Ukraine, a pensioner spoke about poverty and burst into tears

The pensioner spoke about the poverty of Ukrainians and burst into tears on air about the poverty of compatriots. RIA Novosti reports. “There is not enough money for food. I can’t watch when you go to the store and see how a person cannot buy a loaf of bread or milk, “she said. In July, the Verkhovna Rada from the Opposition Platform – For Life, Ilya Kiva announced the onset of the “era of hunger and poverty.” He noted that 1.1 million people are experiencing hunger in Ukraine. “The era of poverty is over, the era of hunger and poverty has begun. We are the most malnourished country in Europe, “he said. Earlier, the Vice-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Olena Kondratyuk, said about massive poverty among Ukrainians. “According to many international organizations, the poverty level in Ukraine has risen to 50 percent, and about 19 million Ukrainians are below the

Zelensky accused of violating the constitution of Ukraine

Ukrainian radicals on the Maidan accused Zelensky of a coup and violating the constitution … This was reported by RIA Novosti. Materials on the topic 00:01 – 15 September Radical cleansing. Ukraine decided to get rid of nationalists. Why does the country no longer need the main force of the Maidan? 00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why doesn't this help him to retain power? The protesters point out that the current actions of the authorities should be regarded as “a coup d'etat and violation of the constitution.” Significant police forces have been pulled up to the square. The atmosphere at the rally is calm. Earlier, representatives of the Ukrainian radical party “National Corps” (banned in Russia) decided to celebrate the “Day of the provocateur.” Activists promised to go to the Maidan to remind people of the events of

The earliest date for the detection of the omicron strain has become known

South Africa has named November 8 as the earliest date for the detection of the omicron The earliest date for the detection of the omicron strain in South Africa has become known. This was reported by experts from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, writes RIA Novosti. “The new strain B.1.1.529 was named a variant of concern. The earliest detection in South Africa – November 8 in the province of Gautenge, “- written in the report of experts. Earlier it was reported that at least 23 countries in the world announced the registration of cases of infection with a new variant of coronavirus infection. The newest strain COVID-19 B.1.1.529 was identified in South Africa and assigned the Greek letter omicron (O). WHO experts urged people from risk groups, including people over 60 years old, as well as people with concomitant diseases, to refrain from traveling.

Messi's father mocked those who criticized the decision to give his son the Golden Ball

Player Lionel Messi's father criticizes his son's Golden Ball: blah blah … Continue Jorge Messi, father and striker PSG Argentina national team Lionel Messi, on Instagram responded to the presentation of the Golden Ball to his son at the end of 2021. Messi Sr. published a photo of his son with a trophy. “Blah blah blah … Continue,” he signed the picture, thereby responding to his son's critics. The Golden Ball award ceremony for the best footballer of the year was held on November 29 in Paris. In the trophy dispute, Messi beat Bayern striker Robert Lewandowski, who came second in the vote. Messi now has seven awards. Part of the football community was unhappy with the decision of the organizers of the award. So, the ex-footballer of the Russian national team Dmitry Bulykin called the presentation of the Golden Ball to Messi unfair, and the former player of the

The UN assessed the words of Lukashenka on the recognition of Crimea as Russian

UN Deputy Representative Hack about Lukashenko's words about Crimea: we define an approach based on resolutions relevant resolutions in the General Assembly. This was stated by the Deputy Representative of the UN Secretary General Farhan Khak, TASS reports. When asked whether Minsk should notify the international organization about the position on Crimea declared by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, he noted that the decision to change the approach to this or that issue remains with the countries represented in the General Assembly, due to subsequent resolutions. Earlier, Lukashenko said that de facto and de jure Crimea belongs to Russia. He expressed a desire to visit the peninsula. “My visit to Crimea, to which I have every right, under whose protectorate, leadership, and whoever is Crimea. This is my Crimea. We have a definite agreement with Putin that we will stay in Crimea, ”the Belarusian leader said.

Baldwin made a statement about shooting on the set of “Rust”

Alec Baldwin said he did not pull the trigger on the set of Rust Actor Alec Baldwin made a statement about the shooting film “Rust”. This is reported by Reuters. Baldwin said that he did not pull the trigger of the pistol, as a result of which the cameraman Galina Hutchins was fatally wounded. October 22, during the filming of one of the scenes In the Western “Rust” Alec Baldwin fired a pistol that was supposed to be loaded with blanks, but they turned out to be live. As a result, cameraman Galina Hutchins died, the film's director Joel Sousa was injured.

Russia calls AUKUS a challenge to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons

Russian Permanent Representative Ulyanov: the creation of AUKUS challenges the nuclear nonproliferation regime UK and Australia AUKUS challenge nuclear nonproliferation. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. As noted by Ulyanov, the Russian side is in no hurry to draw conclusions, but expresses serious concern. “A certain nuclear non-proliferation regime has been challenged, and we need to make sure that it does not entail serious negative consequences,” he explained. According to him, the problem lies in the fact that we are talking about a non-nuclear state. “The task of the initiators of the venture is to dispel concerns by providing information. When we receive it, we will judge, “Ulyanov concluded. Earlier, the coordinator for the Indo-Pacific Region at the US National Security Council (NSS), Kurt Campbell, revealed the purpose of creating the AUKUS alliance. According to him, this was done to counter China.

19-year-old Belgian woman's round-the-world trip was delayed due to cold weather in Russia

Belgian pilot Rutherford, who is making a round-the-world trip, arrived in Khabarovsk A round-the-world trip of the Belgian pilot, Zara Rutherford, from cold weather to Russia. On Wednesday, December 1, the girl flew to Khabarovsk, reports “Komsomolskaya Pravda.” According to the planned plan, she was supposed to arrive in the regional capital on November 4, however, due to bad weather, the departure had to be postponed for almost a month. All this time the 19-year-old pilot was in Ayana. “Day 105. As the most ardent and sleepless noticed, I have just landed in Khabarovsk! Thanks again to everyone who helps me! ” – Rutherford wrote on her Facebook page and posted a photo with the route of her flight on the tracking screens. Earlier in November, a couple from Novosibirsk set a world record by making the southernmost round-the-world trip on a yacht with children – with this achievement they

Narcologist assessed the new procedure for issuing medical certificates for drivers

The chief narcologist of Russia Brune did not see any drawbacks in the new procedure for issuing medical certificates to drivers The new procedure for issuing medical certificates to drivers will help reduce control those who were previously deprived of their rights. This was stated by the chief freelance specialist psychiatrist-narcologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Evgeny Brun, reports RIA Novosti The expert noted that an additional examination of those who were previously caught driving while intoxicated will strengthen the prevention of drug addiction diseases. According to him, the narcological service will additionally identify citizens with addiction to psychoactive substances and alcohol. “We see no minuses,” Brune summed up. On December 1, the Russian Ministry of Health approved a new procedure issuance of medical certificates for drivers. It provides for an increase in the volume of medical examinations for a number of categories of drivers. Now motorists who