In Ukraine, the “deception” of Russia and Germany with the “Nord Stream-2”

Economist Zemlyansky: Russia and Germany are deliberately delaying the certification of Nord Stream 2 2 “, thanks to the suspension of its certification in Europe. Energy markets expert Valentin Zemlyansky wrote about the “deception” of Moscow and Berlin in his article for Glavred. For this reason, neither German nor Russian lawyers understood that its operator should be registered in Germany. The Ukrainian expert noted that, accordingly, they should have known about this nuance, but deliberately went for this violation. Moscow can do this out of “selfish motives,” the economist said. In addition, Zemlyansky stressed that the current situation on the market in Europe is allegedly getting tired of Gazprom. “It is of principle for them that certification should take place in a purely legal field, plus receive additional dividends from the situation that has developed in the European market,” he added. Earlier, the head of the Ukrainian company Naftogaz, Yuriy

US court rejects claim of ex-Yukos shareholders against Russia

The US Court of Appeal rejected the claim of the ex-shareholders of Yukos against Russia for $ 50 billion Yukos to Russia for $ 50 billion. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the court ruling. It is clarified that the court granted the petition of the defendant in the person of Russia and rejected the petition of the ex-shareholders to review the decision of the lower court regarding the payment of compensation. “The petition was granted, the case was closed,” the ruling says. Earlier, Russia asked a court in the US District of Columbia not to reopen the case on payment of compensation to former Yukos shareholders until the proceedings in the Netherlands were completed. Thus, Moscow, in response to a petition to reopen the process, noted that the suspension of proceedings in this case is appropriate and fully justified, since further proceedings may be fruitless if

Ukrainian Foreign Minister spoke about the response of NATO countries to the call to “contain” Russia

Kuleba said that Ukraine is satisfied with NATO's response to the call to send “clear signals” to Russia Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that NATO countries are ready to expand cooperation with Kiev in the military-technical sphere. He stated this during a press conference in Riga, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, at a meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of foreign ministers of NATO member countries, Kiev very clearly heard the answer to its call to expand cooperation. and also to send Russia “clear signals” at all levels that any wave of armed aggression against Ukraine will become an “unbearable burden” for Moscow. Kuleba also noted that he discussed with NATO countries work on sanctions against Russia. “There is very dynamic work on all these three tracks. This is what I heard today. This response of my colleagues suits me, “the minister said. The head

The White House has confirmed the readiness of the United States to impose new sanctions against Russia

Psaki spokesman: White House is ready to use sanctions against Russia sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. RIA Novosti reports her words at a briefing. As Psaki said, the United States expressed “concern about the threatening rhetoric” of Russia and “about reports of an increase in the number of troops” on the border with Ukraine. She noted that the United States is in contact on this issue with both the Russian and Ukrainian sides, and also stressed that the White House is ready to use sanctions against Russia. We will not hesitate to use these tools, but we will do so in close coordination with our partners and allies Jen Psakio the possible introduction of new sanctions against Russia Earlier in the day, Jen Psaki said that the United States is always ready to take steps towards the introduction of sanctions against Russia due to the situation near the border with

More than eight billion vaccinations against COVID-19 have been made worldwide

The number of coronavirus vaccinations in the world has exceeded 8 billion The number of coronavirus vaccinations in the world has exceeded eight billion. This is reported by TASS, citing official statements from the authorities and media statistics. Most of the vaccinations (4.16 billion) were in three countries – China (2.5 billion), India (1.2 billion) and United States (0.46 billion). In total, people in the world received 8.03 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine. It is noted that it is not possible to determine the exact number of vaccinations due to the fact that many countries report only the number of certified doses of vaccines and the number of vaccinations given. At the same time, revaccination of the population began in a number of states. Earlier it was reported that the FRG authorities decided to restrict access to shops for unvaccinated citizens. According to media reports, residents will only be able

Facebook owners blocked accounts allegedly connected with the KGB of Belarus

Meta has blocked fake accounts from Belarus and Poland over posts about migrants Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, has published a report , in which she reported on the blocking of fake accounts from Belarus and Poland. According to company representatives, they blocked accounts and groups due to false posts about the migration crisis. The account holders from Poland presented themselves as migrants, and from Belarus as journalists and activists. The report also linked a network of 41 fake Facebook accounts and five Instagram accounts with the Belarusian KGB. sides of the Polish border guards, ”the report says. It also says that some account holders wrote about relations between Belarus and the Baltic countries in Russian. Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that there are about five thousand refugees from the Middle East in the republic. The migration crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus escalated on

15-year-old teenager who arranged shooting in USA refused to admit guilt

A teenager accused of shooting at a school in the United States pleaded not guilty to the murder of four people the city of Oxford, the American state of Michigan, refused to plead guilty in the case of the murder of four people. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the broadcast of the trial. The court decided to keep the accused in custody until the end of the trial. It is noted that the defendant's refusal was announced by his lawyer. This is a standard procedure for charges of serious crimes, since if guilty is admitted, the court can automatically sentence to the maximum sentence. Earlier it was reported that the perpetrator of the shooting in American Oxford was charged with terrorism and murder. According to a representative of the prosecutor's office, the teenager is accused of one episode of terrorism leading to death and four murders,

The doctor warns of an unexpected factor that increases the “bad” cholesterol

Doctor Legg: stress can lead to excess “bad” cholesterol, dangerous for humans Doctor Timothy Legg warned of an unexpected factor that increases the level of “harmful” cholesterol in the human body. The Daily Express writes about this. According to him, stress can trigger complex processes in the human body. So, when a person is nervous, the hormone cortisol and adrenaline are released, which leads to the release of triglyceride fats, the expert explained. He noted that these fats are the main source of energy for the body, but their excess leads to the formation of “bad” cholesterol, which is dangerous for humans. Previously, nutritionist Tatyana Bukina named foods that should be avoided for consumption and which are worth paying attention to for people with high cholesterol levels in the body. She noted that contrary to common misconceptions, cholesterol is found not only in the human body, but also in food:

Ministry of Natural Resources explained the idea of ​​reducing the number of reserves

Ministry of Natural Resources: the idea of ​​reducing the number of nature reserves is at the stage of proposal This is reported by REN TV. As explained in the department, this scenario is one of the possible options for transforming the system of Specially Protected Natural Areas of Russia (SPNT) in connection with the adoption of the Development Strategy until 2030. At the moment, the issue is at the stage of ideas and proposals. The Ministry of Natural Resources clarified that several proposals are currently being considered. When they are implemented, the weakening of the state system for the protection of protected areas and a reduction in the number of employees are unacceptable. Earlier, RIA Novosti reported that the enlargement of reserves in Russia could lead to the elimination of 20 specially protected natural areas and a reduction in their staff by more than 400 people … This, in turn,

A kilometer woman chased the leopard who kidnapped her son and saved the child

Mother with her bare hands fought off her son from a leopard that attacked them her son a leopard and rescued the child, beating him away from the predator with her bare hands. Jagran reports this. Kiran Baiga, along with her three children, lit a fire near her own house to warm up. Suddenly, a leopard attacked the family from behind. The predator grabbed eight-year-old Raoul in the teeth and ran in the direction of the forest. The boy's mother chased after him. After running about a kilometer, the animal stopped in the forest and sat down, clutching the child with its claws. The Indian woman threw herself at the leopard and with her bare hands fought off his son. The woman hugged the boy and wanted to run away, but as soon as the leopard released its prey, he again rushed to the people. The Indian woman grabbed the