Vyacheslav Zaitsev's son spoke about roller skating with his father in a wheelchair

Vyacheslav Zaitsev's son Yegor said that his father's entourage exploited him for their own benefit his father is captured in a wheelchair. The conversation with him is published by StarHit. The man said that the current environment of his seriously ill father does not provide an opportunity to communicate and see him. According to the hero of the material, the designer is exploited for their own benefit. “This is an abomination! Mockery of a weak person. Criminal exploitation of the great artist for the sake of his own enrichment, “he said. In addition, Zaitsev's son emphasized that people close to him negatively influence him and turn him against his own son. In particular, Yegor cannot get into the family house, since he is not allowed into the territory by the guards. The interlocutor of the publication also does not have any information about the health of the relative. “I hope

Russian governor speculates about suicide bombers at coronavirus meeting

The Kursk governor called those who refuse to stay at home as death row owners The Governor of the Kursk Region, Roman Starovoyt, during a meeting of the situation center compared the owners of the vaccinations who refuse to stay at home with the death row owners. The video of the meeting was published in the group of the regional administration on VKontakte. This formulation was made in response to the words of Deputy Governor Andrei Belostotsky that many people in the region arrange medical treatment for vaccinations, while continuing to visit restaurants and shops and other public places. “They are death row, Andrei Viktorovich, do you understand? Well, a person does not want to live, ”said the governor. Starovoit noted that a limited list of indications can serve as a sufficient basis for medical removal: cancer therapy, preparation for surgery and allergy to vaccination components. During the meeting, Starovoit

Former Austrian Chancellor decided to completely retire from politics

Kronen Zeitung: Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz finally leaves politics the final decision to leave politics. This is reported by the Kronen Zeitung. The politician's confidants told the newspaper that the reason was the birth of a son. Kurz's successor as party chairman may be Interior Minister Karl Nehammer. The ex-chancellor will make an official statement within a few hours. Earlier, the Austrian National Council stripped Kurz of parliamentary immunity. He is suspected of complicity in bribery and breach of trust. At the same time, the former chancellor himself welcomed the deprivation of immunity to complete the investigation against him. The politician does not admit his guilt and claims that his innocence has already been proven by an independent legal examination.

Russians were warned of the rise in the cost of rental housing

LIFE: rental rates for residential real estate in Russia will grow by 7-10 percent per year There are almost no apartments left on the Moscow rental market with a rate of up to 30 thousand rubles per month, in the regions the prices are lower, but super-cheap options also quickly find tenants. Alexey Krichevsky, an expert on the real estate market of the Academy of Finance and Investment Management, told LIFE. According to the expert, the remaining and emerging inexpensive housing offers “fly away in just a couple of hours.” “The forecast that in December the rental price will increase has already justified itself,” Krichevsky said. The expert explained the rise in rental rates by the return of nonresident students and workers to the capital, as well as by the growth of owners' expenses. The cost of renting residential real estate in Russia will grow by 7-10 percent per year,

Weighed like a newborn elephant, the dog threw off 40 kilograms and became the “thinnest of the year”

A dog weighing 101 kilograms has lost almost half of its weight in a year was awarded the title of “skinny girl of the year”. This is reported by Dorset.Live. A 10-year-old Alaskan Malamute dog named Troyan was admitted to the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals for treatment in November 2020. The dog was obese and weighed about the same as a newborn elephant (elephants weigh 90-120 kilograms at birth, – approx. “Lenta.ru” ). “Poor Trojan was in a terrible state when he came to us a year ago. He was filthy, furry, and incredibly obese. It took a year of special diet and exercise to help him slowly and safely lose weight. As a result, he lost almost half of his weight, “said an employee of the Society for the Protection of Animals Nicola Anthony, adding that after losing weight, Troyan began to weigh 60 kilograms. Related

The founder of the clinic “Omicron” sues the WHO

The owner of the Omicron clinics has filed a lawsuit against WHO over the name of the new coronavirus strain Alexander, the owner of the Siberian network of ophthalmic clinics in court against the World Health Organization (WHO) and demanded that she be banned from using the word “omicron” to refer to a new strain of coronavirus. This is reported by the radio station “Moscow speaking”. According to the founder of the clinic, the name of the medical institution is a registered trademark, and the association with the COVID-19 strain harms the business reputation of the clinic. “Well, think for yourself, if someone dies from the omicron – a relative or your friend – then you are unlikely to go to a clinic with the same name,” Padar emphasized. The opening of the first Omicron clinic took place in Novokuznetsk in 2015. Currently, medical facilities operate in 11 Russian cities.

Russia responded to accusations of delayed launch of Nord Stream 2

State Duma deputy Delyagin: Germany needs Nord Stream 2, Russia does not care about it Nord Stream 2 is only needed Germany and the German industry, Russia does not care who and how will consume its gas, said State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin. In a conversation with Lenta.ru, the politician explained that if the project is not launched, other companies will start supplying liquefied gas to Europe, and the country will not lose anything. This is how he responded to accusations of deliberately delaying the launch of Nord Stream 2. Russia and Germany are deliberately delaying the opening of Nord Stream 2, thanks to the suspension of its certification in Europe. Ukrainian expert on energy markets Valentin Zemlyansky wrote about the “deception” of Moscow and Berlin. “Visual degradation” “Russia does not care how exactly Europe will consume its gas. If Nord Stream 2 is never launched, it is simply not

Lukashenko assessed relations with Russia and called for preserving ancient civilization

Lukashenko: there are no hidden currents in relations between Russia and Belarus … President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko spoke about this at a meeting with Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, BelTA informs. He appreciated the development of relations between Russia and Belarus and noted that now in the interaction of the two countries “there are no latent trends “. The head of state stressed that he was very happy with this development of events, and called for the preservation of” the civilization that has existed since ancient times and exists today in our common Fatherland. “ During a meeting with Volodin Lukashenko also spoke about his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to him, they are in constant contact and plan common actions for the future.

Mishustin made a remark to the head of the Eurasian Development Bank

Prime Minister Mishustin made a remark to the head of the EDB, Podguzov, who was wearing the wrong mask Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin made a remark to the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Bank ) Nikolai Podguzov because of an incorrectly worn mask. Attention was drawn to this by the Telegram channel of the journalists of the Kremlin pool RIA Novosti. As the channel notes, the incident occurred when the head of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers examined the exposition at the second Eurasian Congress, accompanied by Podguzov. In the pictures taken by press photographers, you can see that the head of the EDB put on a protective mask so that it does not cover his nose. “Either wear the mask correctly, or don’t wear it at all,” Mishustin said to him. At the same time, the prime minister was wearing a mask in accordance with all