Putin called the West, the main beneficiary of the revolution of 1917

Putin called the West, the main beneficiary of the revolution of 1917 The Russian leader reminded that overcoming racial segregation, the development of education and guarantees of human rights, including women’s rights, were a response to calls from the Soviet Union. Moscow. 19 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the main benefits from the effects of the Russian revolution of 1917 drew, first of all, the West, whose development was a response to the creation of the Soviet Union. What I mean? It is not only a geopolitical victory by the end of the so-called cold war. A response to the challenge from the Soviet Union were many of the Western advances of the twentieth century. The President explained that he meant “raising the standard of living, the formation of a powerful middle class, the reforms of the labour market and the social sphere, development of education

Abdulatipov: Russia needs to conduct an audit of resources and sources of development in the Caspian sea

Ramazan Abdulatipov © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, 19 Oct. /TASS/. Audit resources and sources of development of Russia in the Caspian region – the primary task that needs to be addressed the country for fruitful cooperation with the Caspian neighbors. This opinion was expressed by TASS on Thursday the former head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov appointed as special representative of the President of Russia on cooperation with the countries of the Caspian region. Abdulatipov has resigned from the post of head of Dagestan, which was led for nearly five years, at the age of 71 years in October 2017. On the same day, October 3, the interim head of the region was appointed 68-year-old Vladimir Vasilyev, former Deputy speaker of the state Duma and the Chairman of the faction “United Russia” in the Duma. “First, it is necessary to conduct an audit of resources, sources of development, which Russia has in

Happy to start the work on amendments on the abolition of parliamentary immunity

Happy to start the work on amendments on the abolition of parliamentary immunity The Verkhovna Rada sent for assessment by the constitutional court of Ukraine, both the draft law on deprivation of Deputy immunity, according to “LigaBusinessInform”. This document with status “urgent”, which was introduced in Parliament on 17 October, President Petro Poroshenko, and the bill, which had earlier submitted to the Parliament by 150 MPs. Cancel legal immunity of deputies — one of requirements of participants of the action, which takes place on 17 October in front of the Parliament in Central Kiev. For passing the President’s bill to the constitutional court and its inclusion in the agenda voted by 336 deputies, for a similar project MPs — 328. If the constitutional court will give a positive opinion on the presidential draft law, the deputies will consider it in the first reading. For decision making they will need a

The representative of the interior Ministry has proposed to introduce criminal liability for gay propaganda

The representative of the interior Ministry has proposed to introduce criminal liability for gay propaganda About it the chief of Department on struggle against pedophilia Alabin said at a meeting of the working group in the state Duma. Moscow. 19 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — For gay propaganda instead of administrative responsibility to impose criminal, said the Deputy chief of Department on disclosing of crimes against sexual integrity — the chief of branch on struggle against pedophilia Control of the organization of struggle against crimes against the person renowned MIA of Russia Sergey Alabin. “Was voiced question about the propaganda of pedophilia, homosexuality. Now administrative responsibility for it exists, it is not very effective penalties. If it is raised to the rank of criminal responsibility…” — said Alabin Thursday in the state Duma, where he took part in the meeting of the working group for the preparation of a draft law aimed

Putin signed a decree to reduce the salaries of the President of Russia in 2018

Putin signed a decree to reduce the salaries of the President of Russia in 2018 The same document extended for another year the effect of rules on the reduction of salaries of heads of government, Ministers, the attorney General and certain other officials. Russian President Vladimir Putin has extended for one year the validity of its decree, according to which the salaries of the President and the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers, and the Prosecutor General, head of the Investigative Committee and head of the Central electoral Commission are paid to them with the “discount” of 10%. In accordance with the document published on the portal “Garant.ru”, the validity of the decree reducing the salaries of senior Russian officials extended to 31 December 2018. Simultaneously, it extended the rules on a reduction of 10% of wages of state servants of the staff of the presidential administration, apparatus of

Putin considers excessive trust in the West the main error of the Russian Federation in recent years

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, October 19. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers excessive confidence in Europe, Russia’s main mistake in foreign policy for the last 15 years. “The biggest mistake from our side in relation to the West that we too trusted you”, – he said at a meeting of the discussion club “Valdai”. So he answered the question of the representative of Germany about which mistakes Russia and Europe made during the last 15 years in relations with each other.

To talk about the election campaign of Putin prematurely, said Sands

To talk about the election campaign of Putin prematurely, said Sands MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. It is premature to talk about opponents of Vladimir Putin in the Russian presidential election because it has not declared its participation, and the campaign has not yet begun, reported the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov in response to a request to assess a candidate Ksenia Sobchak as a potential rival of the incumbent President in the upcoming elections. Sobchak said earlier this month its intention to participate in presidential elections in 2018, she positions herself as the candidate “against all”. To participate in the presidential elections of citizens who have reached 35 years of age. In November presenter will be 36 years old. Regular elections of the President of Russia will be held in March 2018, the campaign is supposed to start in December 2017. “As long as we know

Madrid will not abandon the use of articles allows you to limit the self-government of Catalonia

Madrid will not abandon the use of articles allows you to limit the self-government of Catalonia In this regard, the Council of Ministers intends to hold an emergency meeting on Saturday, October 21. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий MADRID, 19 Oct. /TASS/. The Spanish government does not abandon the idea of the application of article of the Constitution, which allows to limit the self-government of Catalonia. This is stated in a statement on Thursday the statement of the government of the Kingdom. It is noted that Madrid “will continue the procedure laid down in 155th article of the Constitution, to restore the rule of law” in Catalonia. In this regard, the Council of Ministers intends to hold an emergency meeting on Saturday, October 21, the statement said.