Sobchak believes his nomination as a way to Express discontent with the policies of the Russian leadership

Ksenia Sobchak © EPA-EFE/MAXIM SHIPENKOV LONDON, October 20. /TASS/. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak admits that has no political weight, and does not deserve the nomination for the presidency of Russia, but thinks he should use the opportunity to Express disagreement with the policies of the current leadership of the country. She stated this in an interview with The Guardian published on Friday.

Netanyahu: Israel will not accept attacks on its territory and will respond to the fire

Netanyahu: Israel will not accept attacks on its territory and will respond to the fire TEL AVIV, October 19. /TASS/. Israel is not ready to tolerate attacks on its territory and will quickly answer them by fire. This statement was made on Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, commenting on the flight of a shell from Syria on the Israeli controlled part of the Golan heights and the reply of the Jewish state on it. “We have a clear policy: to respond with force to any attempt to harm us, — said the Prime Minister. — We will not tolerate attacks, and when we strike, we respond with fire, and it does not take much time.” Remarks Netanyahu had extended his office. Earlier Thursday, the army of the Jewish state struck a stance in Syria, where shortly before it was released, a shell exploded on the Israeli side of the Golan

The American Ambassador to the UN, accused Russia of “military action” against the United States

The American Ambassador to the UN, accused Russia of “military action” against the United States The American Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley said that Russia has used “military action” against the United States, “intervening” in the presidential election in that country in 2016. This reports the Washington Examiner. “When a country capable of intervention in the elections of another country, this military action,” said Haley. She also added that Moscow makes such operations around the world. “They do it everywhere. This is their new weapons,” — said the Ambassador. In addition, Haley laid the blame for the current tensions between the United States and Russia on the Kremlin. October 16, U.S. President Donald trump said that the investigation about the so-called Russian intervention in the US presidential election in 2016 should be complete. “This whole story is the excuse for Democrats who lost the election,” said the US President.

The state Duma has allowed police officers to arrest defaulters of the alimony

The state Duma has allowed police officers to arrest defaulters of the alimony The state Duma adopted a law that gives officials of the Federal bailiff service (FSSP) powers to detain debtors to pay alimony. The amendments to the Code of administrative offences. “The bill will allow the bodies of internal Affairs function to ensure the delivery and administrative detention of persons in respect of which the FSSP is being manufacture on Affairs about administrative offences”, — stated in the explanatory Memorandum. The authors of the law indicate that, in 2016 launched the article of the administrative code, which provides for liability for non-payment of money for maintenance of children or disabled parents for two months or more. With the entry into force of this norm was initiated more than 10 thousand cases of administrative violations related to failure to pay child support, debtors to repay debts amounting to more

Expert: Russia will be the main guarantor of security in the new world order

Honorary Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on foreign and defense policy Sergei Karaganov © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS SOCHI, October 17. /TASS/. Russia will be the main balancer and provider of security in Eurasia and worldwide. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday by the Dean of the faculty of world economy and international Affairs higher school of Economics, honorary Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on foreign and defense policy (SVOP) Sergei Karaganov during the 14th annual meeting of the International discussion club “Valdai” on “Creative destruction: will there be conflicts the new world order?”.

Putin spoke about the work of US experts at Russian nuclear facilities

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, October 19. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin stated that Russia showed unprecedented openness in the nuclear sphere, not having met the reciprocity from the United States. Speaking at the meeting of the International discussion club “Valdai”, the President recalled how to perform the Russian-American agreements in the nuclear field. “In the 1990-ies was signed several important bilateral agreements. The first, on 17 June 1992 and the second on 18 February 1993, the program of the HEU is highly enriched uranium were transferred to low-enriched uranium. Projects under the first agreement concerned the modernization of the systems of control, accounting and physical protection of nuclear materials, dismantling and disposing of submarines and radioisotope thermoelectric generators”, – said Putin.

The foreign Ministry of Finland do not rule out the possibility of joining NATO

The foreign Ministry of Finland do not rule out the possibility of joining NATO Finland does not rule out the possibility of joining NATO. This was stated in interview to “Kommersant” the head of the Finnish Ministry of foreign Affairs Timo Soini. “Neither Finland nor Sweden is now not part of NATO and, as far as I know, none of our countries is not discussed joining the Alliance,” he said, then added: “We should not rule out the possibility of joining NATO. Any country should have such an opportunity, so important to us and an open-door policy”. At the beginning of October the Ambassador of Russia in Finland Pavel Kuznetsov in interview to the newspaper Ilta-Sanomat said that the policy of the management of Finland’s non-accession to military alliances is an important stabilizing factor in the Baltic sea region. “I think that everybody understands the approach of NATO’s military infrastructure

Trump considers it necessary to refrain from conflict with Russia

Trump considers it necessary to refrain from conflict with Russia NEW YORK, October 19. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump considers it necessary to refrain from conflict with Russia, but to resist its influence in the middle East and Ukraine. This was stated on Thursday the assistant to the President for national security Herbert McMaster, speaking at the Washington-based Foundation for defense of democracies. The Foundation will broadcast live performances. “As for Russia, it is a challenge for us in the area of national security,” said McMaster, Recalling that the President of the United States Donald trump is determined for the administration “absolutely clear and certain direction in the relationship” with Moscow. “So, he [trump’s] a very strong position on the Middle East, for example Ukraine, where it is necessary to resist the destabilizing behavior of Russia”, — said the assistant of the head of state. “However,

Putin told a joke in response to the question about a possible new date

Putin told a joke in response to the question about a possible new date Moscow. 19 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin responded with a joke about a bankrupt tycoon at the request of the moderator of the meeting of the club “Valdai” Fyodor Lukyanov to think about a new presidential term. Concluding the meeting of the International discussion club in Sochi, Lukyanov “a roundabout way” raised the issue of the new Putin’s presidency, noting that “the Valdai club hard to imagine how we will meet if you take another decision”. “We used you as a talisman for us,” — said the expert. The President asked: “This does not mean that you will not invite or immediately remove me from the allowance, as the soldier who was discharged?”. Then the scientist brought another argument, noting that Putin Western countries have become “pole of evil, which consolidates and mobilizes”. “I