Sand: the training of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation are not connected with international events

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, October 27. /TASS/. Training of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation are regular, they are not associated with any events in the world and are in strict accordance with international standards. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the last Thursday evening training of the nuclear triad of the Russian Federation, in which took part the head of state, Supreme commander Vladimir Putin. “Tests of the nuclear triad are a constant, regular process, it is not due to some international events,” – said the representative of the Kremlin. He stressed that such events do not affect the international situation, as “carried out in strict accordance with international rules and regulations, receive all necessary notifications.”

Policy for every virus

Policy for every virus Insurance of information risks planning to make it mandatory. As it became known””, in the framework of the government programme “Digital economy” is about to create a large-scale insurance market cyberrisks. Policy information security may become mandatory in 2020 for all strategic industries — from banking to engineering. Examples of the organization of management of these risks in this volume is not in any country, and Russia could become a world leader in this industry, I hope the authors of the program — work in this direction is headed by Sberbank. Business to the idea of compulsory cybertronia reacted coolly and sees no such need. Not happy and insurers — despite the expected fees of up to 50 billion rubles a year, they don’t want the tariffs were set by the state. At the disposal of “Kommersant” were the plan of activities of the programme “Digital

Putin during the exercise of the nuclear triad launched four ballistic missiles

Putin during the exercise of the nuclear triad launched four ballistic missiles Moscow. 27 Oct. INTERFAX — President Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening, participated in exercise for the management of strategic nuclear forces of the country, said on Friday the press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “During the exercise simulated an interaction of the strategic missile forces, nuclear submarines of Northern and Pacific fleets, long-range aircraft VKS Russia”, — said Peskov. “Supreme commander fired the trigger four ballistic missiles,” — said the spokesman. As previously reported, Russia’s Armed forces on Thursday conducted a training session on the management of Strategic nuclear forces with the involvement of terrestrial, Maritime and air component, said in the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. During the download an error has occurred. “With the state test Plesetsk cosmodrome combat crew of the strategic Missile forces launched an Intercontinental ballistic missile “Topol” on

Electoral rating Sobchak was less than 1%

Electoral rating Sobchak was less than 1% The vast majority of Russians (90%) are not willing to vote for the TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak in the election of the President, but 9% admit such a possibility, found “Levada-center”. Among the latter there are supporters of President Vladimir Putin, and those who are not undecided, and 13% of those who were not going to the polls. However, the electoral rating Sobchak is still less than 1%. Opposition leader Alexei Navalny came in third place (1.8 percent), ahead of Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov (1.7 percent) and second only to the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky (3%) and Putin (53% of all respondents). The campaign has just begun, it is difficult to make predictions, but the nomination Sobchak raised the negative background against her, says the General Director of “Levada-center” Lev Gudkov: “the Maximum it can count on the support, which was

Putin congratulated the President of Turkmenistan with the independence Day of the Republic

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, October 27. /TASS/. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of the national holiday – the independence Day. As the press service of the Kremlin, “the Russian head of state noted the significant progress of Turkmenistan in the economic, social and scientific-technical spheres, honoured the country’s prestige on the world stage”. Putin praised the development of Russian-Turkmen relations, which “has reached the level of strategic partnership, and expressed confidence that the implementation of the agreements reached at the recent talks with President of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat will contribute to further development of fruitful bilateral cooperation in all areas in the interests of the peoples of Russia and Turkmenistan, in line with the strengthening of regional security and stability.”

Nazarbayev signed a decree on gradual transfer of the alphabet to the Latin alphabet

Nazarbayev signed a decree on gradual transfer of the alphabet to the Latin alphabet ALMATY, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree on the gradual translation of the alphabet of the Kazakh language on Latin graphics. “The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan: to establish a national Commission for the translation of the alphabet of the Kazakh language on Latin graphics; to ensure a gradual transfer of the alphabet of the Kazakh language to Latin script by 2025,” — said in the text of the decree published on Friday in the state media. To ensure that the translation of the alphabet of the Kazakh language from Cyrillic to Latin, the President decided to approve the alphabet of the Kazakh language based on Latin alphabet and consists of 32 letters. During the download an error has occurred. Until the 1920-ies in the Kazakh language

In the United States published nearly three thousand of documents on the Kennedy assassination

In the United States published nearly three thousand of documents on the Kennedy assassination MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. About three thousand documents about the assassination of President John Kennedy in 1963, first published in the United States by order of the President of Donald trump — a database of 2891 material available on the website of the National archives. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий This is another piece of the documents — the previous was published on 24 July and contained 3.9 thousand documents. Several thousand more will be published before the end of April 2018, reported the White house. Editing documents Documents on the murder of the 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy will contain gaps only in rare cases, said in a release sent to RIA Novosti the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. “The national archives will distribute additional documents with editing only in very rare cases,