The third woman declared intention to go on elections of the President

The third woman declared intention to go on elections of the President The intention to nominate his candidacy in the presidential elections, said the head of the party “Female dialogue” Elena Semerikova. She reported about it to “Kommersant”. “We’re consulting on this topic, we will take a decision on the Congress, which will hold at the end of the year,” she said. According to Ms. Semerikova if it POPs, it will use a campaign for campaigning for President Vladimir Putin, as I fully share his politics. She believes that the journalist Ksenia Sobchak and Catherine Gordon, who already declared his desire to run for the presidential elections, do not represent properly the Russian women’s movement. In addition, Ms. Semerikova is going to attract the attention of the public to contact public and political women’s organizations in the United States and Ukraine with Russians. The party “Women’s dialogue” is a partner

Tillerson asked Congress to authorize the use of military force without restriction

Tillerson asked Congress to authorize the use of military force without restriction U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson called on Congress to give the President the right to use force against the terrorists without specifying the time frame and area of potential impact. The words of the head of American diplomacy leads the Agency Reuters. “Currently, the presidential administration is necessary to obtain permission for the use of military force against an enemy that pays no attention to borders,” said Tillerson at the hearing in the Senate. However, he noted that the White house has no plans to give permission in 2001 and 2002, which have been given by Congress after the September 11 attacks and before the war in Iraq. A similar position was expressed by the Minister of defence James Mattis, saying that “war is in principle unpredictable.” In mid-October it became known that Washington has no plan

Putin signed the law on the right to detain the child support debtors

Putin signed the law on the right to detain the child support debtors MOSCOW, 31 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the Federal law authorizing the Federal bailiff service (FSSP) to detain and deliver to make a report to child support debtors. The corresponding document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information. The Federal law was passed by the Parliament on 20 October and approved by the Federation Council on 25 October. The law gives bailiffs-executors, in case of detection of administrative violations for failure to pay child support for two months or more, the authority for detention and custody of persons in respect of which there are enforcement proceedings for imposing a fine. This measure applies to debtors who do not pay for maintenance of their minor children, adult disabled children or disabled parents, explained earlier, one of the authors of

The Russian foreign Ministry does not rule out the abolition of visas for Georgia residents

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS TASS, October 31. Russia does not rule out the possibility in the future introduction of a visa-free regime with Georgia on a reciprocal basis. About it the newspaper “Izvestia” said the state Secretary, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin.

Putin signed the law on penalties for drivers for failure to pedestrians

Putin signed the law on penalties for drivers for failure to pedestrians Still the amount of the fine was fixed at 1,500 rubles. The amount of the fine for the refusal of a motorist to miss a pedestrian on “Zebra” will increase and will range from 1500 to 2500 rubles Such a rule is introduced by the law signed yesterday by President Vladimir Putin. The text published on the portal of legal information. According to the interregional public movement “Union of pedestrians” for 2016 because of pedestrians only 12% of accidents at pedestrian crossings. On 5 October the government approved the draft law about the “people’s inspectors” on the roads. It video recording of traffic violations made by citizens will be accepted as official proof of offenses and will be grounds for the imposition of fines.

WikiLeaks has received correspondence Hillary Clinton from the US state Department

WikiLeaks has received correspondence Hillary Clinton from the US state Department Moscow. 31 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange said from the disposal of the organization in 2016 got the correspondence of the former candidate in US presidents Hillari Clinton. According to him, the documents were obtained from the U.S. Department of state in accordance with the law on freedom of information. “Hundreds of letters Clinton, released by WikiLeaks, were obtained not as a result of a hacker attack, and the U.S. Department of State in accordance with the law on freedom of information 3 March 2016,” wrote Assange in Twitter. Tweet Assange is associated with the charges against the former campaign adviser to candidate Donald trump George Papadopoulos. The latter gave the FBI a false statement in the investigation of the relationships of the team trump with Russia. A former adviser told investigators how a foreigner told him

Carles Pujdeme may become Prime Minister in exile

Carles Pujdeme may become Prime Minister in exile The former head of the government of Catalonia may request political asylum in Belgium. Carles Pujdeme and several members of his government, does not recognize his resignation Madrid on Friday, according to media reports, arrived on Monday in Belgium. According to unofficial data, the purpose of their visit is to seek political asylum. The possibility of such a scenario was announced by the Minister for migration Belgium Theo Franken. Meanwhile in Spain, the former management of Catalonia criminal cases, and do the separatist political forces to declare independence, lose their influence and, in fact, be isolated. Dismissed the head of Generalitat Catalonia Carles Pujdeme and former members of government autonomy in Belgium. This was reported by several Spanish media, citing sources. According to the newspaper El Periodico de Cataluna, former President of the Catalan government went to Brussels to hold meetings with

Vladimir Putin said that criticism of the authorities is the Internet and the media

Vladimir Putin said that criticism of the authorities is the Internet and the media Russian President Vladimir Putin made an adjustment of the legislation on conducting mass public events. “Freedom should be guaranteed, it is necessary to perform the practice that we have all the time necessary to analyze and make appropriate amendments”, — said Mr. Putin at a meeting of the presidential Council on civil society development and human rights (HRC). He said that meant “the practice of law enforcement and the judicial system.” The head of state believes that “some groups of protesters or the organizers of these events especially themselves often exacerbate the situation in order to attract attention.” “We understand that in today’s situation, in order to declare their position, to criticize the authorities, from municipal to Federal, is sufficient to provide the informational space in the Internet, in the media,” — said Vladimir Putin. The

The Catalan question: Soraya Saenz de Santamaria led the rebellious region of Spain

The Catalan question: Soraya Saenz de Santamaria led the rebellious region of Spain Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has delegated authority to the head of Catalonia to his Deputy, a 46-year-old Soraya Saenz de Santamaría. This is not the first crisis in politics: in 2014, she was engaged in the Ebola outbreak in Spain and in 2015 the crash Germanwings. Last October 1, 2017, a referendum on Catalan independence over outright confrontation of the government of autonomy, headed by Carles buchtemann and the Central government headed by the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy. October events spawned as a wave of indignation caused by the conditions of the referendum — which, according to the decision of the Spanish constitutional court, illegal, and a flurry of accusations related to the use of Central government power in the face of members of the national police of Spain and guard (affected more than 840