The justice Ministry has presented to the Federation Council measures in response to discrimination of the media in the United States

The justice Ministry has presented to the Federation Council measures in response to discrimination of the media in the United States MOSCOW, 1 Nov — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of justice submitted to the Council of the Federation the options of targeted measures in response to discrimination of the Russian media in the US, told RIA Novosti the first Deputy Minister of justice of the Russian Federation Oleg Bad. Earlier, the justice Ministry informed that it has received the decision of the interim Commission of the Federation Council for the protection of state sovereignty and prevent interference in the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a proposal to study the issue of introduction in the Russian legislation and the response measures targeted on discriminatory unfriendly actions against Russian media. “The proposals we have summarised, we own regulatory proposals formulated. These proposals are submitted to the Federation Council, they carried

The justice Ministry has presented to the Federation Council measures in response to discrimination of the media in the United States

The justice Ministry has presented to the Federation Council measures in response to discrimination of the media in the United States MOSCOW, 1 Nov — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of justice submitted to the Council of the Federation the options of targeted measures in response to discrimination of the Russian media in the US, told RIA Novosti the first Deputy Minister of justice of the Russian Federation Oleg Bad. Earlier, the justice Ministry informed that it has received the decision of the interim Commission of the Federation Council for the protection of state sovereignty and prevent interference in the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a proposal to study the issue of introduction in the Russian legislation and the response measures targeted on discriminatory unfriendly actions against Russian media. “The proposals we have summarised, we own regulatory proposals formulated. These proposals are submitted to the Federation Council, they carried

Ryabkov: the Internet platform in the United States become a way of political struggle

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Karpov/TASS MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/. The Internet platform involved in the political struggle in the United States, it becomes dangerous change. About it on Wednesday was declared by the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov, the TV channel RT. “These types of platforms can be used as a weapon in the political struggle and the struggle in the international arena, this is a very dangerous change,” he said.

Zakharov: description of U.S. intervention in the Affairs of the Russian Federation would require a multivolume work

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/. A full description of the attempted US interference in Russia’s internal Affairs would require a multivolume work. This was stated on Wednesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova at the meeting of the Council of the Federation working group on monitoring of external activities aimed at interference in the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The head of Roskomnadzor explained the essence of the law on anonymizers

The head of Roskomnadzor explained the essence of the law on anonymizers The head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov explained the essence of the law on blocking of anonymizers and VPN. In message Roskomnadzor received by “Газету.Ru”, Zharov urged to be precise in wording and to “understand the merits”. Federal law of 29.07.2017 No. 276-FZ as follows: The Minister noted that according to the law approved the procedure for the performance of Federal Executive authorities, carrying out operatively-search activity or security of the Russian Federation (MVD and FSB), Roskomnadzor sends a proxy service or a VPN “anonymizer” the requirement to connect to FGIS to limit access to prohibited in the Russian Federation, Internet resources, the connection is given 30 days. If this requirement is not executed after 3 days, the Roskomnadzor may be taken the decision to restrict access to the relevant service. Also the operators of search engines should also

In the USA estimated the cost of upgrading and maintaining a nuclear Arsenal

In the USA estimated the cost of upgrading and maintaining a nuclear Arsenal MOSCOW, 1 Nov — RIA Novosti. The modernization and maintenance of the nuclear Arsenal will cost Washington with $ 1.2 trillion in the next 30 years, according to a report the congressional budget office of the United States. “According to the budget office, the latest detailed plans for nuclear forces, which have been included in the budget request of the Obama administration in 2017, will cost $ 1.2 trillion over the period from 2017 to 2046 year: more than $ 800 billion on support for service and maintenance (that is, stepwise improvement) nuclear forces and about 400 billion for modernization”, — the document says. The maintenance and development of the “nuclear triad” is planned to spend a total of 728 billion dollars, with the largest share ($313 billion) provided for the submarines. On delivery systems of tactical

Who and how are investigating “Russian dossier” in the United States

Who and how are investigating “Russian dossier” in the United States Arrested this week by Paul Manafort, a former political strategist Donald trump, became the first victim of the investigation of the “Russian dossier” of the President of the United States. Now U.S. authorities are conducting at least five investigations of Russian interference in the political process of the United States. Each of these proceedings have their own problems, which sometimes come into conflict with each other. The Grand jury convened by the American spectaculorum Robert Mueller, had approved the bill of indictment against the defendants in the investigation on the possible intervention of Russia in election USA. They were the former head of the electoral staff of Donald trump by Paul Manafort and his assistant Richard gates. The U.S. Department of justice accused them of “conspiracy against the United States”, money laundering and providing false information about his financial

Vyacheslav Volodin has formulated the basic values of Russia

Vyacheslav Volodin has formulated the basic values of Russia Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, speaking at the XXI world Russian people’s Council, identified five core values which, in particular, should be guided by the Russian Parliament. “Family, faith, unity, and homeland. And of course — justice, the lack of which can contribute to the society split, to create the ground for revolutionary activities marginalized and, ultimately, to destroy the seemingly unshakable foundations of statehood”, — said Volodin. Again returning to the subject of the revolution, Vyacheslav Volodin has declared the inadmissibility of romanticizing revolutions. “…It is unacceptable to adore the people, to overthrow the legitimate government, condemning their peoples to needless suffering, — said the speaker.— The revolutionary becomes the synonym of bias, crime and underdevelopment”. The Supreme task of the government mister Volodin named the consensus on the main issues. “The ultimate mission of government… to seek

Ksenia Sobchak: “I was trying to stifle in the arms of the Kremlin”

Ksenia Sobchak: “I was trying to stifle in the arms of the Kremlin” The announcement of Ksenia Sobchak about the intention to compete with Vladimir Putin in the elections became the main surprise of the political season. In interview Bi-bi-si Sobchak said when I started to think about the nomination, both helped with the investigation Alexei Navalny, what’s going on in her staff and why she reappeared in the air of Federal channels. During the download an error has occurred. “As soon as the money went plum” Bi-bi-si: In one of your interviews you said that he offered Alexei Navalny to develop a joint action plan in case it will not allow the elections. When this conversation took place? Ksenia Sobchak: I don’t remember Exactly but it was about a week before its public treatment, where he called my views are cannibalistic and so on. It was in the fall,