Kyiv authorities banned entry to Ukraine the Explorer website “RIA Novosti”

© Mikhail Palinchak/TASS KIEV, November 7. /TASS/. The Explorer website “RIA Novosti” Zakhar Vinogradov, the Ukrainian authorities denied entry into the country for a period of five years. This was reported on the Agency’s website. “Did the border service of Ukraine. Now, as reported to me for five years denied entry to Ukraine. It is the decision of the SBU. The reason for the decision is unknown. The return train is at 18 o’clock, until that time I will be here (in Konotop). Now prepare the documents,” – said Vinogradov. From the Ukrainian side, while statements on this issue have been reported.

The constitutional court allowed to challenge the nationalization of property in Crimea

The constitutional court allowed to challenge the nationalization of property in Crimea The constitutional court (CC) of Russia has obliged the courts to accept for consideration the complaint of nationalization of real estate in the Crimea, reported on the website of the court. The reason for the CC decision were the claims of OOO “diving Center “Solyarius””, OOO “FORMAT-it” and “Promkholding”. The organization claimed that the legislation allows to deprive of property on the Peninsula “extrajudicially and without any compensation.” The applicants challenged the provisions of the regional law “On peculiarities of regulation of property and land relations on the territory of the Republic of Crimea” and the resolution of the state Council of Crimea “On issues of property management of the Republic of Crimea”. According to the applicants, the contested norms allow them “arbitrarily set the exceptions from the General rules on retention of title to the immovable property

The United States will not be able to draw Russia into an arms race, said in the Federation Council

The United States will not be able to draw Russia into an arms race, said in the Federation Council MOSCOW, February 7 — RIA Novosti. The United States will not be able to draw Russia into an arms race, armed forces of the Federation to develop its programme, their status was clearly demonstrated in Syria, told RIA Novosti on Monday the first Deputy head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Vladimir Jabbarov. The US President Donald trump has addressed the us Congress with a request to increase the cost of the US defense budget in 2018 to protect against actions by the DPRK and implementation of strategy in Asia. According to trump, these goals will require more than $ 5 billion. “That tramp to arm themselves, this was no doubt. During the election campaign, the President talked about the fact that the US is behind in the field

Sobchak will act for the abolition of the law on gay propaganda and against the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church

Sobchak will act for the abolition of the law on gay propaganda and against the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church During the election campaign Kseniya Sobchak will raise topics that are not usually discussed in society, told RBC journalist, member of the staff of the TV presenter Anton Krasovsky. “She will advocate for the equality of people regardless of gender, nationality and sexual orientation, for the abolition of the law on gay propaganda, the establishment of partnerships with the United States and the restoration of relations with Ukraine, for the cessation of hostilities in Syria,” said Krasovsky. In addition, the presenter will be to speak out against the excessive influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on all spheres of life, he said. The law banning the propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations among minors was adopted in 2013. The document caused a critical reaction in the West. In particular, against

Experts told about a sharp increase in the number of protests in Russia

Experts told about a sharp increase in the number of protests in Russia The number of social and political protests in Russia increased compared with the beginning of the year by almost two thirds, says the report Capra. Experts explain this by the crisis and the inadequate response of the authorities to meetings. Why protest In the third quarter of 2017, the number of political, socio-economic and labor protests have increased by almost two thirds compared with the beginning of the year. In the first quarter, there were 284 protests in the second — 378, and in the third — 445. This is stated in the report of the Center for economic and political reforms (CEPR) “Protest activity of Russians in the third quarter of 2017,” which is available to RBC. Experts Capra divide the protests into political, socio-economic and labour. In the third quarter, as in the previous two,

Trump has asked Congress for money to protect from North Korea

Trump has asked Congress for money to protect from North Korea The President of the United States Donald trump asked Congress to increase the defense budget in connection with the threat from North Korea. His message to the house of representatives is published on the website of the White house. “The request includes an additional $ 4 billion to support missile systems and improvement of the defence to counter the threat from North Korea,” the letter reads. Another $ 700 million trump asked for the repair of destroyers of the US Navy “John McCain” and “Fitzgerald”, faced last summer with merchant ships, and 1.2 billion is required to it on the implementation of the strategy for South Asia. In particular, these funds will be used to transfer additional 3,5 thousand American military in Afghanistan. November 6, trump said that the era of strategic patience towards North Korea has ended. He

The cyclist lost their jobs for the shown Trump middle finger

The cyclist lost their jobs for the shown Trump middle finger In the U.S. the company Akima LLC fired marketer Julia, Brickman, who became famous after the publication of photos with a tuple of Donald trump. 50-year-old woman lost her job due to the obscene gesture which she addressed to the head of state. The company stated that its employees are not entitled to distribute in social networks information, which can create an atmosphere of hostility, the newspaper writes According to Brickman, at the moment when the picture was taken, she was not at work and did my daily Cycling. The spread in social networks, was made by journalist Huffington Post by Ashley Feinberg from the presidential pool passed She photographed a woman in a white t-shirt and bike helmet, expressing protest at the appearance on the road the presidential motorcade. who is she — Ashley Feinberg

Trump has extended for one year sanctions against Iran

Trump has extended for one year sanctions against Iran WASHINGTON, November 6 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump made the decision for a year to renew the regime of unilateral us sanctions against Iran, introduced in 1979, the report says the White house. The commentary notes that relations between the US and Iran “not normal”, and in this regard, the American leader has decided “to extend the state of emergency declared by Executive order 12170 in relation to Iran.” On 4 November 1979 by radical Islamist students, who called themselves “disciples of Khomeini” (the leader of the Islamic revolution), under the pretext that diplomatic mission is a “nest of espionage and conspiracy against Iran,” stormed the U.S. Embassy, disarmed the guards and captured according to various estimates, from 66 to 90 people. The hostage crisis led to the rupture of diplomatic relations between the US and Iran, which

Zyuganov did not apologize to Kadyrov for the words of Lenin

Zyuganov did not apologize to Kadyrov for the words of Lenin MOSCOW, November 6 — RIA Novosti. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov urged to respect the will of citizens who have decided to bury the body of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin on red square. So Zyuganov commented on the statement of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov that he should apologize for the words in the dispute about the burial of Lenin. Communist party leader said that he many years he worked in the Caucasus and loves the region. “In the Caucasus, the graves of old men and ancestors are the Supreme value, and there has always preserved the best traditions. Our fathers and grandfathers made the decision about the burial of Lenin in the highest body, the Congress. It is the will of our citizens, which was confirmed in virtually all constituent entities of Russia. We need to