Supporters of Saakashvili’s power freed him from the bus

Supporters of Saakashvili’s power freed him from the bus KYIV, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. Supporters of ex-President of Georgia and former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili by force took him out of the van, where it was held by security forces and tried to take, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий The former Governor of Odessa detained in the morning, take it still failed. First, Saakashvili’s supporters climbed on the van and busted in the back door, and then released a policy force. They surrounded him and took from security forces. From the crowd Saakashvili showed the hand with the handcuffs. During the download an error has occurred. He later stated that it goes to the Parliament to demand the impeachment of President Petro Poroshenko and urged all citizens of Ukraine to take to the streets and continue the protest peacefully. “I will stay to fight in

The detention of Mikhail Saakashvili in Kiev

The detention of Mikhail Saakashvili in Kiev In Kiev in the apartment of the former President of Georgia and the Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili this morning was searched. It was held by the representatives of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s office with the participation of special forces “alpha” and the police. Mister Saakashvili, fleeing from law enforcement officers, climbed onto the roof, threatening to jump. Soon, Mikhail Saakashvili, was detained and taken away in a car, but supporters of the policy blocked the car with him in the center of Kiev and subsequently released him. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The police used tear gas against them. According to the lawyer of Mr. Saakashvili, the politician is suspected of “promoting the overthrow of the state system”. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine said that the Mikheil Saakashvili and his associates received $500 thousand And the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported that Mikheil

In Ukraine banned the sale of tales about the Russian knights

In Ukraine banned the sale of tales about the Russian knights MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. The national Committee for television and radio broadcasting of Ukraine has banned to sell in the country published in Russian tales of heroes, reports the Ukrainian edition of “Vesti”. The prohibition referred to two books: “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the robber: stories about Russian heroes” and “Powerful Russian tales”. The decision was adopted on the proposal of the expert Council under the state Committee of Ukraine, which selects published in Russian books and gives recommendations concerning their entry into the country. Since the beginning of the work the Council has forbidden to sell in Ukraine, more than a dozen books. Among them, the “Great encyclopedia student”, composed by Sean Connolly, “Stalingrad” British historian Anthony Beevor, the Russian language textbook “I’ve got it right. From “Primer” to the ability of neat and clear handwriting”

Mikheil Saakashvili is participating in the support of criminal organizations

Mikheil Saakashvili is participating in the support of criminal organizations The security service of Ukraine (SBU) reports that a former Governor of the Odessa region and the ex-President of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili, were detained under part 1 of article 256 of the criminal code of Ukraine (promotion of members of the criminal organizations and concealment of their criminal activities). Now law enforcement officers questioned Mr. Saakashvili, delivered to him the notice of solicitation as suspect. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The lawyer of the politician Paul Bogomazov told TASS that according to his information, the leader of the “movement of new forces” charged with coup attempt. “Saakashvili is accused of attempting to overthrow the constitutional order,” — said the lawyer. At the house of Mikhail Saakashvili began skirmishing associates politics with the security forces. According to TASS, there were more than 200 people, injured one person. December 3 in the center of Kiev was

Saakashvili accused of coup attempt in Ukraine

Saakashvili accused of coup attempt in Ukraine The former Governor of Odessa is suspected of attempting to overthrow the constitutional order of Ukraine, said his lawyer. In the morning in the apartment policies were searched. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Former President of Georgia, the leader of the Ukrainian political movement “movement new forces,” Saakashvili was accused of attempting to overthrow state power. It is reported TASS with reference to the lawyer of the politician Paul Bogomazov. Saakashvili is accused of attempting to overthrow the constitutional order.Paul Bogomazova Mikheil Saakashvili Earlier in the day, SBU raided in Kiev apartment Saakashvili. The politician was hiding from police on the roof. Correspondents local media reported that he accused the police in the intention to kidnap him, threatened to jump from the roof and called his supporters to prevent his arrest.

Saakashvili was arrested on the roof of his house in Kiev

Saakashvili was arrested on the roof of his house in Kiev In the morning, the security forces came to the ex-President of Georgia with searches. After that, the leader of the party “new force” climbed onto the roof and threatened to jump off, “if it touches”. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий KYIV, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. In Kiev arrested the former President of Georgia and leader of the party “new force” of Mikhail Saakashvili, said his supporters. “On the roof of his took,” — said one of his companions, which is the apartment Saakashvili on the landing, broadcast from the lead Ukrainian media and TV channels. According to the companion policy of the party Yuriy Derevyanko, the searches had already ended. They were conducted by the employees of the Prosecutor General on the basis of a court decision. Operational support was provided by the security Service of Ukraine. Saakashvili is now brought out

Investigators broke down the door to the apartment Saakashvili

Investigators broke down the door to the apartment Saakashvili As reported in the party “Movement new force (“movement New Forces”), the room is searched, the policy will require explanations of what is happening. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий KYIV, 5 December. /TASS/. The ex-President of Georgia, former head of the Odessa region, and nowadays the leader of the “Movement of new forces,” Saakashvili climbed on the roof of his house and does not admit to his employees of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU), which on Tuesday morning broke into his apartment with a search warrant. It is reported by the correspondent channel “112. Ukraine” from the event. “On the roof heard the screams Saakashvili himself, he requested not to approach the alleged representatives of the SBU. Asks him not to come close,” — said the correspondent. In addition, the leader of the “Movement new forces,” called the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the

Zakharova: the decision of the IOC not to let the Russian team for the Games in 2018 will not be able to “fill up” Russia

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, 5 Dec. /TASS/. The decision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to suspend the Russian team from participation in the winter Olympics in 2018 in Pyeongchang (South Korea) will not be able to “fill up” Russia. On Tuesday said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “What we didn’t have historically, to pass from “partners” – she wrote on his page in Facebook. – Well, nothing we can’t fail. Neither world war, nor the collapse of the Soviet Union, no sanctions… Take it and survive”.

UN sends envoy to DPRK

UN sends envoy to DPRK Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Deputy UN Secretary-General for political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman during a visit to the DPRK plans to discuss ways of resolving the tense situation around the North Korean missile program, reported on Tuesday the Western media. According to them, now Feltman is in Beijing, where he will go to Pyongyang. As expected, the visit of Feltman in the DPRK will continue until the eighth of December. Last week, Pyongyang announced the successful launch of an Intercontinental ballistic missile “And 15”. Allegedly North Korea, this missile can reach any district in the United States. On the eve of the air force of the Republic of Korea and the United States began on the Korean Peninsula, large-scale joint exercise “Vigilant as — 18”.

The Ministry of justice included “Radio Liberty” and its projects in the media register-registered as foreign agents

The Ministry of justice included “Radio Liberty” and its projects in the media register-registered as foreign agents The Ministry of justice of Russia has published the list of media-registered as foreign agents. The list includes “Voice of America”, “Radio Liberty” and its projects: the channel “Now”, “Idel. Realities”, “The Caucasus. Realities”, “The Crimea. Realities”, the Tatar-Bashkir service of “Radio Liberty” (Azatliq Orthodox radio of St. Petersburg), “Siberia. Realities”, “Pictograph”. The head of the Federation Council Commission for the protection of state sovereignty Andrei Klimov said that, in all probability, a list of media registered as foreign agents in the near future will not expand. “Our response was completely reversed in response to the oppression of the Russian media in USA, and if nothing new from that side will not happen here, we have no reason to expand this list,” — said Mr. Klimov.