Russian General staff announced Syria fully liberated from the terrorists

Russian General staff announced Syria fully liberated from the terrorists Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Syria fully liberated from the terrorists, all the gangs of ISIS destroyed, said chief of the General staff of the Armed forces — first Deputy defense Minister army General Valery Gerasimov at the annual briefing for foreign military attaches. According to him, “today, upcoming units of Brigadier General Suhela and 5th assault corps volunteer defeated the remaining illegal armed forces in (the province of Deir ez-Zor), and freeing the settlements Salihia, El KRATA, El-Katja and Musalaha, allied with government troops advancing from the South,” — said Gerasimov. “Thus, today the territory controlled by ISIS (banned in Russia — if), on the territory of Syria does not exist”, — said the chief of staff. According to him, released more than 1 thousand settlements and released basic communication. Earlier, President Vladimir Putin, commenting on the situation in

Putin announced the complete defeat of ISIS in Syria

Putin announced the complete defeat of ISIS in Syria Moscow. 6 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin, citing a report of the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu said about the complete defeat of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in the Russian Federation terrorist group) on both banks of the Euphrates in Syria. “Two hours ago, the defense Minister reported that the operations on the Eastern and Western banks of the Euphrates completed the complete defeat of terrorists”, — told reporters the head of state on Wednesday. Naturally, there may be pockets of resistance, but in General combat work at this stage and in this territory is over. Fully finished, repeat, victory and defeat terrorists.Vladimir Putin Putin said that next together with all participants of the Syrian settlement, the government of Syria, the countries of the region and the UN need to go “to the next stage

The U.S. Embassy staff in Cuba have discovered changes in the brain. The Americans complained about the “sound attack”

The U.S. Embassy staff in Cuba have discovered changes in the brain. The Americans complained about the “sound attack” Doctors investigating the status of several dozens of U.S. Embassy staff in Cuba, discovered anomalies in the brain of patients. The survey revealed that in different parts of the brain have observed deviation in the structure of white matter. Previously it was stated that 24 people who lived in the U.S. Embassy in Cuba could suffer from “sonic attack”. Several diplomats complained of hearing loss, one of them had to wear a hearing aid. What caused changes in the white matter of the brain, is unknown. According to the Associated Press, the sound waves to such an effect could not. The U.S. Embassy staff in Cuba with the end of 2016 began to complain of poor health, including headaches and problems with orientation in space. According to one version, the cause

Putin declared about the participation in presidential election

Putin declared about the participation in presidential election NIZHNY NOVGOROD, December 6 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his intention to run for election in 2018. “I’m going to nominate his candidacy for the office of President of the Russian Federation”, — Putin said during the meeting with employees of plant GAS. According to him, the best place and the best occasion for such a statement there. He thanked those present for their support and expressed confidence that “we will succeed”. Russia will go forward, and moving forward its never going to stop.Vladimir Putin The President arrived in Nizhny Novgorod for the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Gas. One of the workers, Artem Baranov reminded at the event that today Putin has asked about plans to run for the head of state said that he would take a decision soon. Sheep asked the President to announce

USA launched the destroyer of the future

USA launched the destroyer of the future The second USS Zumwalt type, named USS Michael Monsoor (DDG 1001), is launched, according to Navy Recognition. During the download an error has occurred. Destroyer of the future December 5, descended from the shipyard Bath Iron Works in bath, Maine, and sent to the Atlantic ocean for testing. The U.S. Navy should take the USS Michael Monsoor in 2018. All the ships of the Zumwalt operate exclusively on electricity. First Zumwalt (DDG-1000) was launched on 29 October 2013. Type of destroyer Zumwalt with a length of 183 meters and a displacement of 14.7 thousand tons with a speed of up to 30 knots. Each ship is planned to equip 20 launchers MK 57 VLS 80 missiles, two 155-millimeter cannon and two anti-aircraft guns Mk 110 57 mm caliber. On Zumwalt may be based one helicopter Sikorsky SH-60 Sea Hawk and three drone MQ-8

Member of the European Parliament was accused of espionage in favor of Russia

Member of the European Parliament was accused of espionage in favor of Russia Member of the European Parliament (EP) from Hungary Bela Kovacs was accused of spying for Russia, according to Reuters. Hungarian prosecutors said he collected information about the work of the EU institutions, which is then handed to the Russian security services. “The MP was involved in espionage in the interests and on behalf of the intelligence services of foreign States”, — said in a statement, prosecutors quoted by Reuters. Press Secretary of the Prosecutor’s office explained that the foreign government in question is Russia. The charges against Kovach, the parliamentarian from the nationalist party Jobbik, associated with investigation, which goes from April 2014. Kovac too often had contact with Russian diplomats and almost every month, arrived in Moscow, according to prosecutors. Sam Kovac told Reuters that allegations of espionage “a fantasy” the Prosecutor’s office. According to him,

Putin has promised to soon make the decision on participation in presidential elections

Putin has promised to soon make the decision on participation in presidential elections The head of state noted that for participation in elections the candidate needs the trust and support of citizens of Russia. MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has promised to soon make the decision on participation in presidential elections in 2018. He stated this at the ceremony of the award “Volunteer of Russia 2017” in response to the question asked by him on behalf of the volunteers award presenter Dmitry Guberniev. “It’s always for any person a very important decision, because motive in the decision can only be the desire to improve the lives of people in our country to make the country more powerful, protected, and looking to the future. And to achieve these goals is possible only under one condition — if the people trust and support,” Putin said. He appealed

Ryabkov: changing the status of Jerusalem will not help to resolve the conflict

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS NEW DELHI, 6 Dec. /TASS/. Possible recognition by the United States of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will not contribute to the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This was stated on Wednesday by Russian journalists in new Delhi, Deputy Minister for foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov. “We believe that the status of East Jerusalem is one of the key issues of a comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian-Israeli problem, which Russia in the “Quartet” is seeking for a long time. Therefore, we think that if what was announced at the White house happens, it can have quite far-reaching consequences for the prospects of settlement that the settlement is probably unlikely to help,” said Ryabkov, who is in the Indian capital to participate in Russian-Indian Ministerial consultations.

Expert: Putin announced participation in the elections at the plant, as based on the creators

MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has declared about his participation in elections of the head of state at the Gorky automobile plant (GAZ) in Nizhny Novgorod, because it relies primarily on workers, people who “build Russia”. This opinion was expressed on Wednesday in an interview with TASS political analyst Andrei Kolyadin. “I think that the nomination of Vladimir Putin, the plant completely reasonable and it is no coincidence: after all, for a very long time GAS was one of the flagships of Russian production and is currently devoting much effort to rise from his knees the 1990-ies, when the whole of our industry was a big problem,” he said.

The Finance Ministry proposes to introduce criminal responsibility for the organization of calculations cryptocurrency

The Finance Ministry proposes to introduce criminal responsibility for the organization of calculations cryptocurrency The Finance Ministry proposes to introduce criminal liability for organization of the calculations quasi-money in especially large size. The relevant amendments to the legislation, the Ministry plans to introduce in 2018, told reporters, Deputy Minister Alexei Moiseev on the sidelines of the state Duma. “If you have a few roubles of the Russian Federation, you can change your bitcoins to rubles and go for rubles to buy in LavkaLavka pie. This you can do, but come at LavkaLavka and pay with bitcoins you can’t — it is a constitutional principle. Now for the violation of the constitutional principle of no punishment. What do we do now? We’ll get more details the implementation of the constitutional principle and the punishment for different degrees of violation”, — said Moiseev. According to him, the punishment will be “mostly administrative,”