The state Duma has refused to cancel new year holidays

The state Duma has refused to cancel new year holidays The state Duma rejected a bill to replace the holidays for extra vacation days, follows from materials of the lower house of Parliament. This initiative made earlier by the parliamentary party. The bill also proposed to replace the weekend of 23 February, 8 March and 4 November days of paid vacation. Introducing the document, the Chairman of the LDPR faction Yaroslav Nilov said that people should be given choice and to secure a certain number of public holidays that everyone can use them at will. Also deputies on Thursday discussed a draft law of the Communist party faction, offering to reduce the new year holidays until January 3. The initiative was also rejected.

Putin told Sobchak about the Bulk: want to get in Russia, Saakashvili ran?

Putin told Sobchak about the Bulk: want to get in Russia, Saakashvili ran? MOSCOW, December 14 — RIA Novosti. Russia will not allow repetition of the Ukrainian scenario on its territory, said Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday during his annual press conference. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий “Already put a question here about Ukraine. You want to have the squares ran dozens of Saakashvili. That those whom you called is Saakashvili the Russian edition. And you want those Saakashvili destabilized the situation in the country? You want we have experienced from one Maidan to another? Us to have been attempts of coups d’etat?” — Putin said, answering a question of the journalist Ksenia Sobchak on competition of the opposition in the upcoming presidential election. We all it already passed. You want it all back? I am sure that the absolutely overwhelming majority of Russian citizens do not want it. And won’t allow it.Vladimir

“Spy”, “bluff” and “nonsense”: the main foreign policy assessment of Vladimir Putin

© REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov Despite the fact that issues of domestic nature, dominated at the press conference of the Russian President for three hours, Vladimir Putin told about his attitude to the arms race, the crises in Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan, as well as the approach to relations with China, USA and other countries. About Russian intervention in the American elections: “the spy” and “nonsense” Answering a journalist’s question ABC on the assessment of the presidency, Donald trump, Putin noted that to evaluate their President should be citizens of the United States.

Putin explained the absence in Russia of a competitive opposition

Putin explained the absence in Russia of a competitive opposition Moscow. 14 Dec. INTERFAX.RU President Vladimir Putin believes that Russia has not appeared competitive opposition because it could not offer a program for the development of the country. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий “When we talk about the opposition, it is important not only to make noise in the squares or in the backstage environment and to talk about the anti-people regime, it is important to offer something to make it better”, — Putin said Thursday during the big press-conferences, answering a question why from his point of view in Russia there is no competitive opposition. Many people are very unhappy and are right that they are unhappy. But when people start to compare and see what is proposed by the opposition, especially non-systemic, there are serious doubts.Vladimir Putin

Poster “Putin — woman” drew the attention of the President at a press conference

Poster “Putin — woman” drew the attention of the President at a press conference The poster with an inscription “Putin — woman” one of the journalists at a press conference attracted the attention of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий The Russian leader saw written “Putin Bai-Bai” (c eng. “Putin, goodbye”). The journalist explained that because the President called children in Tatarstan, and in translation from the Tatar “Baba” means grandfather. The President joked that it sums up the vision.

Putin: the fall in oil prices affected the Russian economy

Putin: the fall in oil prices affected the Russian economy MOSCOW, December 14 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Western sanctions affect the Russian economy, but not as much as the fall in oil prices. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий Speaking about the growth of the economy, the President noted that it is based on overcoming two well-known shocks that occurred in 2014-2015. “This sharp drop in energy prices, and from there, as you know, we received — and largely still get the basic budget revenues. And, second, external constraints, or so-called sanctions,” Putin said at his annual press conference on Thursday. “I confidently say that sanctions had no effect, as the decline in oil prices, but still affected. We can talk about this later more in detail to talk about,” the President added.

Putin called the “bluff” Polish attempts to blame Russia for the crash of the Tu-154

MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. Another attempt of Poland to place the responsibility for the destruction of the plane Tu-154 of Polish President Lech Kaczynski in Russia – a bluff and nonsense, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on Thursday during a press conference. “We are tired of a similar bluff, just tired. Bullshit, talking some rubbish,” said Putin, answering the question of the Polish journalist. He recalled that in 2010, when the crash occurred, he occupied the post of Prime Minister. “I do international work and activities of law enforcement services had indirect relations,” he said.

Putin will run for President as the independent candidate

Putin will run for President as the independent candidate Russian President Vladimir Putin said during his annual press conference that he will run for the presidency as an independent candidate. The broadcast led TV channel “Russia-24”. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографийЭто is self-promotion. But of course, I count on the support of those political forces, no matter how they were organized in the country: parties, public organizations, which share my opinion on the development of the country and trust me.Vladimir Putin The President has said he expects broad support of the citizenry. “As for the staff, then, frankly, we talked about this yesterday. While no final decision”, — said Putin.

Putin began to answer the questions of the journalists

Putin began to answer the questions of the journalists Moscow. 14 Dec. INTERFAX.RU IN Moscow started the traditional big press conference President Vladimir Putin. She became 13th in a row. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий This year at the event at the world trade Center accredited a record number of Russian and foreign journalists — more than 1,600. As in previous years, the press conference will include a whole range of media — from leading — such as AFP, Bloomberg, Xinhua, CNN, The Guardian to a small thematic, regional and local publications, for example, “Unknown Siberia”, “Vashi 6 sotok”, “Arkhyz 24”, “Steppe news”. At the press conference were accredited and journalist Ksenia Sobchak, who had previously announced that it will participate in the presidential elections in Russia in 2018.

The state Duma adopted a law on life sentences for recruiting terrorists

The state Duma adopted a law on life sentences for recruiting terrorists Now the maximum punishment for recruiters is up to 10 years in prison. MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. The state Duma at the additional meeting on Thursday adopted in the third final reading a bill toughening criminal liability for recruitment into the ranks of the terrorists up to life imprisonment. The author of the initiative made by the first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia”, Adalbi Shhagoshev. The law increases the liability for financing of terrorism, as well as for the declination, recruitment or other involving of the person in the Commission of at least one of the crimes provided by articles of the Criminal code on terrorism. These crimes will now be punished by deprivation of liberty for a term from 8 to 20 years with a fine in the amount from 300 thousand to 700 thousand