Putin held telephone talks with trump

Putin held telephone talks with trump MOSCOW, 15 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump on the phone to discuss bilateral relations and the situation in crisis spots, with an emphasis on resolving problems of the Korean Peninsula, the press service of the Kremlin. “The sides discussed topical issues of bilateral relations and the situation in crisis locations with emphasis on resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula”, — stated in the message. It is noted that telephone conversation, Putin and trump was initiated by the American side. It was agreed on the continuation of contacts. Earlier, Russia and China offered the DPRK to declare a moratorium on nuclear tests and missile launches, and South Korea and the United States to refrain from conducting exercises in the region to stabilize the situation on the Peninsula, but in Washington, this initiative was ignored.

The Pentagon said details of the alleged interception of a Russian su-25 over Syria

The Pentagon said details of the alleged interception of a Russian su-25 over Syria WASHINGTON, December 14 — RIA Novosti. The convergence of the planes of Russia and the United States in the skies over Syria lasted about 40 minutes, the American F-22 fighter jets were forced to maneuver hard to avoid a collision with the Russian su-25, reported RIA Novosti the representative of the Pentagon Eric Pachon. “At one point, the su-25 approached close enough to the F-22, and he was forced to maneuver hard to avoid a mid-air collision,” said Close, adding that the incident occurred in the area of the Syrian city of al-Bukamal. Earlier in the press service of the Central command (CENTCOM), the United States announced the rapprochement of the Russian and American aircraft in Syria, noting that such situations sometimes occur “several times a day and there is nothing extraordinary in them no.” The

The leaders of the European Union decided to extend sanctions against Russia

The leaders of the European Union decided to extend sanctions against Russia The EU leaders at a summit in Brussels agreed to extend anti-Russian sanctions. About this Agency TASS said a European diplomatic source. He said that the heads of state gave the “green light” for the extension of restrictive measures for six months. Officially, the extension of the sanctions would be announced before the Catholic Christmas (25 December). Earlier, on 14 December, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the country was able to complete the process of adaptation to life under sanctions and get on the path of growth. A number of countries, including the USA and member States of the European Union imposed restrictive measures against Russia in 2014 and linking them with the annexation of Crimea, and then — with the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. In response, Russia imposed

Defense Ministry: US does not intercept a Russian attack aircraft in the skies over Syria

Defense Ministry: US does not intercept a Russian attack aircraft in the skies over Syria MOSCOW, December 14 — RIA Novosti. The defense Ministry denied reports by foreign media about the interception in the skies over Syria us F-22 fighter jets of two Russian su-25. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The incident, as reported in the Department, occurred on December 13. “From the East Bank of the river (Russian aircraft — approx. ed.), approached the American fighter F-22. Firing flares, the F-22 might interfere with a pair of Russian su-25”, — stated in the message of the Russian military. After these maneuvers, the Russian su-35S went to the F-22, the American plane was forced to hastily leave the area, said the Ministry of defence. Most of the approaches of Russian and American aircraft in the skies over Syria was linked to attempts by the US air force to prevent the destruction of the terrorists

Zakharova have suspected the United States and Canada in the desire to draw Ukraine into a new adventure

Zakharova have suspected the United States and Canada in the desire to draw Ukraine into a new adventure Supplies of American and canadian arms are pushing Ukraine into a new military adventure. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, her words are published on the Agency’s website. “In Washington and Ottawa need to understand that the power of the conflict in the Donbass, which became the result of a coup in Kiev, not to solve, but the fault for the deaths lies on those who give into the hands of the killers weapons,” — said Zakharov. Review of Moscow came after a briefing at the state Department, which Washington accused the self-proclaimed Republic in the attacks that were carried out by Ukrainian forces. “Strengthens the sense that these attempts to shift responsibility is not accidental. In Washington and Ottawa are clearly trying to find

CNN: American fighters were raised to intercept Russian aircraft in the skies over Syria

CNN: American fighters were raised to intercept Russian aircraft in the skies over Syria NEW YORK, December 14. /TASS/. Two US air force fighter jet F-22 were raised to intercept two Russian military planes in the skies over Syria near the Euphrates river. This was announced on Thursday the broadcaster CNN, citing two U.S. military representatives. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to her, the incident occurred on Wednesday. As claimed by CNN, the Russian military aircraft crossed the border of the zone of de-escalation, but the American fighter have filed several warning lights. According to one American representative, said the broadcaster, in this area there is also a Russian fighter jet su-35. According to U.S. representative, question about this incident was discussed at the communication lines, intended for the prevention of air incidents in the skies over Syria. The Memorandum on the prevention of incidents and ensuring the safety of aviation operations in

Putin and trump discussed the settlement of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula

© Alexey Nikolsky/TASS MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump held a telephone conversation during which discussed including the situation in crisis spots with a focus on resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula. This was reported on Friday the press-service of the Kremlin. “At the initiative of the American side telephone conversation of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with US President Donald trump. The sides discussed topical issues of bilateral relations and the situation in crisis locations with emphasis on resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula”, – stated in the message. “The two leaders agreed to continue contacts”, – said the press service.

CEC counted 15 people willing to run for President

CEC counted 15 people willing to run for President Moscow. 14 Dec. INTERFAX.RU IN the presidential elections can participate 13-15 candidates, said Thursday the Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina in the air “Russia 24” (VGTRK). She noted that activity is already quite high among the contenders, “there are people more and less famous.” “You have to understand that we have more than 60 political parties, each of them has the right to nominate a candidate,” said Grishin. According to her, the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation guarantees equality of the election of all the candidates. “All candidates must pass certain requirements, to receive some support from voters. If a candidate receives such support, he shall be guaranteed equal access to air, free air time, free print space, equal access to conduct outdoor advertising”, — said Grishin. She emphasized that the CEC of Russia will strictly enforce the principles

Germany suffered the most from sanctions against Russia

Germany suffered the most from sanctions against Russia Evaluation of the German Institute for world economy, Germany more than other Western countries affected by sanctions against Russia — it accounts for 40% of all trading losses in Western countries due to the imposition of sanctions. According to the Institute, without sanctions, German exports to Russia could be on average €618 million higher. As reported on Thursday by the German newspaper Rheinische Post, in an unpublished study of the German Institute for world economy (IfW), Germany more than other Western countries suffered from the imposition of sanctions against Russia. We are talking about the losses due to the decline in exports, according to the study, “Germany accounts for 40% of retail losses in the West, while other major geopolitical players such as the United Kingdom (7,9%), France (4,1%), USA (0,6%), affected a lot less.” The total losses from the sanctions in