CEC responded to the call of Khodorkovsky not to allow Putin before the election

CEC responded to the call of Khodorkovsky not to allow Putin before the election The Chairman of the Central election Commission of Russia, Ella Pamfilova said pressure on the CEC open letter of Mikhail Khodorkovsky to the Commission, which urged not to register the candidacy of President Vladimir Putin in the upcoming elections. According to Pamfilova, this is a violation of the Constitution. “I’m not afraid to take responsibility for their decisions nor before the court of history, nor to anyone else, because it relied on the Constitution, the law, their life principles and beliefs. All the various forms of public pressure on me and my colleagues at the CEC are senseless”, — Pamfilova said at the request of “Vedomosti”. Earlier, the former head of Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky urged the CEC to refuse to Vladimir Putin in registration as a presidential candidate. “In the third term, between 2008 and 2012,

The government has allocated 55 billion rubles in loans to the regions

The government has allocated 55 billion rubles in loans to the regions Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed to allocate an additional 55 billion rubles for the provision of budget loans to regions. According to the document, the increase in costs due to “the need to ensure balanced budgets and the debt refinancing of regions”. The draft document was prepared by the Ministry of Finance and approved at the meeting of the tripartite Commission on interbudgetary relations. Earlier, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that several regions that are now asking for help from the Federal centre, concealed from the authorities their budget problems in previous years. “Such decisions we have sinned Mari El, Penza oblast, Magadan, Novgorod region and so forth,” — said the Minister. In November at the meeting of the government Commission on regional development it was decided that the subsidies to balance the budgets of constituent

Saakashvili in an open letter to Poroshenko urged him to voluntarily resign

Saakashvili in an open letter to Poroshenko urged him to voluntarily resign The politician said that the voluntary resignation of the President of Ukraine — “it’s almost the last chance to overcome the political crisis.” 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий KIEV, December 20. /TASS/. Former President of Georgia, ex-Governor of Odessa region and the leader of the “new forces Movement” Michael Saakashvili has published the night of Wednesday in a Facebook open letter to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. The opposition politician urged the Ukrainian leader to voluntarily leave the post. “Admit to yourself and to the people that you and your colleagues are not able or want to change Ukraine for the better. Your voluntary resignation — it’s almost the last chance to overcome the political crisis, which otherwise will only deepen. The President, who voluntarily resigned, his head bowed before the will of the people, can count on mitigation of punishment

Safronov: the UN is not entitled to investigate allegations about the supply of Iranian weapons to Yemen

Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov © AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN, 20 Dec. /TASS/. The UN Secretariat is not mandated to investigate allegations the United States and other countries on the supply of Iranian weapons to Yemeni rebels. This was stated on Tuesday by Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov at the meeting of the Security Council on the implementation of resolution 2231 adopted to support the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Russian military observers returned from Donbass

Russian military observers returned from Donbass Russian officers watching the execution of the Minsk agreements, he returned to Russia. They could not cross the contact line in the Donbass for Monday. Russian officers from the Joint center for control and coordination of ceasefire and stabilization of the line of contact between the parties (SCCC) returned to Russia. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to its own correspondent. The Russian military, said the Agency crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border through the checkpoint nekhoteevka. In Russia, the observers returned to full strength — 75 people. On the morning of Tuesday, December 19, the Russian military crossed the line of contact of Armed forces of Ukraine and military forces of the self-proclaimed DND. The foreign Ministry of Russia took a decision to recall the Russian officers from government-controlled Soledar, where the headquarters of the JCCC, December 18, explaining it “disrespectful treatment of Ukrainian soldiers”

The White house announced a tough stance trump against Russia

The White house announced a tough stance trump against Russia Moscow. 20 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump and his administration to take a hard line against Russia, said the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. “The President has made it clear what their position is. We have a tough stance against Russia, we impose sanctions against Russia, we import energy and exerted a strong impact on them. The President showed no softness in this issue,” she told reporters. Answering the question, why is trump in the course of his speech on the national security strategy of the USA is not expressed in the address of Russia “the aggressive language in the document,” Sanders said that the President “decided to focus on various things in his speech, but these questions were included in the national security strategy, as they are important and are part of the point

Head of the representative office of the armed forces at the JCCC said about provocations of the Ukrainian military

© Valery sharifulin/TASS The CROSSING NEKHOTEEVKA /Belgorodskaya oblast’/, 20 Dec. /TASS/. The Ukrainian military had systematically committed provocations against the Russian troops from the Joint center for control and coordination of questions of ceasefire and stabilization of the situation (SCCC), including when performing tasks in the conflict zone. This was reported to journalists by the head of mission of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation in SCCC Lieutenant-General Sergey Kostarev.

UNGA adopted resolution of Kiev on the situation of human rights in Crimea

UNGA adopted resolution of Kiev on the situation of human rights in Crimea UN, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The UN General Assembly adopted a Ukrainian resolution on the situation of human rights in Crimea, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. In the document Russia “urge” to carry out 12 recommendations to “put an immediate end to all violations and abuses of human rights against the inhabitants of Crimea”. The resolution was voted 70, against — 26, 76 countries abstained. Among those who supported the initiative — the majority of European countries and the USA, as well as Georgia. It was opposed by Russia, China, India, Serbia, Armenia, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, South Africa and others. Many countries in the Middle East and North Africa (Egypt, UAE, Oman) and Latin America (Brazil, El Salvador, Chile) abstained. Ukraine prepared a draft resolution in mid-November, was approved by the relevant Committee